May 20, 2011

I have an aggressive dog that bites and growls at me and others. Do you have any advice?

Full Question:

I got your name from a woman Cynthia from Trinity Croft. She recommended you to me because I have an aggressive dog, who seems to be getting worse.

When she was about 3 mos old I took her to a place called K-9 Guardian and we were asked to leave because she was so aggressive. For a long time I thought I could handle her but she got worse.

Last March I hired a dog trainer from ?Who?s The Boss? and he worked with us until just recently and is still consulting over the phone. She bit him 3 times and she bit me once.

Now she seems to be taking her aggression out on the other dogs, she has become very pushy, more so than usual. She even growled at me this morning. I don't know what to do, I know if I put her in a shelter she will be put to sleep and she is a very healthy 3 ? year old dog. Please, please, help me.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:

Most of the time handler aggression is a pack issue. The problems need to be solved by the owner and not some trainer. What good does it do for a trainer to establish himself or herself as your dogs pack leader? NONE !!

Not knowing your skill as a handler or your size or your dogs size I can only tell you what I do with aggressive dogs. I start out with Re-establishing Pack Structure - I start from ground zero and do exactly what I explain in the free eBook on my web site on THE GROUNDWORK TO ESTABLISHING PACK STRUCTURE My web site has a large number of FREE eBooks that I have written. Go to the main directory for eBooks.

I will have a DVD finished called ESTABLISHING PACK STRUCTURE WITH THE FAMILY PET. (I am working on it as we write here) that will be done is 3 or 4 weeks.

I would also do the work in my DVD on DEALING WITH DOMINANT AND AGGRESSIVE DOGS.

I personally work aggression with remote collars but then I understand how to do this and when necessary I use a muzzle. We have a ton of different type and sizes.

I did a DVD titled REMOTE COLLAR TRAINING FOR THE PET OWNER. I use a Dogtra 1900NCP on my personal dog. Cindy (my other half) used Dogtra 200NCP on her dogs. It’s a little smaller in size than the 1900.

There are less expensive collars on the market but I don’t believe there are better collars.

I prefer the 1900 because it has a digital read out on the transmitter that goes from 1 to 127. This allows very precise control. I am raising a GSD right now and he started wearing the collar at 4 months. I would never own a dog again without using a remote collar.

While it may seem like I am just trying to sell you DVD's here – the fact is this is not a simple issue to fix – you already found that out. It begins with handler education and this is beyond the scope of an email. My web site is over 10,000 pages but even then there is a lot of topics discussed there. These DVD’s are directed at the source of dog aggression.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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