May 20, 2011

I have a 75 lb. airedale that growls at me, I have an e-collar and I ordered the

Full Question:
Ed, I have a 75 lb. airedale that growls at me, I have an e-collar and I ordered the "training with an e-collar" and " training an aggressive and dominant dog."Do I need the special collar also? (I have a strong leather leash).

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
To be safe before I would put a remote collar on a dog like this, or even a prong or dominant dog collar on him I would run them through the pack structure work in my DVD ESTABLISHING PACK STRUCTURE WITH THE FAMILY DOG

I don’t know if this is a pack structure (dominance issue) or fear issue. When is doubt error on the side of reason. In other words – do the pack structure work.

If your going to train with a remote do the foundation correctly in obedience – you cant just put a collar on and correct the dog for growling. It will attack you – at that point it matters not if its dominance or fear - the holes in your arm hurt as much from either.

I have dealt with more dangerous dogs than I care to remember. I always took is slowly and I never got bit. You have to establish fair leadership first and your dog must believe it. This is best not done with force – not if you want a relationship with this dog.

I don’t know your level of obedience you have but I always recommend people run their dogs through these 3 DVD’s:

1- The Pack Structure
2- Basic dog obedience
3- Remote Collar for the Pet Owner

Am not trying to pedal tapes here but things like this can so south very quickly and many times it did not have to play like that.

Also use one of those CINCH-IT collar we sell on your remote – train it going on with Markers.

Good luck

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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