2 hr, 26 min
July 31, 2013
In the 3rd DVD in our series with Mark Keating, you will learn how to take the targeting skills from the 2nd DVD and apply them into catching dogs. Catching dogs on a suit is the ultimate goal of anyone learning to do decoy work. The skills taught in this DVD will give you insight into how to properly absorb the impact of a dog being sent off leash from a distance. In the DVD, we will cover upper and lower body, as well as front and back catches. This DVD picks up right where the 2nd DVD left off. You should have a general understanding of how to present the bite and what picture to show the dog. Now you will learn how to bring it full circle and put all the skills you've learned into practical applications.
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Basic Catches in the Bite Suit with Mark Keating
Uploaded on July 31, 2013 •
2 hr, 26 min
In the 3rd DVD in our series with Mark Keating, you will learn how to take the targeting skills from the 2nd DVD and apply them into catching dogs. Catching dogs on a suit is the ultimate goal of anyone learning to do decoy work. The skills taught in this DVD will give you insight into how to properly absorb the impact of a dog being sent off leash from a distance. In the DVD, we will cover upper and lower body, as well as front and back catches. This DVD picks up right where the 2nd DVD left off. You should have a general understanding of how to present the bite and what picture to show the dog. Now you will learn how to bring it full circle and put all the skills you've learned into practical applications.