May 20, 2011

We have a bull terrier. My older pit bull mix has mothered him since he was 6 weeks. I am thinking the electronic collar would be best used. Which do I buy?

Full Question:
Good Morning, I have been reading information on your web site. Thank you, it is very informational. We have a puppy, not by choice, but we love him just the same. He is a bull terrier, miniature as the vet said he will only be another 10 lbs. He has become the flying monkey from hell!! My older pit bull mix (9 yrs) has mothered him since he was 6 weeks. So we have adjusted to him. We kennel at night and when we are away from home. We muzzle for biting and rough bite playing. This has worked very well. He is now 6 months. He has been neutered. He is house broken, sits, shakes, plays ball and lets it go. We are working on the leash and stay at this time. BUT!! He has become a flying monkey!!! He will run up the recliner when you fall asleep, he runs up the couch when he thinks he can get away with indoor play. We are in Las Vegas and it is still 98 degrees. So we do have some indoor activity we allow, but not this. The trainers here recommended the point collar. That only works on a leash, which we do not always use indoors. I am thinking the electronic collar would be best used. The question is if u agree, then which do I buy? His neck measures 14 cm behind the ears. We do not need something real strong. He learns by repetition, repetition, repetition!! Also the 2 seem to play too rough at times and we are thinking this could also be used then. We say ?back off? and usually the 2 know what that means and they separate. Clutch tends to keep trying to come back to play again and we realize that is some puppy, but he also needs to learn. Cleo will mind and stop, but if he keeps it up she starts again also. Can u recommend which book of yours to cover such things. We went thru a personnel trainer with Cleo as she is 70 lbs. We are doing the same training with Clutch and it is working, except he can run soooo fast and jump soooo high!! The trainer we used for Cleo has left town. The others here do not seem to know how to handle these dogs very well. We need guidance basically.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would recommend more rules, training and structure for both of your dogs.

First read this article.

I would then recommend these DVDs

Pack Structure for the Family Pet
Basic Obedience
Electric Collar Training for the Pet Owner

For collars, I would recommend the Dogtra 200NCP. They actually make a 2 dog model, so you could use the collars on both dogs (which I would recommend) the 2 dog model is the Dogtra 202 NCP.

All of your training questions will be addressed on the videos, and I think once you go through the electric collar training with your dogs it will work very well for your issues.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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