Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis Promo
Leerburg has been working hard with Michael Ellis to bring you brand new and updated training information in our newest DVD, Training the Retrieve. The 2018 release of Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis is unique in that it not only teaches you the entire process of training a formal retrieve with the use of reward-based training techniques, but Michael also explains and demonstrates in detail, how and when to properly utilize pressure-based techniques in the retrieve if the trainer finds it necessary. Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis is an excellent resource for anyone wishing to train a formal retrieve, whether it be for a sport or competition obedience dog, a service dog, hunting dog, or if you simply want to train your dog to get a beer from the fridge. This DVD will cover all of the foundational skills needed to train the formal retrieve as well as some common challenges trainers may face and techniques to troubleshoot those challenges. We’ve designed this DVD to accommodate a wide range of skill levels for both trainers and dogs and no prior experience is necessary to start this work. We hope you and your dog enjoy this DVD!
This DVD is available for preorder starting April 7, 2018. With your preorder, we will include our Retrieve Starter Kit in your order for FREE! You'll get the updated Training the Retrieve DVD, 1 wooden retrieve dowel, and 1 PVC retrieve rod all for only $65! CLICK HERE TO SHOP
This DVD will also be available to purchase in a set with the older version of Training the Retrieve. Save $31 by purchasing the set! CLICK HERE TO SHOP