May 05, 2011

My ten-month old Westie eats rocks. Would using the lap dogs remote collar work to make her hate rocks be a good idea? Does the DVD give all the details about its proper use?

Full Question:

I am so glad to have found your web site today while searching for information about using muzzles and the proper fit of prong collars.

My ten-month old Westie eats rocks. She has already had two surgeries to remove rocks from her stomach. A small path in my garden is where she gets the rocks and temporarily, I have covered the path with landscape cloth, thinking to remove them (but it will be hard to be sure I get them all). Meanwhile she aggressively digs at the landscape cloth until she can access the rocks.

The vet says she will always have to wear a muzzle when outside anywhere. This, I don't believe, will be a good solution. She is very loving, happy, good-natured dog and I don't want to do anything to change her lovely temperament, and currently a great life-style. She's had some obedience training and is cooperative.

She (Susannah) is right at 12 pounds now and probably will weigh about 14-15 lbs when grown, based on her mother's size.

Sorry to go on so long. My question is would using the "lap dogs" remote collar work to make her hate rocks a good idea? Does the DVD give all the details about its proper use? Would she have to wear it inside the house, too? Would she end up hating the collar, too?

Thank you for the great information on your site!

Many thanks for any advice about my rock-eating puppy.

Charlotte, North Carolina
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Using a remote collar to reinforce a YUCK or LEAVE IT command is an option, and for her safety is recommended. I would also use a muzzle until you figure out whether this is something that can be fixed or if it will be a lifetime of management.

I would probably look into a medical reason for the obsessive rock eating. Many puppies do this for a few weeks but they quickly outgrow it. For your dog to be so obsessed leads me to believe there may be more going on than just a behavioral issue.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum. Type in the words PICA and you will find a lot of information on this.

Here is a link to a Q&A I answered about this last week.

The DVDs I would recommend for you are the following:

Pack Structure for the Family Pet
Basic Dog Obedience
Electric collar Training for the Pet Owner

I don’t have a lot of experience with the lap dog trainer but I think for your needs it would be fine.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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