Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes

New Q&As

June 17, 2024
My 2 dogs do not get along and they have been in bloody fights a couple of times. Will muzzling them in the house allow them to get along?

I have two dogs that cannot get along: a 9 year old spayed female lab/shepherd mix, and a 5 year old intact female German Shorthair. The German Shorthair was 11 months old when I got her, and when I brought her home, the mix breed attacked her. She responded by attacking the mixed breed, and they have been enemies ever since. It got bloody a couple of times. Currently, the German Shorthair stays outside most of the time, and the mix stays in the house. I run them daily (separately), and when th...

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June 16, 2024
My Dutch Shepherd pup climbs out of the ex-pen, should I get a higher one?

Hi Cindy. All is going well with the Dutch Shepard pup thanks to your support. In an early segment of the video you recommended. An ex-pen is recommended. Unfortunately the pup has been able to climb out so it keeps trying. Would you recommend an even higher one (ours is about waist high) or another method for keeping the dog around activity but not always trying to escape. Many Thanks,

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June 15, 2024
My German Shepherd whines a lot in the car, especially when we stop or slow down. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cindy - I have 2 German Shepherd dogs - a 20 month old recently neutered male that we got as a pup, and an 18 month old intact female we have had since September. Both get daily obedience training and play at home, and professional training (obedience and scent work). Plenty of exercise - between 3-6 miles of walking daily. Both are attentive, eager to please and have pleasant demeanors. Male is more boisterous. Dogs ride in back of our SUV in a 2 dog crate with a divider. The male love...

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Popular Q&As

November 20, 2012
My mom’s GSD has a lot of behavioral issues and is teetering on the edge of needing a new home. I’m frustrated with her, can you suggest some specific DVDs?

Hello Ed & Cindy, I'm writing today regarding my mother's year old spayed female GSD. She was purchased by my 18 year old brother who didn't do groundwork before leaving for college. She is loving & intelligent, but extremely stubborn and dominant. I've never had a dog this frustrating to train. She is teetering on the edge of needing to find a new home because of her behavioral issues. I'm hoping that you can suggest specific DVDs and articles that are most fitting for her issues. We'...

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October 25, 2016
When we drop (our dog) off at daycare, he is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. Should we nix daycare?

We have an almost 7mth Malinois who when we drop off at daycare, is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. They said the rest of the day, he is perfect; it's just right after drop off happens. He starts crying when we pull up to the clinic not wanting to go but then they say he does excellent all day long! We don't get it. Just want to address the nipping issues because some techs are starting to get a ...

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November 18, 2014
What's the shipping stress on a new puppy? I'm getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air.

What is the shipping stress on puppies? I will be getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air. The flight should only be one to one and a half hours.

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Recommended Q&As

June 3, 2024
What are your thoughts on keeping a dog with a retained testicle intact?

I've been exploring the benefits of keeping dogs intact and encountered a predicament with my 5-month-old blue heeler who has a retained testicle. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this specific issue. Local vet recommends neutering him, and I came across the Leerburg article Neutering Male Dogs: Should You or Shouldn't You, which supports neutering monorchid dogs. However Chris Zink cites a study only about 12.8% of dogs with retained testicles developed cancer in the retained testicle, typi...

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June 1, 2024
My 10 week old Labradoodle is doing really well with engagement, when can I start luring and shaping behaviors like sit and down?

My puppy is 10 weeks old and is already engaging really well, even in new places and with small distractions. I plan to continue socializing him by going to new places and doing engagement, with progressively more difficult distractions. He's an Australian labradoodle and obviously doesn't focus as intently as the high drive malinois I've seen but I imagine it continually improves with practice. I'm wondering when I should start luring and shaping behaviors like sit, down, look, etc and in wh...

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April 7, 2024
I have two questions on product recommentations. First, I need a leash to keep in my vehicle in case of an emergency and I would like to know what you suggest. Second, I would like to carry a stun gun or spray in case of being attacked by a loose dog. What do you recommend?

I have two questions for you on which products to order or your recommendations. 1. I would like to have a leash in my vehicle I can use in an emergency to get a stray dog safely off the road. I currently carry a regular dog leash, but if the dog is not wearing a collar to attach it to then it does not work out so well. Is there a good leash style that works even if the dog is not wearing a collar? 2. I would like to carry a stun gun and some kind of spray just in case I get attacked by a ...

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