April 26, 2011

We have a two 1.5 year old Bloodhound brothers training for S&R. They're at the age where they want to kill each other. What kind and size muzzle should I get?

Full Question:

I hope you can help me. We have (2) one and a half year old Bloodhound brothers that we are training for search and rescue. The problem that we are having is they are now at the age where they want to kill each other. They got along wonderfully as pups (inseparable) but now all hell has broken loose. No, they are not neutered. Yes, they have been crate trained but at over 120 pounds each, they have outgrown their crates. We cannot afford at this time to purchase new crates. We want them to learn to behave around each other at ALL times. They go out in the fenced yard together all the time and play for hours, but when it's time to come in the house they turn into terrorists. I want to purchase two muzzles for them so we can work them side by side in obedience and finally get control with them. Can you tell me which muzzles I should use for this, what sizes should I get, and what the price of the muzzles are? These are family members and I do not want to have to separate them at all times. Please help me before I kill them myself. I have been a professional obedience trainer for over 20 years, have owned Dobes, Rotts and Bouviers. I have had males live in the same house peacefully before without any problems. But these two have me at my wits end. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You are going to need crates or kennels for these dogs if you want to keep both of them and not have this issue continue to get worse. This isn’t a matter of obedience training, this is a pack structure problem. Putting muzzles on will keep the dogs from biting but won’t address the underlying issues. These fights are only going to escalate as they become more mature unless you make some big changes in how you live with them.

Owners of dogs like yours underestimate the genetic power of "PACK DRIVE." Pack structure is not something new and it is not optional, and if you don’t provide the structure and leadership a dog NEEDS then he or she will behave as canines have for thousands of years and will structure your family and household their own way. They are trying to work out the rank between the two of them. If you have let them run together their whole lives, you have actually created this issue from the way you have raised and allowed them to live in the house. We never recommend raising 2 puppies together, and this is one of the major reasons why. If you want to fix a problem like this you can but it takes some work.

I would start by running your dogs through our groundwork program and the video that picks up where the article leaves off; Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

Here is a DVD that I would recommend titled Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs. If you go to the link on this DVD you can read about what it covers. You will also see a detailed outline of what’s in the video.

You will need 2 dominant dog collars and muzzles. Once you measure the dogs for fit, you will see which styles will be best for your particular dogs. If you have questions about which model to choose, you can call our office for assistance. 715-235-6502

If you spend some time reading this section on dog fights, you’ll see that your problems are very common. I’ve received 6 or 7 emails just today from dog owners with very similar problems. If you don’t teach the dogs your rules, they can’t possibly behave how you want them to.

I would recommend learning to use our SEARCH function, which is located in the top left corner of every page of the website. If you type in your key words or question it will find you articles, Q&As, free streaming video and links to threads on our discussion forum.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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