4 hr, 10 min
January 1, 2008
This video is recommended for dogs 10 months or older. For puppies, we highly recommend you use "Living With Your Puppy: Establishing Pack Structure" first.
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet is over 4 hours long. The goal of our pack structure training program is to produce a dog that is calm and submissive and a dog that follows the rules of the pack leader. This DVD teaches people how to become a pack leader that their dog respects and loves.
Most people are not born pack leaders. In fact far from it. The majority of dog owners (many who have owned dogs their entire life) simply don't know anything about the instincts that control our dogs or how strong these instincts are in the domestic dog. Oh people may have heard that they need to be a "pack leader" or they may have heard they need to be an "ALPHA" with their dog but they don't understand what this really means or how to accomplish it.
Current shows on TV about dog training lead people to think they can deal with behavioral problems but the fact is these shows are often misleading. In many cases these TV shows offer limited to dangerous advice that only a professional dog trainer with years of experience should attempt. While these shows are interesting to watch, because the dog owners are so inept, they don't offer a program that pet owners can follow.
Many men think being a pack leader simply means they have to dominate and control their dog, even if they have to put a choke collar on the dog and show him the "WHAT IF" when the dog doesn't mind.
Many women think none of this really matters so they ignore it - because they love their little dog like one of their children.
Our DVD outlines a program that I have developed over the past 45 years of owning, breeding and training German Shepherds. This program works on every breed of dog and dogs of all ages. This program is the foundation for solving almost all behavioral problems, especially those related to aggression.
New pet owners are often told the road to a calm, submissive dog is to attend obedience classes and socialize their dog. In our opinion this is not correct. The road to a calm dog is to first establish pack structure and leadership. When that's done you can obedience train your dog.
Dogs are pack animals. Every breed of dog is hard wired with genetic pack instincts. From the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, dogs wants to live in a family pack. Once they find their pack they genetically need to determine their rank within that pack.
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Basic Obedience
Behavioral Problems
Ed Frawley
Leerburg Training Videos
Rescue Dogs
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet
Uploaded on January 1, 2008 •
4 hr, 10 min
This video is recommended for dogs 10 months or older. For puppies, we highly recommend you use "Living With Your Puppy: Establishing Pack Structure" first.
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet is over 4 hours long. The goal of our pack structure training program is to produce a dog that is calm and submissive and a dog that follows the rules of the pack leader. This DVD teaches people how to become a pack leader that their dog respects and loves.
Most people are not born pack leaders. In fact far from it. The majority of dog owners (many who have owned dogs their entire life) simply don't know anything about the instincts that control our dogs or how strong these instincts are in the domestic dog. Oh people may have heard that they need to be a "pack leader" or they may have heard they need to be an "ALPHA" with their dog but they don't understand what this really means or how to accomplish it.
Current shows on TV about dog training lead people to think they can deal with behavioral problems but the fact is these shows are often misleading. In many cases these TV shows offer limited to dangerous advice that only a professional dog trainer with years of experience should attempt. While these shows are interesting to watch, because the dog owners are so inept, they don't offer a program that pet owners can follow.
Many men think being a pack leader simply means they have to dominate and control their dog, even if they have to put a choke collar on the dog and show him the "WHAT IF" when the dog doesn't mind.
Many women think none of this really matters so they ignore it - because they love their little dog like one of their children.
Our DVD outlines a program that I have developed over the past 45 years of owning, breeding and training German Shepherds. This program works on every breed of dog and dogs of all ages. This program is the foundation for solving almost all behavioral problems, especially those related to aggression.
New pet owners are often told the road to a calm, submissive dog is to attend obedience classes and socialize their dog. In our opinion this is not correct. The road to a calm dog is to first establish pack structure and leadership. When that's done you can obedience train your dog.
Dogs are pack animals. Every breed of dog is hard wired with genetic pack instincts. From the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, dogs wants to live in a family pack. Once they find their pack they genetically need to determine their rank within that pack.
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet is over 4 hours long. The goal of our pack structure training program is to produce a dog that is calm and submissive and a dog that follows the rules of the pack leader. This DVD teaches people how to become a pack leader that their dog respects and loves.
Most people are not born pack leaders. In fact far from it. The majority of dog owners (many who have owned dogs their entire life) simply don't know anything about the instincts that control our dogs or how strong these instincts are in the domestic dog. Oh people may have heard that they need to be a "pack leader" or they may have heard they need to be an "ALPHA" with their dog but they don't understand what this really means or how to accomplish it.
Current shows on TV about dog training lead people to think they can deal with behavioral problems but the fact is these shows are often misleading. In many cases these TV shows offer limited to dangerous advice that only a professional dog trainer with years of experience should attempt. While these shows are interesting to watch, because the dog owners are so inept, they don't offer a program that pet owners can follow.
Many men think being a pack leader simply means they have to dominate and control their dog, even if they have to put a choke collar on the dog and show him the "WHAT IF" when the dog doesn't mind.
Many women think none of this really matters so they ignore it - because they love their little dog like one of their children.
Our DVD outlines a program that I have developed over the past 45 years of owning, breeding and training German Shepherds. This program works on every breed of dog and dogs of all ages. This program is the foundation for solving almost all behavioral problems, especially those related to aggression.
New pet owners are often told the road to a calm, submissive dog is to attend obedience classes and socialize their dog. In our opinion this is not correct. The road to a calm dog is to first establish pack structure and leadership. When that's done you can obedience train your dog.
Dogs are pack animals. Every breed of dog is hard wired with genetic pack instincts. From the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, dogs wants to live in a family pack. Once they find their pack they genetically need to determine their rank within that pack.
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July 11, 2023
Great information!!!! Excellent in getting the info across, from demonstration to the pace that the information is given, to narration. Really appreciate being able to timestamp and take notes along the sidebar to refer back to quickly and easily. Excellent. Wish I had this 16 months ago! Would have saved myself $1000's and heartache when this extremely important component was left out of our in-person training with 2 reputable, experienced trainers. Now thanks to this excellent video I understand why things did not go as expected, where the blockage to progress has arisen from and what I need to do to get back on track, establishing a better and proper pack structure. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to dig into the other vids and programs!
February 25, 2021
Good video filled with great information about the pack mentality and how to establish the ranking structure with your dog. The footage of the dogs interacting with the commentary was really beneficial and we learned a lot from it. I like how matter a fact Ed Frawley is about what you need to do to establish your own ranking. The streaming option is fantastic and the price is what I would expect.
December 19, 2020
I did not like this dvd. It included extensive explanation of simple concepts which made it long and boring to watch. A lot of the training beliefs here also seem really outdated. I should have noticed how long ago this dvd was made and not purchased it.
August 16, 2020
Changed my life with my dog! I have a very high drive and dominating working protection dog and I was having a very hard time controlling him. I started implementing what this video taught and within the first few days I already saw changes. For example instead of charging after dogs and people he started sitting and looking back at me. he walked beside me without any command. He waited at doors for me. He did not enter my bedroom unless I gave him the "okay" command. My relationship with my dog changed night and day!! thank god for this! to the people who complain about the video its work! having a dog is work! its admitting you now nothing and starting from zero. its content learning, stepping back and revaulting and trying again.
March 16, 2018
Helpful information but more hands on dog training and demonstrations with different types of dogs would of been beneficial
September 30, 2017
One of the most important videos out there.
This video helped us establish the structure with our German shepherd dog, and most behavior problems we had ended.
I cannot stress enough the importance of establishing pack structure with your dog and this video has all you need to do so safely.
Thank you for the valuable info condensed in one clip.
This video helped us establish the structure with our German shepherd dog, and most behavior problems we had ended.
I cannot stress enough the importance of establishing pack structure with your dog and this video has all you need to do so safely.
Thank you for the valuable info condensed in one clip.
January 15, 2017
Great info. With my previous dog I totally missed the mark on pack structure and my dog was incredibly well trained but only when outdoors. When indoors he was a mess.
July 3, 2016
Lots of great information. I've owned this video before many years ago. After watching it again I've learned several common sense techniques that have helped me get back on track with managing my multi-dog household and to springboard me back into enjoying my dogs/puppies in my home and being excited about each puppies future potential.
March 31, 2015
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and love of dogs with some many.
My story is simple I walked into a pet store one day after being stuck in the house from a terrible winter here in Kentucky and there she was this beautiful BABY girl German Shepherd, please understand I was not in the market to have another animal (we have a 4 yr. old rescue Min Pin and a 1 1/2 yr. old cat that lives at home with us). All are adjusted well, but never the less there I was looking at the crate the birth date was 02/03/15 - mind you the date that day was 03/05/15. I know, I know way to early to be away from its mom, and yes I totally agree.The lady at the store was less than knowledgeable about her particular circumstances and yes I have plenty of common sense - although for the life of me could not find them that day. All the pet store owner could say was German Shepherds sell really fast, bla bla bla. And in my mind I was thinking this BABY girl will die if someone doesn't intervene, so as I'm wandering about the store trying to find my common sense and looking to Troy to see if he can find it. We leave, but within an hour I'm back Red cape on (ha ha) and the rest is history.
This little girl has had some battles for sure we have been to the vet 3 different times over diarrhea and vomiting. I can only guess how bad her first month was, but that was then and this is now. I am not dog stupid per say, but I knew with this gal, I had better educate myself to her breed. Gemma and I have an uphill battle that I'm sure we are going to get the top of the mountain on.
I just want to make certain that she has a fighting chance so Thank you again for the education. As I am certain this is only one of the many visits to your site I will be making!!!!!
My story is simple I walked into a pet store one day after being stuck in the house from a terrible winter here in Kentucky and there she was this beautiful BABY girl German Shepherd, please understand I was not in the market to have another animal (we have a 4 yr. old rescue Min Pin and a 1 1/2 yr. old cat that lives at home with us). All are adjusted well, but never the less there I was looking at the crate the birth date was 02/03/15 - mind you the date that day was 03/05/15. I know, I know way to early to be away from its mom, and yes I totally agree.The lady at the store was less than knowledgeable about her particular circumstances and yes I have plenty of common sense - although for the life of me could not find them that day. All the pet store owner could say was German Shepherds sell really fast, bla bla bla. And in my mind I was thinking this BABY girl will die if someone doesn't intervene, so as I'm wandering about the store trying to find my common sense and looking to Troy to see if he can find it. We leave, but within an hour I'm back Red cape on (ha ha) and the rest is history.
This little girl has had some battles for sure we have been to the vet 3 different times over diarrhea and vomiting. I can only guess how bad her first month was, but that was then and this is now. I am not dog stupid per say, but I knew with this gal, I had better educate myself to her breed. Gemma and I have an uphill battle that I'm sure we are going to get the top of the mountain on.
I just want to make certain that she has a fighting chance so Thank you again for the education. As I am certain this is only one of the many visits to your site I will be making!!!!!
November 9, 2014
I lost the use of my left leg in 2001, I have not had a dog since I was a teenager, and even then, it lived at my girlfriend's house. So this is my first dog, being a pack leader when you can't walk seemed like it might be difficult. But learning the rules, was easy, teaching the dog to listen was easy, our dog, is Food driven, and praise driven. When my son comes in he goes nuts, jumping up and running around, after watching this class, I heard my son coming in I placed myself between the front door and my dog... when he came in my dog wanted to run over, but I sat him and told him stay, and every time he went to break, I told him sit stay... and he finally calmed down without trying to go to my son, in fact at one point my son passed me to my right side, and went over to my wife, so I was no longer between he and my son, he started to move as if he was going to run over to my son, and he stopped and looked over at me for direction, I said No! and he "sat" and "stayed". I was quite proud, and he sensed my pride in his actions, and it seemed he was proud too. I already know he enjoys praise, and I think the pride I felt for him, was translated into praise for him. All day he was calm and well behaved, the only issue i had was in taking him to the car, he fight to get in the car, so I opened the door and he jumped in, I got him and he turned around and jumped back in again Keep in mind I am working on one leg... So I pulled him back out again, and he knew now I was not proud of him at all - I told him now to sit, stay!, and he sat, I use a 1ft leash, I had him sit for about 2 minutes while I held the leash, I pet his back and released the leash, he didn't know I was not holding him, I pet his side, and stood next to him, he looked up a couple times to see if it was OK, I simply said, stay, yes, good boy.. or sit stay, yes good boy... and after 4 or 5 minutes of him sitting next to me, with out me touching he had no intentions on jumping until I gave permission. And then tonight, again when ,y son came in, I stood between him and door, I had to tell him two times to sit and stay, after that, he was fine, so I treated it like a training exercise, I said, Sit, Stay, Yes... and gave him a treat, then waited a few minutes and did it again... Stay yes... treat, by now I am about 5 feet from him and am throwing the treat over to him between his paws as he is placed on his blanket, saying, stay, yes treat.. my son came in and walked next to him, on a chair, he wanted to go but again looked to me for direction, again I said, stay, and when he remained in place and stayed as instructed, I gave him a jackpot of treats..
Now we have two of three doors that we use to take him out, and he wants to use the front door, so I am now using front door or back door as a command.. also while outside, I use Home no matter where we are to let him know we are going home and he will walk back to and into the house. he is a 14 month old GSD we got him when he was 11 months old, and took him to some training from professionals, Not a pet store plan... but due to Pano we had to stop training until Spring, his Pano seems to have cleared up Thank God... but due to my injuries he can't go back into training until; spring summer. So during this winter and Fall, we need go keep him in some kind of training... He will Come, but because I am in a chair most of the time, he needs to come to my right side. So we use Heel instead of come, but if he doesn't come on Heel we then have Come instead of repeating a command. So I have two things first thanks, your training works great within a day we saw change, and that we know is because it is refresher, but still it works, it is new and it works... My question is how do I get him to hand me my keys when dropped, or turn off the lights when commanded to.
Now we have two of three doors that we use to take him out, and he wants to use the front door, so I am now using front door or back door as a command.. also while outside, I use Home no matter where we are to let him know we are going home and he will walk back to and into the house. he is a 14 month old GSD we got him when he was 11 months old, and took him to some training from professionals, Not a pet store plan... but due to Pano we had to stop training until Spring, his Pano seems to have cleared up Thank God... but due to my injuries he can't go back into training until; spring summer. So during this winter and Fall, we need go keep him in some kind of training... He will Come, but because I am in a chair most of the time, he needs to come to my right side. So we use Heel instead of come, but if he doesn't come on Heel we then have Come instead of repeating a command. So I have two things first thanks, your training works great within a day we saw change, and that we know is because it is refresher, but still it works, it is new and it works... My question is how do I get him to hand me my keys when dropped, or turn off the lights when commanded to.
December 7, 2013
This contains so much useful explanation and illustration that it shoud be in every family's video library. The concepts are simple, but the explanation and 'how to' examples make it come alive. It's just these basic handling situations that most people never learn unless they find a good trainer and take classes. But it's MUCH better to "study first and then take the test"!
How to properly fit a prong collar, control access to a door or gate, and so many more are illustrated. Notice how the presenters do not get angry or scold or nag the dog. They immediately correct or reward because that is how dogs need reward or correction : within 1 second. To understand what is shown in this video is to have a grasp of why a dog needs simplicity and consistency. Learning that a dog is not a toy or a 'Disney dog' that is human-like is a revelation to most dog owners. But seeing a professional handle a dog as a dog makes it so clear how remarkable dogs really are. They are far more than a plaything or amusement. They are a miracle among animals that are the only creature to have a relationship with people, practically speaking.
Dog rescue and rehab people can speed up the dog's adjustment and reduce its fears using this man's methods.
How to properly fit a prong collar, control access to a door or gate, and so many more are illustrated. Notice how the presenters do not get angry or scold or nag the dog. They immediately correct or reward because that is how dogs need reward or correction : within 1 second. To understand what is shown in this video is to have a grasp of why a dog needs simplicity and consistency. Learning that a dog is not a toy or a 'Disney dog' that is human-like is a revelation to most dog owners. But seeing a professional handle a dog as a dog makes it so clear how remarkable dogs really are. They are far more than a plaything or amusement. They are a miracle among animals that are the only creature to have a relationship with people, practically speaking.
Dog rescue and rehab people can speed up the dog's adjustment and reduce its fears using this man's methods.
December 23, 2012
As a new dog owner, I found this video to be most helpful in giving us a better idea of how our dog thinks and how to relate to the dog. Due to the videos length, almost 4 hours, Ed not only tells you how to handle and train your dog, he shows you. So it is like spending 4 hours with Ed learning how to train a family dog. You can tell Ed loves dogs, but also, he understands dogs.
I have always hated it when people have dogs that behave like idiots. You know, you go over to their house, and the dog jumps on you, and the owner can't get the dog to stop. Then the dog barks like an idiot, and the owner can't control it. So when we got our dog, I knew I didn't want that. I feel like this video has helped put me on a course to properly training and handling our dog.
Also, since following the ideas and recommendations in this video, I am finding I am enjoying our new dog more. Properly training a dog is fun, and I can tell our dog is happier to. I rate this video 10 stars.
I have always hated it when people have dogs that behave like idiots. You know, you go over to their house, and the dog jumps on you, and the owner can't get the dog to stop. Then the dog barks like an idiot, and the owner can't control it. So when we got our dog, I knew I didn't want that. I feel like this video has helped put me on a course to properly training and handling our dog.
Also, since following the ideas and recommendations in this video, I am finding I am enjoying our new dog more. Properly training a dog is fun, and I can tell our dog is happier to. I rate this video 10 stars.
November 7, 2012
For those of you who forgot your basics for pack structure training here is an awesome reminder for the knowledge that we take for granted. There were some elements in this video that I really totally forgot. I have been training dogs professionally for about 3 years and I have recently made several purchases on some of the other videos. Most folks don't want a competition dog they want a member of their family to live with them. This video helps to establish a value in patience and progression. Thanks Leerburg.
May 17, 2012
If you never watch or read anything else about the dynamics between dogs and humans, get this! This should be mandatory viewing for ever person who gets a dog regardless of it is their first or their fifth. Absolutely the best information I have ever seen on the fundamentals of having a healthy and satisfying relationship. This will save you and your dog all sorts of frustration. Buy it!