May 19, 2011

What DVDs would you suggest for the husky that we just brought into our home?

Full Question:

I was told about your DVDs by a dog trainer. We just adopted a 3 year old husky from the shelter, who counting us is now on the 5th home. She was given up by a couple in a divorce, given to a friend where she killed 2 cats, sent to the shelter and returned because of escape problems.

I see no escape problems because I know she just doesn't know where she belongs and is scared of being left again. She did however in the first 3 hours of her coming home with us, she attacked my dog because he was trying to get around her in a close space and we where we were eating dinner.

She gets very excited and overly hard at play that seems to turn into too much aggression. We are having a dog trainer come to the house to access her in our surroundings. It was also suggested to get your DVD and I was told about wolf pack mentality.

Which of these DVDs do you suggest?

Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet - 4 Hrs.
Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs - 3 Hrs. 30 Min.
Electric Collar Training for Pet Owners - 2 Hrs. 45 Min.


Ed Ed's Answer:
I would begin by recommending you put into practice the information in my free eBook on ADDING A NEW DOG TO A HOME WITH OTHER DOGS.

The way you introduced this new dog is a bit dangerous and not conducive to long term living arrangements.

You are correct – a dog like this needs to know that you, your family and other dog are her new pack. She needs to learn your pack rules (I.E. no aggression allowed, etc.). This is taught in my DVD on pack structure, Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog.

The dog also needs to get sound obedience training. This is handled in my DVD Basic Dog Obedience. If I were you I would become an expert in marker training – STUDY the information in my eBook on this (also free) THE POWER OF TRAINING DOGS WITH MARKER. I have a DVD on it as well called The Power of Training Dogs with Markers. This work establishes a level of communication that is based on trust and reward. It’s very clear – black and white to a dog.

If we had a dog like this in our home we would not take it off leash for a long, long time. That includes in the house. This is part of the pack structure program. It’s a subtle way (without corrections) of showing the dog that you control every aspect of its life. Dogs have to ear off leash privileges. To do that also requires the use of a dog crate. I have free streaming videos on my web site about how to get dogs used to dog crates. It’s also explained in detail in the DVDs.

Some time down the road you will get to the point of off leash work. Frankly this could be months. To enforce this we recommend low level stimulation with a remote collar. The emphasis is on low level. Those who start too high too soon will forever not be able to go back and do it correctly with low level. This work is explained in detail in my Remote Collar Training for the Pet Owner DVD.

Cindy and I both use a Dogtra 280ncp remote collar when we train our dogs. This collar has a very small receiver (on the dogs neck) in addition to a digital readout on the transmitter. This is critical in fine tuning the low level stimulation we use in the training.

I always caution people when they talk about bringing people into their home that are supposed to be trainers. Probably 80% lack experience in pack structure. Most are either "yank and crank" trainers or "100% clicker" trainers (with no corrections) Read the eBook I wrote on MY PHILOSOPHY OF DOG TRAINING. You will learn something about what to be weary of here.

You may want to join my web discussion board. It has 13,000 registered members. You may also want to look at our newsletters. Each semi-weekly newsletter has a free streaming training video.

Good luck

Ed Frawley

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