May 05, 2011

I'm getting a GSD puppy in about a month and was wondering what to feed it. Suggestions?

Full Question:
Ed and Cindy,

I have a few questions concerning food and vaccinating my new puppy... I didn't know who to send this to so I sent it to both of you and and hopefully both of you with your plethora of knowledge can help me. My question/problem is that I'm getting a GSD puppy in about a month and was wondering what to feed it. I have done A LOT of research on feeding raw vs. high end dog food. My big problem that I keep running into is what to feed a puppy so they gets all the vitamins and nutrient so they'll grow into a healthy dog. I heard of PANO and how dog food can make your puppy grow to fast and I don't want that to happen. When you have puppies what do you feed them so they have a balanced diet and receive everything they should. I've also read up on Vaccinating older dog but haven't found much in the way of puppies... Like what, how many, how often... that is healthy for a puppy for the first year of its life. Also I wanted to say I love your website, it's so informational and helpful. It helped me with my K9 at work, my husbands service dog and our soon to be new puppy.

Thanks again for all you do.....

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the kind words. We have a great section on feeding dogs on the website.

We feed raw to all our dogs, from weaning to senior citizen. Since switching to raw dog food many years ago, we’ve had very little pano in any of our dogs. If we do run into pano you can read what I’ve used to give the dogs relief.

Here is a Q&A section on raw feeding.

The 2 best books for learning about the raw diet are Raw Dog Food and Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats. We give both these books to our puppy customers and rarely have questions about the diet.

I’d recommend these books on vaccines, Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats and Shock to the System.

We do not vaccinate our dogs or puppies, but I encourage all dog owners to do their research and make the choice best suited for them and their dogs. I’d also recommend reading about vaccinosis.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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