May 17, 2011

A local training school told me I should use German to train protection work. They said this would make it easier for my dog to understand. Is this true?

Full Question:
Hi, I am interested in purchasing your training videos but I would like to ask a few questions that I haven't seen in your Q&A section before I purchase. I have a Rotty that is 12 weeks old that we bought when he was 8 weeks. He is the sweetest dog and just loves everyone. We purchased him for a family pet as well as for personal protection for our family. Now my two questions;1. I have been told by a local training school that I may consider to attend with my Rotty that he should be trained with German commands thus avoiding confusion to the dog. What is your stance on using German commands? I have had dogs all my life from German Shephards to mixed breeds and have trained them all in the basics of sit, wait, no, easy, etc... but my question to you is can I train my dog in personal protection (bite work) just from your videos or do I need to attend instructor led classes?

Thank you for your time,
Ed Ed's Answer:
This training school that gave this information on German commands is confused. They need more training themselves. You can train a dog in pig Latin – the language is not important it’s the training that is important. The dog must understand exactly what you mean. The fact that the command is in German, English, Spanish or whatever language it 100% irrelevant. There are plenty of commands in English to cover the things that you will need to teach a dog.If you want to personal protection train your dog you can and should do 100% of the foundation work yourself. Most of this work is done at your home. This training starts at 8 to 10 weeks and goes to 12 to 13 months. When the foundation work is finished then you need a helper.To do the foundation work you will need: The Foundation of Puppy Bitework and Teaching Protection Skills without a Decoy

As an owner it is very important that you understand the training steps and drives required to take a dog through bite work training. These training videos will give you that information. But no matter what – after the 12 to 13 month age (assuming you have done the foundation properly) you will have to find someone to do helper work. A lot of PP trainers need a lot of training themselves. They push dogs in defense way to soon. The videos are going to teach you what to look for in a helper, you will understand the training steps and you will recognize a skilled helper or more importantly a BOZO who is going to screw your dog up.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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