When To Stop Using Food Rewards in Dog Training

Uploaded on April 20, 2023 • 16 min

In this video, Ed Frawley discusses using food rewards in dog training. Some people believe you should never train with food because if you are ever in a situation without food your dog won't listen to you. Ed addresses this claim in the video and explains how to manage your reward schedule so your dog doesn't become conditioned to that way of thinking and behaving.



The Power of Training Dogs with Food by Michael Ellis - Online Course

When to Stop Using Food Rewards in Dog Training - Article


When people have specific training questions we recommend that they go to our website and post those questions in the ASK CINDY on the front page of leerburg.com. Cindy has been training dogs since she was a teenager and has competed in several dog sports at a regional and national level. She was also a vet tech and owned a boarding/training and grooming business for many years as well as breeding working Dobermans and Belgian Malinois under the kennel name Kaiserhaus.

Questions posted to ASK CINDY are answered almost every day. They are also recorded in our systems if a dog owner has additional questions Cindy will review the previous Q&As and this helps her give better feedback and assistance.


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April 25, 2023
Thank you! I like the idea of making the food random. I did it tonight & my dog is now working much better.
April 22, 2023
Another great video we look forward to watching them, we have three GSD's at the moment my oldest is 6 using the jack potting reward event has really motivated her again and i have put more time into making training more fun for her I had slipped into becoming flat with my training as she knew all the exercises this has really helped with her motivation.
The slot machine analogy will stick in my mind it's a perfect way of looking at it.
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