May 24, 2011

My question is, do you have any dog food without chicken, rice or carrots that our dog might try to see if we can get him good dog food that doesn't cost $60.70 per 18 lb bag?

Full Question:
Dear Cindy:

I have a 5 year old German Shepherd male who has food allergies. He is allergic to chicken, rice and carrots. We are presently feeding him potato and duck light dog food from Royal Canon. This dog food costs $60.70 per 18 lb bag. We give him duck chips from Smokehouse for treats.

In order to supplement and stretch the expensive food, I tried adding some Alpo prime cuts beef but his stool became loose. The vet said Alpo was the very worst food which I didn't know. The vet gave us Fast Balance - which didn't work - and Sulfasalazine tablets. My husband thought we might have a bad bag of dog food as the color was a little off from normal. We opened a new bag of potato and duck and the diarrhea stopped immediately so it might have been a bad bag of food.

My question is, do you have any dog food without chicken, rice or carrots that our dog might try to see if we can get him good dog food that doesn't cost $60.70 per 18 lb bag? We are retired and any money we can save is helpful.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I have found that many dogs with food allergies respond well to a raw diet, as the food is really changed in the processing. Many times dogs allergic to chicken in commercial kibble have no issues with raw “real” chicken. Read this article on feeding a raw diet. It’s a work in progress but there is a lot of good information there.

We have a list of natural kibbles that are better than average, but I would make sure you become an expert label reader no matter what brand you go with. For a dog like yours I would probably go with a grain free kibble like Orijen or Innova Evo or Wellness Core. Grains are in many cases the biggest cause of canine food sensitivities and are really hard for dogs to digest and process.

You can also go to our Feeding Dogs Page for a list of articles and books that will be helpful to you.

Make sure your vet doesn’t vaccinate your dog any more, as this will only aggravate your dog’s food sensitivities. We feel that many of the health problems our dogs face today are due to poor quality food (i.e. kibble) and too many vaccinations. For information on vaccinations and the problems they cause please read our vaccinosis article.

I would also recommend these 2 books, Shock to the System and Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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