New Ask Cindy

Uploaded on June 1, 2015 • 3 min
Do you have a question about your dog but not sure where to turn for an answer? Or maybe you’ve found conflicting information and are unsure of whom you can trust. After all, you are going to be living with your dog for the next 10-15 years. We consider providing accurate information about how to train and care for your dog of the utmost importance. Utilizing Leerburg's question and answer section on our website is a great resource. We have comprised a searchable database of over 3,200 unique questions submitted to us over the years. This database of questions is growing every day. Cindy receives a lot of emails and all of those that are unique questions are posted to the site along with the answers for other users to benefit and learn from. If, however, you are unable to find the answer to your specific question on our site, we recommend that you ask Cindy directly. Those of you who have taken advantage of the free service in the past may have noticed a recent change in how your questions are submitted as well as how your answer will be delivered back. We updated the ask Cindy portion of our site to make it more interactive and user friendly. Rather than simply sending an email, our new system allows for a back and forth dialog with one of the best trainers in the United States. This new system allows us to provide better and more specific information by truly getting to know our users and their dogs.


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July 11, 2023
Did the Michael Ellis “the power of training with toys”dvd get revised ? I saw a copy on eBay and was wondering if like the Ellis food video you revised it. It looks the same but is dated 2016 and is only 1 dvd. Thx
February 21, 2023
I can't find the place to ask Cindy a question.
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