Dominant Dog Collars vs Slip Collars

Uploaded on May 2, 2024 • 4 min

Dominant Dog Collar

Nylon Slip Collar

Article: Dominant Dog Collars vs. Slip Collars

Dominant Dog Collars and Slip Collars are tools used to manage dominant or aggressive dogs. In this video, you’ll learn the differences between both collars and why Dominant Dog Collars should be used on almost all dogs instead of a slip collar.


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January 26, 2025
I don't see any relevance to a shorter length collar being superior when attached to a lead that is 3' to 6' long. Still a slip collar in the action it performs it's just just 6'6" instead of 6'2". I like the materials you use on a dominate dog collar but the fact remains that all that weight from the snap is completely counter intuitive to how you just describe correct placement on the dogs head/neck. Maybe this collar is amazing with med to long haired dogs but on a short hair dog it would just drop right out of correct placement. Quality product but it wouldn't be a great choice for short hairs and I feel like that gets lost in these info vids/recommendations. Love to see a slip with rubber stoppers being stocked utilizing your materials!
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