May 18, 2011

I have an Airedale pup who throws a fit if it doesn’t get its own way. What should I do?

Full Question:
I brought Lacy home at 7 weeks 10 days ago. I have a 2 1/2 year old mild mannered Airedale (Callie) who enjoys playing with baby, but might not be aggressive enough in disciplining puppy who consistantly nips at her...and hurts her (has drawn blood)...should we stop allowing tug of war with frisbees and chew toys for awhile? Puppy is extremely assertive. Also, puppy has flat out snit fits if she does not get her own way...for instance, she got over-stimulated today and got put in her indoor run with cage; she threw a little fit for 10 minutes. Very difficult to take. We either say no and sort of stare or simply ignore her and she finally settles down. Very disturbing with barking and whining every two hours at night...hard to settle her down after taking her out for business...she wants to play and we won't let her. Unfortunately, we are thinking of taking her back. Callie desperately needs a playmate, though, and have looked for same for almost a year.
Ed Ed's Answer:
This is more of a handler problem than a dog problem.

During this time period the dog should be spending a great deal of time in the crate. Is it annoying to put up with? YES!! But unless you do it you are going to end up with a spoiled pain in the butt. This pup must learn that it’s normal to be in the crate and to carry on and bark does absolutely no good. You should not stare at it, just ignore it.

Every time you leave the house it should be in the crate, put the crate in the garage if you have to. It’s like breaking a horse - it will fight you and fight you until it one day realizes that it’s no use. The only ones that don't learn are the ones where the people give in and let them out before they should.

An 8 week old pup will have a problem going all night without relieving itself. This is normal. Pick the water up at 6 PM. By 10 to 12 weeks it should be able to be in the crate all night without a problem.

I would put more toys down for a couple of months, let the dog have a ton of toys.

Regard my article titled Teaching Your Puppy the Meaning of the Word “No.” I also recommend you get my video titled Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months. Then at about 5 or 6 months get Basic Dog Obedience. They are intended to follow one another.

Good luck and don’t give up, it actually sounds like a nice pup. Read all the Q&A sections on my web site about pups.

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