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Ball on a String Tips with Michael Ellis
Uploaded on January 29, 2018 •
6 min
Leerburg Instructor, Michael Ellis, takes some time to provide tips and techniques to help us when playing with a ball on a string with your dog to help your dog target better and create a more fluid game of tug. For more information on these topics, check out the DVDs The Power of Playing Tug & Advanced Concepts in Motivation and be sure to check out Leerburg’s selection of Balls on Strings as well as our Leather Strap which you can purchase separately and attach to your dogs favorite ball.Additionally, information on courses taught by Michael can be found on our Leerburg Online University.
March 11, 2018
As always clear and concise instruction. I love tug as a reward with my herding breeds.
March 10, 2018
Great useful info from Michael, as always!
Thank you Michael and thank you Leerburg!
Thank you Michael and thank you Leerburg!
February 25, 2018
Great upgrade on production value. Same great quality of information I have come to expect and enjoy from michael and leerburg.