July 17, 2014
We are getting 2 Border Collie puppies and will be training them separately (we've read Ed's article) Should we put a screen between the two pups' pens to keep them from being too doggy?
Full Question:
We are getting 2 BC litter mates. I've read Ed's cautions on doing so. We are both experienced dog trainers/handlers and will be training the pups separately, one for each of us, etc. Question: We have outdoor pens for our present 3 BC's and also for the two pups (the latter on our patio under cover as the summer temps here are 100+ daily). Should we put a screen up between the two pups' pens which are next to each other to discourage them from becoming "doggy" or is that taking it too far in this respect and not necessarily as when they are out of the pens, they'll be interacting with each of us one-on-one and not each other?Thanks.

I wouldn't allow two pups to be in pens side by side without a visual barrier IF they show interest in interacting with each other a lot. You'll have to decide for yourself whether you need to do this or not.
Cindy Rhodes
Cindy Rhodes
User Response:
Cindy,Thanks so much for the quick response. You guys are THE BEST in putting forth real-life, understandable and usable information!
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