May 13, 2011

We recently rescued an 8-month-old female who's become aggressive and has attacked our other female. Is something like this possible to fix?

Full Question:
Perhaps you could give some very desperate owners some advice on how to handle this?

We have three rescue dogs two about twelve; male and female one recently rescued about 8 months old a female just over her first heat. She became very aggressive with the older female, she has established her dominance but still there has been several attacks and the last few were bloody ones and harmful to the older female.

Is something like this possible to fix and how? We're planning to have her spayed will that help?

Our vet said to separate them and that the spaying probably won't help the situation. Another professional dog trainer said to beat her if that doesn't help get rid of her and our dog trainer said to spray pepper mace in her face. These are all very old school, we don't beat our dogs.

I'm looking for an answer, getting rid of a dog is something we don't won't to do that's the soul purpose of rescuing these animals.>

Thank you in advance for any help!

Ed Ed's Answer:
You need to listen to this vet. The dog needs to be separated from the other dogs with a dog crate. They should not be together. This is not a big deal – we have dogs that we would not consider allowing them to be together.

You misrepresented the person who told you to beat the dog. This is a not professional – it’s a fool who lacks experience. Do your dogs a favor – don’t every go back to this person.

I can’t tell you if this dog will every co-exist out of a crate with this dog. When you add a third dog you own a dog pack and this ALWAYS elevates pack and rank drives.

I would recommend that you educate yourself with several of the DVDs I have produced:

Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog

Basic Dog Obedience

Remote Collar Training for the Pet Owner

Kind Regards,

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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