Your Dog's Capabilities

Uploaded on February 7, 2013 • 2 min
Michael Ellis discusses some of the physical and mental limitations of dogs. He also discusses the limitations of both the dog and the trainer.


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February 14, 2013
Michael puts this so well and it is the truth as handlers we need to see and accept our dogs for who they are. As instructors we need to constantly remind are students that all dogs can't be good at everything, it makes them no less a dog, a companion, friend nor will it undermine the loyalty a dog gives us unconditionally. Thank you Michael for another informative clip.
February 7, 2013
Great topic! Now for the next step - how to ascertain your dogs' capabilities.. And maybe, if you're game, how to recognise ones own shortcomings as a trainer. Thanks for this great video :-)
February 7, 2013
Right on! Applies to human beings as well!! Our schools and the 'politically correct' should keep this in mind.
February 7, 2013
What DVD are these recent ME posts from? They are very informative.
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