1 hr, 12 min
June 24, 2014
The majority of dog owners only use their leash when taking their dog for a walk. A large number of those people are being pulled down the street each and every time they attempt to walk their dog. No one enjoys this experience, which is why we have produced this DVD on how to use your leash as a tool to communicate with your dog. Through a process called "leash pressure," we can teach the dog how to politely walk on the leash by implementing the skill we call "Loose Leash Walking."
Three of the most common questions we receive about Michael Ellis' training system are:
1. What is Leash Pressure?
2. How do you teach Leash Pressure?
3. When is it appropriate to incorporate Leash Pressure into your training program?
The content of this video is an expansion of the Leash Pressure information, which is covered briefly in our video, Focused Heeling.
This training will allow you to use the leash as a communication tool, which means giving your dog directional cues using pressure or slight pulls on the lead.
The DVD will break down how to establish leash pressure in a detailed, step-by-step process. We will also cover practical applications of this new skill. Everyday uses for leash pressure include loose leash walking, finishes, heeling, recalls and play.
1) Introduction: What is leash pressure? Why do we use it? Where does it fit into our overall system?
2) Prerequisites: What do you need to have in place before you start, and when should you start?
3) Managing your dog pre-leash pressure. Use of harness, flexi, Halti/Gentle Leader, food, long lines, etc.
4) Choosing your equipment: Which choices we have, and factors that affect the tools we choose.
5) The process: Introducing "leash pressure" to your dog.
6) Uses for "leash pressure" after the process is complete:
A) Learning to cope with mild stress.
B) Position in heeling (focused and otherwise).
C) Finishes.
D) Loose leash walking.
E) "Contact" heeling.
F) Working through possessiveness in play.
G) Finishing recall work.
H) Blocking errors in training (i.e. going through doors, target work/place work, preventing a dog from engaging in self-reinforcing behaviors, limiting options, etc.).
I) Preparation for, and the eventual use of, correction in our training (positive punishment).
7) Pros and cons of shaping of leash pressure with rewards when used as an alternative to real negative reinforcement.
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Leash Skills with Michael Ellis
Uploaded on June 24, 2014 •
1 hr, 12 min
The majority of dog owners only use their leash when taking their dog for a walk. A large number of those people are being pulled down the street each and every time they attempt to walk their dog. No one enjoys this experience, which is why we have produced this DVD on how to use your leash as a tool to communicate with your dog. Through a process called "leash pressure," we can teach the dog how to politely walk on the leash by implementing the skill we call "Loose Leash Walking."
Three of the most common questions we receive about Michael Ellis' training system are:
1. What is Leash Pressure?
2. How do you teach Leash Pressure?
3. When is it appropriate to incorporate Leash Pressure into your training program?
The content of this video is an expansion of the Leash Pressure information, which is covered briefly in our video, Focused Heeling.
This training will allow you to use the leash as a communication tool, which means giving your dog directional cues using pressure or slight pulls on the lead.
The DVD will break down how to establish leash pressure in a detailed, step-by-step process. We will also cover practical applications of this new skill. Everyday uses for leash pressure include loose leash walking, finishes, heeling, recalls and play.
1) Introduction: What is leash pressure? Why do we use it? Where does it fit into our overall system?
2) Prerequisites: What do you need to have in place before you start, and when should you start?
3) Managing your dog pre-leash pressure. Use of harness, flexi, Halti/Gentle Leader, food, long lines, etc.
4) Choosing your equipment: Which choices we have, and factors that affect the tools we choose.
5) The process: Introducing "leash pressure" to your dog.
6) Uses for "leash pressure" after the process is complete:
A) Learning to cope with mild stress.
B) Position in heeling (focused and otherwise).
C) Finishes.
D) Loose leash walking.
E) "Contact" heeling.
F) Working through possessiveness in play.
G) Finishing recall work.
H) Blocking errors in training (i.e. going through doors, target work/place work, preventing a dog from engaging in self-reinforcing behaviors, limiting options, etc.).
I) Preparation for, and the eventual use of, correction in our training (positive punishment).
7) Pros and cons of shaping of leash pressure with rewards when used as an alternative to real negative reinforcement.
Three of the most common questions we receive about Michael Ellis' training system are:
1. What is Leash Pressure?
2. How do you teach Leash Pressure?
3. When is it appropriate to incorporate Leash Pressure into your training program?
The content of this video is an expansion of the Leash Pressure information, which is covered briefly in our video, Focused Heeling.
This training will allow you to use the leash as a communication tool, which means giving your dog directional cues using pressure or slight pulls on the lead.
The DVD will break down how to establish leash pressure in a detailed, step-by-step process. We will also cover practical applications of this new skill. Everyday uses for leash pressure include loose leash walking, finishes, heeling, recalls and play.
1) Introduction: What is leash pressure? Why do we use it? Where does it fit into our overall system?
2) Prerequisites: What do you need to have in place before you start, and when should you start?
3) Managing your dog pre-leash pressure. Use of harness, flexi, Halti/Gentle Leader, food, long lines, etc.
4) Choosing your equipment: Which choices we have, and factors that affect the tools we choose.
5) The process: Introducing "leash pressure" to your dog.
6) Uses for "leash pressure" after the process is complete:
A) Learning to cope with mild stress.
B) Position in heeling (focused and otherwise).
C) Finishes.
D) Loose leash walking.
E) "Contact" heeling.
F) Working through possessiveness in play.
G) Finishing recall work.
H) Blocking errors in training (i.e. going through doors, target work/place work, preventing a dog from engaging in self-reinforcing behaviors, limiting options, etc.).
I) Preparation for, and the eventual use of, correction in our training (positive punishment).
7) Pros and cons of shaping of leash pressure with rewards when used as an alternative to real negative reinforcement.
August 15, 2024
Excellent video for anyone wanting to improve their process on teaching a dog how to understand leash pressure.
August 16, 2022
Short video crammed with info.
My only complaint about the price was the shipping charge. The video was on sale for $20 and I thought it was well worth that.
My only complaint about the price was the shipping charge. The video was on sale for $20 and I thought it was well worth that.
July 10, 2022
Great info, short and sweet, this dvd really fills in the missing pieces from the focused heeling dvd. Maybe it should be included as a package.
February 15, 2021
As always great stuff. But $50 is over priced.. should be 35$ at most
January 2, 2021
If you are going into this video thinking its going to solve all your problems you will be disappointed. But if you go into this DVD looking for more information or stuff you may have missed then you will be satisfied with the material. The parts that really benefited me were where they talk about using the leash for possessiveness and actual loose leash walking. This video helps reassure you and/or helps reaffirm what many people may already know.
September 8, 2019
leash work but no corrections taught? $20 dvd at best love michael and leerburg but this should just be added onto another dvd for free.
June 7, 2019
Wonderful info, as always, from Michael Ellis. However, this dvd is not very heavy on new info if you are already familiar with Michael's method. The new info in this dvd could have easily fitted into one of the others. Therefor I find this dvd heavily over priced and am a bit disappointed. Also a bit hesitant on purchasing any of the other more specific dvd's.
August 29, 2018
Like other viewers, I feel this video is overpriced. It should be 35-40 instead of 55-65 dollars. Michael Ellis is an exceptional trainer- his methods are clearly presented and they work. I know, because I have been to his school and taken classes and I am successfully training my dog using his methods. So, this is why I bought his video first. But, this video focuses on leash pressure, and doesn't cover enough in depth regarding placement of dog and how to walk out in public with your dog- how to use the leash as far as lengths, grips, and overall how to handle yourself out in public with your dog. I found I just did not have enough information, so felt compelled to buy Leerburg's Tyler Muto's online DVD Loose Leash Walking. The combination of the two videos is giving me what I need, but now I have paid well over 100 dollars. Of course I don't know the Ellis DVD is so costly- could be valid reasons, but if possible to lower price -- a good idea. Still I say this because of what is contained in the video not because of anything poor about Ellis's training. Also, the video quality and sound for me was very good-no problems.
March 14, 2018
This video is over-priced. It should have been at least in the 25-30 dollar range. Content is good but way over-priced.
June 17, 2017
agree with some previous comments, overpriced for amount of content covered. excellent content and well presented, just overlapping. probably could have been bundled into another dvd.
December 24, 2016
I will admit this DVD was a bit overpriced, so get this with a coupon code whenever they are available. However, this DVD was pretty informative and interesting to watch.
January 27, 2016
I love Michael Ellis and all his DVD's are fantastic. Leerburg is my #1 source for Dog training information. This DVD was WAY overpriced for the information provided. If you want a DVD to cover all the same concepts, buy Focused Heeling. Same price, way, way more info. This DVD should be half the price.
April 4, 2015
All Michael Ellis training is informative. I recommend many of his dvd's if not all of them for the serious dog trainer.
The leash pressure DVD has to be the most disappointing to me. There are many over laps from other the other DVDs and I felt I didn't learn much more than what I knew from the focused heeling DVD. If budget isn't a big deal then go ahead and buy it. Otherwise I say it is way way overpriced. This DVD should be significantly cheaper than the other Michael Ellis videos. Love the training methods just disappointed in the overlaps and price point. Buy the focused heeling DVD and watch the leash pressure and you will get the same info.
The leash pressure DVD has to be the most disappointing to me. There are many over laps from other the other DVDs and I felt I didn't learn much more than what I knew from the focused heeling DVD. If budget isn't a big deal then go ahead and buy it. Otherwise I say it is way way overpriced. This DVD should be significantly cheaper than the other Michael Ellis videos. Love the training methods just disappointed in the overlaps and price point. Buy the focused heeling DVD and watch the leash pressure and you will get the same info.
February 28, 2015
I had great success with the methods used in this DVD. I watched it maybe 20 times haha before I started the process with my 6 month old Pitbull. She caught on very quickly and we only needed to do 4 sessions. She is simply a dream on the leash now, and I can't tell you how much more enjoyable walks are using loose leash walking (where the dog is free to sniff around or drop back or walk a little in front of you) rather than have them walk at your side the whole time, which is how I trained my previous dogs to walk. I highly recommend this DVD, especially for pet dog owners.
December 16, 2014
Good information about how to train your dog to yield to a leash. Also provides useful applications of the leash pressure to various situations, eg toy possessiveness, heeling etc.
It is overpriced for the amount of content in the DVD, but definitely a useful addition to your training video library!
It is overpriced for the amount of content in the DVD, but definitely a useful addition to your training video library!
July 25, 2014
I simply feel this DVD was drastically over priced because the content was really nothing more than examples of dogs who have had some type of previous leash pressure training before, so it all looked the same. The information seemed more like a compilation of pieces of the other DVDs than an extension of any one of them. There were no difficult dogs. There were tidbits of information that might be new, but for me, not near enough to substantiate the cost. I guess they all can't be great but until this one they have been. Still a big fan and making plans to attend his school.
July 6, 2014
This DVD is well worth the money I spent. It's the kind of DVD that you'll re watch many times and learn something new every time.
June 27, 2014
This video really shows the how and why to get a good walking dog. Only question I have left is, do all of your dogs go through this loose leash training prior to basic obedience?
Thank you for the great training videos.
Thank you for the great training videos.