May 20, 2011

We recently took in a stray female dog. Every time we leave the house we have to put her inside because she will climb our fence but my father won't let her stay due to her size. Ideas?

Full Question:
We recently took in a stray female dog that we think is a short haired golden retriever, or a golden retriever/lab cross. She is house trained and is the most even tempered and sweetest dog that I have ever met. But there is one problem with her. Every time we leave the house we have to put her inside because she will climb our 4 and 1/2 foot to 5 foot privacy fence. We think it is because she gets lonely or was left alone a lot before we got her. We live close to the highway and I am scared she is going to get hit by a car. She never jumps the fence when we are out side or if we check on her every 1 to 2 hours. But my dad says that she can't live in the house and she is a big dog about 4 years old maybe.

She had been nursing recently or was done nursing pups when we found her. And when everyone leaves to go to school and work we have to leave her inside. PLEASE help us we don't want to have to give her away I really need help.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
For a dog like this I would recommend a crate and/or a kennel. It sounds like your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, which is common in dogs that are rescued.

We have a question and answer section that covers this problem.

Training and structure in her daily life will help her feel more secure and settled. I would start with this article on groundwork.

I would recommend Basic Obedience training and Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

I hope this helps!


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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