April 22, 2011

I adopted a 3 year old Husky and I also have a 10 year old Shepherd/Lab mix. The got into a fight. What can I do to make these dogs get along?

Full Question:

I have read your article on how to break up dog fights and the Q/A and comment section and it all looks good.

I just have one Question. I just adopted a Siberian husky (77 pounds) and he is three years old. He does not seem like an aggressive dog. I also have a 10 year old Shepard/Lab mix (61 pounds). He has a hip problem and is a little slow, but still aggressive. He has never really liked other dogs.

We took them to the dog park before we let the husky loose in the back with our Shepard/lab mix. They both did very well at the dog park. When we got home we let them in our back yard together and they just stayed a small distance from each other. Everything seemed fine.

Then our 10 year old Shepard mix went over to where the Husky had hid a bone, we knew the bone was there and that it might be a problem but we could not find it. Once our 10 year old Shepard mix went close to the bone, the Husky ran to him and they got in a 7 second fight. I was able to brake it up myself then help came out a second later.

The Husky is fine and my 10 year old Shepard cut his top gums on both sides, he is not harmed by the matter.

What can I do to get these dogs get along? Is there a way, because I would do just about anything. I read your article on the dog muzzles and I think that will work at least for the biting part of the matter. Also how long do you think we should keep trying to introduce them so that they will get along unsupervised.

Thanks so much for you time, I know this is long but I really love both dogs and I want them to get along. Plus the Husky does need to be with another dog and the Shepard mix is getting a little old and needs someone to keep him active and up to speed.

Ed Ed's Answer:
You have not spent enough time reading what I have written and I don't retype answers.

Read my article on dog parks. Read the Q&A's again because you missed the point. You can find the list of Q&A's plus articles I have written on dog training.

Read the article on dominance.

And in closing - I would like to ask you how you would feel about having to fight when you are 60 years old with an arthritic hip?

Get two dog crates and keep these dogs separated. There is no silver bullet - silver muzzle to make dogs get along.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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