April 26, 2011

My 13 month old Rott has started to lift his leg and pee on other dogs in the dog park. He is not dominant, what can we do?

Full Question:

My husband and I have a 13 month old rottweiler who is very well behaved, and enjoys going to the dog park to play and socialize.

Lately, though, he has begun peeing on the other dogs, and twice he has almost peed on people. He is not a dominant dog, but this behavior is awful, and the only thing we know to do is catch him in the act and take him home. We want him to understand that behavior is unacceptable. What can we do? Thank you.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Your dog is starting to mature. This is a sure sign of him displaying dominance. So do not kid yourself.

You need to read the article I wrote on my web site about DEALING WITH DOMINANT DOGS Look in the list of training articles on my web site.

I also have a number of Q&A sections on this issue.

You should read my article on DOG PARKS and why they are dangerous and how to break up a dog fight. That may save you from a serious dog bite.

If you would like to learn more about the principles of obedience training a dog, read the description for my Basic Dog Obedience DVD. You will probably find that you have not had the full picture on the steps of training a dog must go through before it can be considered fully trained. You can also read why I am not a fan of taking an untrained dog to obedience classes. Get this tape and a prong collar. If you do not have a prong, we also sell those on our website.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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