Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it The Power of Training Dogs with Food
5 stars (85 reviews)
2 hr, 7 min
January 9, 2007
The first DVD we produced in our series of DVDs with Michael Ellis was The Power of Training Dogs with Food. The video footage for that DVD came from a number of Michael's training seminars that were held here at Leerburg and other locations around the country. We are pleased to announce the release of a new and updated version of The Power of Training Dogs with Food. This new video was filmed entirely in HD. We did not use any of the video footage from the original DVD. In addition, the new DVD was produced from a totally new training outline and layout. This project has been in the works for more than a year. We flew out to CA and filmed one of Michael's courses and then Michael flew to Wisconsin to finish the filming for the new outline.
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The Power of Training Dogs with Food

Uploaded on January 9, 2007 • 2 hr, 7 min
The first DVD we produced in our series of DVDs with Michael Ellis was The Power of Training Dogs with Food. The video footage for that DVD came from a number of Michael's training seminars that were held here at Leerburg and other locations around the country.

We are pleased to announce the release of a new and updated version of The Power of Training Dogs with Food.

This new video was filmed entirely in HD. We did not use any of the video footage from the original DVD. In addition, the new DVD was produced from a totally new training outline and layout.

This project has been in the works for more than a year. We flew out to CA and filmed one of Michael's courses and then Michael flew to Wisconsin to finish the filming for the new outline.
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Average rating:
5 star rating
4.9 stars (1024 ratings)
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December 30, 2024
I watched this video a few times already and I know I already commented on this video but i just watched it again because I have a new puppy man it crazy I keep learning more every time I watch it very good video thank you
September 26, 2024
Great video. Michael is so good at making the importance of these basic principles easy to grasp.
June 14, 2024
Excellent video. If you don't learn anything from this video there's something wrong with you. If been at this quite awhile and pick up a few tricks. Leesburg's stuff is always top notch
June 14, 2024
Excellent video
February 24, 2024
Absolutely perfect! Thank you so much!
February 15, 2024
Fantastic detailed explanations and examples from Michael.
February 9, 2024
Great beginning video to help prepare your dog for the next stage
November 7, 2023
Awesome material!
November 1, 2023
March 14, 2023
Michael Ellis makes this seems so elementary, but is so important. I bought this several years ago when DVDs were still a thing but watch I’ve streamed it several times now. I can’t believe that it’s been over 11 years since it’s was posted and so many trainers, particularly law enforcement, don’t train these fundamentals to start.
January 1, 2023
Thanks so much! This is great for an intro and has concepts that I wish I had known when I first started training my now 18 month old. Looking forward to getting through all the videos that I have in my library!
May 26, 2022
May 6, 2022
Just perfect , thanks Michael.????
April 5, 2022
Love the content and Michael Ellis' theory but deducting a star because it would be nice to see troubleshooting on dogs that are younger and don't know the commands/shaping. Like what about a dog that just stares at you and doesn't plop down immediately into a sit and instead rocks bock, or just stares at you in the stand? Should that include more luring practice? It would be nice to see brand new dogs to the system. I feel like I could learn more from that, and see only one handler example of a dog that knows it really well.
August 26, 2021
Excellent video. Love Michael Ellis's methodology and philosophy about dog training. Though I rarely have a foster dog long enough to complete the entire program, his methods are suitable for all; from the shyest to the boldest. Michael, keep making more videos!
July 28, 2021
Incredibly useful, efficient dvd! Thank you Professor Ellis!
June 5, 2021
Absolutely fantastic! Michael Ellis is the Gold Standard when it comes to dog training, and this DVD demonstrates why.
Everything is presented in very detailed, yet simple to understand, bite sized chunks. It makes this wealth of information, which could have been overwhelming in less capable hands, extremely easy to digest.
If you want to go from having an untrained dog, to a dog whose training will impress your friends and neighbors, and you want to do it in a way that's fun for both you and your dog, THIS is the DVD for you! It also sets you up for more advanced work, and in my humble opinion, is a must have training aid.
May 25, 2021
Absolute five star without the music but that loud noise is such a pain I had to deduct the rating! Still highly recommend everyone to watch this :)
March 13, 2021
Fantastic info as alway! After learning about this system of training and finding Michael Ellis, I need to say sorry to all my past dogs for the stupid old school method of training. This training builds a bond with your dog, and your dog wants to engage. Unlike the old methods where the dogs were afraid of the handler.

To the person who gave this training video one star- not sure what video you watched and reviewed but it was not this one.
December 14, 2020
I've been a fan of Michael and his method for almost ten years now, since I got my first puppy and a friend recommended learning from him to train my new puppy. I've watched almost all of the free clips from Leerburg's YouTube channel of Michael's lectures and seminars, and finally bought myself the four DVD basics set as a Christmas gift (training w/ food, playing tug, heeling, & retrieve). Before watching this DVD, I thought I knew enough about training with food but figured this would still be a helpful title to have in my library. I was pleasantly surprised to come away from the ending with several new skills to keep in my arsenal - just goes to show you never stop learning. Can't wait to add more Ellis titles to my Leerburg library!
January 3, 2020
From Markus
Great for beginners and people that want to build focus in their dogs. There is a lot of information in this dvd. One will need to watch it multiple times of learn the movements to gain a higher level of focus with your dogs. It looks easy, but it is a lot harder to apply than it looks. It is great in helping a handler improve his timing with his dog.
August 10, 2019
A must have. I got the streaming version and have watched it a couple of times now. Every time you see it you learn something new. Very simply explained. Loved it!
June 11, 2019
This was my first Michael Ellis DVD and I regret not getting it sooner. Great DVD to my surprise, I was shocked at how much I learned and how much was covered in the DVD.
April 24, 2019
Good content over all. There is a lot to take in here. The first part on quadrants wasn't of interest to me because I spent a lot of time and money learning behavioural training earlier on. It is a good explanation of the theory though.

I like the practical nature of getting students to go through the exercises. I will have to re-watch (probably multiple times) the section on overshadowing as I didn't get a lot of the subtleties there in one take. More my learning style than any shortcomings in the material.

Most important section for me was learning how to give treats correctly because my new German Shepherd pup was a hand biting machine when I started training her. A problem I had never encountered before to that degree. My hands have healed at last. Well worth it for that alone.

February 25, 2019
The content is great. Have problems choosing a chapter or even playing any of my streaming video
December 29, 2018
Good to know information regarding timing and reward! “High value” treats are often discussed, but this video helps one better understand what the meaning really is and even how to prepare and deliver it better! Thanks Michael.
December 9, 2018
Michael Ellis is such a very effective communicator. He makes dog training look simple. So glad i bought the video ! I recently got a Barbet puppy that I will be putting to the tests.
October 26, 2018
Michael Ellis is absolutely great as always. If you have your learning theory down the first part might not be of interest. But after that you'll get very clear explanations on the details of putting it in to practice as well as some great demonstrations. The only demonstrations I found useless were those of the people working their dogs in front of the green wall at Leerburg without any comments and/or instructions from Michael. For novice trainers it won't be clear what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. They were not always exactly following the instructions given before by Michael and their handling is really not half as good as Michael's. It would be more useful to see Michael work different dogs of different levels or hear him giving real time instructions to other people. You can learn the most from Michael by paying attention to the details. Both by watching him and listening to him. Also, the music and editing is a bit over the top...
October 15, 2018
WOW! Just WOW! Michael Ellis is an excellent instructor. This video is a great jump off point for anyone!. You won’t just watch it once I can guarantee that.
September 4, 2018
If you want to teach your dog to dance between your legs or spin around on a pedestal, this just might be the book for you. If however, you want to learn to teach your dog simple commands, you might be better off flushing 50 bucks down the toilet and just winging it. If you have trained your dog not to just snatch a treat out of your hand (and is therefore reluctant to do that),just know that you will have to untrain him (and without any guidance or mention from this instructor on how to do it).
The instructor begins in step 1 with dogs that obviously already have a lot of experience with his system. But don't worry. He will show you "luring" in the second step, which is information you needed before you could do the exercises shown in step one. Also, he keeps talking over the owners so you cannot even hear the commands they give their dogs.
5 of 5 stars with 680 ratings is reminiscent of the stereotypical dictator who always receives 100% of the votes in his 'election'. The instructor says it is necessary to watch this video before watching his video on the e-collar. I assume so he can double his money before you catch on. Oh, and by the way... No Refunds!
August 24, 2018
Michael Ellis rocks!!! I love his philosophy and training methods. I have learned a lot from this DVD.
July 5, 2018
Very Informative video. I appreciate you including the clip with the gentlemen who was having trouble with the timing on getting behavior on cue. It helps us to notice what we are doing wrong, and to correct it. Love how this video demonstrates and teaches us how to train the basic commands. Definitely a must have to your collecting if you are uncertain in the way Leerburg trains at all, or if you are a novice trainer. Very easy to follow.
June 30, 2018
This part here is where the magic happens. Perfect foundation building.
May 17, 2018
Buy this dvd as your first obedience video. Micheal Ellis, best trainer ever..
April 16, 2018
Using this with my 8 week French Brittany puppy and she loves it. So do I! I am able to get her interest immediately, she sits at my feet instead of biting at my pants, she follows my hand nicely and she comes running when I call her back. Fortunately she is very food motivated. Thank you!!
February 25, 2018
Closer to the end of video, the sound starts to lag behind about a seconds, so it looks like the trainer is actually giving verbal and physical cues at the same time (which is said to be wrong in this same dvd)
November 29, 2017
Great video, excellent explanation. Things I've heard and learned from other trainers were explained much better in this video, and my dogs have a lot more fun too!
October 31, 2017
Superb video, excellent explanation of the theory followed by demonstrations from Micheal and others. He shows how in detail the dog's expected response and how he polishes his student's techniques. My only very minor and slight complaint is the audio level between the content and the music accompanying the chapter markers. Overall 5 stars for sure!
October 8, 2017
Awesome content, good length of the video, interesting video of participants demonstrating things right and wrong. Thanks, Michael!
August 15, 2017
This is a fantastic video training. Michael explains each step very clearly and the demonstrates with showing the video handles the way to do the exercise. Very excellent video!
June 17, 2017
As a dog trainer I found that the concepts in this presentation nothing new to me so if your a trainer with a good foundation in canine learning learning theory you may not learn any theory or obedience practicality from this. However, I believe it's well worth it for the art of teaching, this business is about communicating to people and Michael's skill here is very good. He articulates the principles and instructions so well whilst giving classical conditioning the priority it so richly deserves. Also it serves as great consolidation material anyway. Excellent presentation!
May 7, 2017
My favourite dog trainer in the world!!!!! Michael Ellis is badass , he just makes everything so clear and understandable. I have now purchased Raising your puppy and The power of training dogs with food.
my next will be the Heeling video and Tug video.
I will be getting my doberman puppy on the 3rd of june so i am just flooding my self with all his teaching.
There are many other amazing talented dog trainers out there but this dude is just so fun end educating to watch.

From london.
March 19, 2017
This is a must watch video for anyone that has a dog period. I wish I had picked this up the week I brought my puppy home. Everything is explained in detail, and the examples only continue to reinforce everything and make it even more clear.
February 13, 2017
This video is excellent! Very clear instruction, broken down into usable pieces. Concepts and skills are repeated and demonstrated many times which makes it easy to understand. The skills taught build on one another and the logic and precision of the training plan are clear. Being able to clearly understand the process through this video is very motivating for me in training my dog. Thanks so much.
January 20, 2017
Excellent, I have a ton of learning to do.
January 4, 2017
Great training video. I would suggest that you still seek a personal contact training professional, but this video has all of the info needed.
December 4, 2016
This is my first introduction to formal dog training, and has been a very simple and effective. My pup is only 10 weeks old as I start this, and is off to a good start. Can't wait to see what the future holds.
November 19, 2016
Best training video I've had. Think this positive training approach should be a pre-requsite for all dog owners. The information is presented clearly, demonstrations are useful, behavioural concepts easy to understand. Appreciate how Michael can 'keep it simple''. We watched a lot of videos when preparing for our puppy. This one was the most useful, hands down. If you don't know where to start your training....then start here.
November 18, 2016
Been interested in Marker training for a while, and decided to to embrace it with my 7 month Golden Retriever. Being able to watch the training and examples in action provide a much better learning experience than simply reading about it. So many nuances not described in written descriptions can easily be gleaned by watching the trainers in action. This is my second Leerburg Video on Demand purchase, and certainly won't be the last.
November 14, 2016
I can't begin to say how happy I am I spent the money buying this DVD. To all of you who are unsure of this DVD, DON'T BE! This DVD is possibly one of the best DVDs I've ever watched. Paired with the tug DVD, I can create an army of brilliant dogs!

I was not expecting to jot down as many notes as I did, but I was surprised to see I was jotting down nearly almost every thing Michael has said. Simply amazing work. This entire food DVD is enough to break "trainers" from the traditional yank and crank position training they may use.

Michael has transformed this sport into a gentle art and I can honestly say I'm grateful to his work and what he has done.

Also, Leerburg, great work with editing and making this DVD as fun and easy as possible to watch, amazing transitions!

Great work guys!
July 27, 2016

I have purchased the DVD - 'The power of training dogs with food' and I am simply amazed at the amount of information in it. I find myself taking notes like a kid at school.

Even as I write this I just watched the part on 'spacial pressure' and how it is, that this is eventually used to teach the stand - something I have been trying to get our 4 year old Australian Kelpie to do - now I will know where to start with getting her to stand - perhaps putting my hand under her belly and raising her is unnecessary :-) So much info.

I have not yet worked my way through all of Leerburg site, but I have watched a few videos and the ones on puppy training, puppy biting and house training have been so valuable. I think a set of notes that summarize the salient points of each chapter of the videos would be great. Just a few key sentences highlighting the main points of the various chapters. This would certainly save me pausing the video and writing everything - 2 hr video is turning into 8 hours with note taking :) :) Perhaps these notes do already exist somewhere on the web pages and I have just not yet found them?

I seem to be doing all the work and my dogs gets all the rewards - I joke, I get the reward working them and watching them learn and enjoy :) Great videos and advice. Thanks so very much.
July 19, 2016
I was fortunate with a now 9 year old GSD to have tapped into Ed's training DVDs & methods before Michael Ellis was involved, but decided to revisit Leerburg when I got a new GSD puppy to see what might have changed. Ed's endorsement of Michael had me I watch every single "free" video with Michael Ellis & as I watched instantly felt compelled to purchase every single Michael Ellis DVD (I actually use the Live Streaming for ease of use as I constantly replay & break down Michaels steps).

My now 3&1/2 month old puppy loves to train this way & we have worked our way through what I will call the 1rst DVD "The Power Training Dogs with Food" & I am completely shocked at how successful Michael's methods are! I would have never believed how much training progress & success you could have with a pup & only using the words "yes" & "good". (so effective is body language that I almost thought my pup might be deaf).

The best advice I can give anyone is not to merely watch the video steps once & then try to execute, there is a huge upside to almost taking a forensic approach to every step, mannerism & attitude that Michael uses, most particularly the level of energy & enthusiasm he injects in a training session to increase the drive & desire of a pup to train <- this is the key to achieving stellar results from your dog.

I come away with so much appreciation & respect for Michael that I hope one day I can meet him, shake his hand & say thank you for such an important contribution to his "art" of training a dog.
July 1, 2016
I love the training philosophy and methods Michael Ellis provides in this video. The clarity in which he shares his knowledge and conveys instruction is wonderful. Very, very easy to follow, learn and put into practice! Well worth watching over and over again!
June 12, 2016
I have a degree in psychology and took behavior analysis as part of that degree. I wish my professors had made it all as easy to understand as Michael does in this DVD! I found that I only had one tiny question: How are treats being held when doing work two-handed as in teaching the sit? Is it the same as usual, with the hand holding the foot then just being cupped in the other hand?

I have a 12-month old German Shepherd that I'm going back to the beginning with, this time teaching her Michael's way. She developed leash reactivity in a positive only group class, and a lot of anxiety both in group classes and due to health problems I had not long after. Right now I'm entirely focused on making her time with me fun again, playing tug and charging the markers. I'm looking forward to taking her through the training outlined in Michael's other DVDs. Thank heaven for Michael and Leerburg.
April 17, 2016
Definitely worth every penny. The only addition I would like to see would be a training schedule or more advice on how to structure a training session. There is so much great information and valuable tips I just wish I had a structured program to implement using these tactics.
March 13, 2016
The best training method I have ever encountered. Michael's system is effective and simple to grasp. It keeps the dogs excited and engaged, so they are having fun while learning rapidly. We've had great success with our 5 month old GSD puppy and were able to train a couple older house dogs we had using this system easily. They all get excited when we are about to start a training session because it is a blast for them. They are mastering behaviors rapidly. We recently took our GSD puppy to his first protection-oriented club group class and they couldn't believe he hadn't had formal professional training previously... that's how good Michael's system is. He trains you to be an effective trainer. Just takes practice and consistency.
February 3, 2016
I love the clear and concise way Michael Ellis explains everything. Every statement builds on the next to solidify the information. Such an important foundation training in a means that is accessible to the beginner. Love it!
January 8, 2016
I can't describe in words what an excellent trainer Michael Ellis is. He is my inspiration in dog training. Great job Leerburg for producing something like this.
November 15, 2015
Watched at least twenty times over the years I've owned this second edition. Keep learning as content so rich I see new things each time.
November 4, 2015
Great introduction with a good mix of theory and practical examples.
October 27, 2015
The new format of the player- divided into chapters is just awesome.

The content is absolutely great!
September 16, 2015
Awesome job!! The content is easily understandable and I like the explanations as to the why. The demonstrations were fun to watch as it is so much harder applying then understanding. It is important to see what looks right and what looks wrong. Overall, loved it!! Thank you.
June 1, 2015
I own multiple Leerburg videos and once again a clear and effective training video. Thanks for giving us the preview clips on your website. That is a double bonus, you are allowing me to be sure I will be happy with my purchase and most importantly saving a few dogs lives along the way by giving people who need it, quick access to the beginning of such good training information. This shows them not only that they and their dog can succeed, but the investment is money well spent. The clips are proof it's not another video full of completely trained/finished dogs taking you from "step 1" or shallow training video.
Thanks again!
May 31, 2015
Excellent video. I started to retrain my 18 month old German shepherd (previously trained mostly with avoidance/escape training methods). In 2 months our relationship changed dramatically - now I am able to teach new behaviors in very short time frame and we both are enjoying the training process.

After I tried out this method - I also bought several more streaming videos - Tug, Recall, Retrieve, Send away and Focused heeling. I watch them regularly - that information is just perfect and what is most important - it really works. I know that I will definitely buy all Michael's streaming videos which are available here (they are costly but worth every dollar).

Thanks for great job
March 14, 2015
This was deceptive at least for me. With all the great free content Leerburg provides I was 30 min or so in thinking I just wasted my money. I knew what the terms were and so on. But as the video went on I found what I was looking for. It just kept getting better and by the time I was halfway I was glad I got this DVD. I highly recommend this and the tug video.
February 14, 2015
Thank you Leerburg for this training DVD it was very helpful, but for whom have read most of the training articles and watched the free streaming videos, I think you can skip the first 50 minutes of the DVD.
January 24, 2015
Great video. I like the demonstration of both Michael and other trainers. Seeing is everything; please incorporate this in your other videos. Also don't try to do too much with your videos. We don't need all of the sassy effects and music. We are here to learn about training dogs...
January 12, 2015
A great, really educational video that's a must for dog-people! It's easy to take in the information, I'll watch it more than once for sure.
December 16, 2014
A must have for anyone who wants to train dogs! Period.
December 8, 2014
Thank you for this video! I know it will be one that I watch multiple times and will pick up on something new each time I watch it. I love watching the enthusiasm the dogs that train with you have.
September 28, 2014
Michael Ellis, I can't thank you enough for this video. You have a wounderful heart and love for fellow mankind and our dogs. It shows in the way that you have opened up your vast vault of knowledge and shared it with us in this DVD. Your attention to detail is superb. The $65 for the DVD is a great deal. But the ENGAGEMENT one will get with their dog after using your techniques absolutely priceless. Hands down the best investment one can make to improve the relationship with their dog!!! This video gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the end result should look like along with the incremental detailed steps to get there.

Having had a limited amount of dog training experience in my past I started helping a friend train with a 4 month old doberman. After about a month with them I purchased this DVD. Using your techniques the increased focus and engagement was INCREDIBLE. He's now almost 6 months old and doing great. Thanks again
July 25, 2014
Fantastic DVD! Michael Ellis explains each step clearly and understandably even for the novice and lets the 'real time' handler-dog demonstrations do the rest. My young Rotti is responding very well to the outlined techniques and has become so much more engaged and - I feel - more balanced as his natural drive and eagerness to learn gets rewarded and channeled appropriately. I'm thoroughly happy I purchased The Power of Training Dogs with Food, Michael Ellis is an awesome dog trainer!
April 23, 2014
This training video is INCREDIBLE!!! Michael Ellis covers how to train dogs with food in a very completely and easy, but also very professional and science based manner. My favorite part is that you get to see actual people training the same content and making mistakes. Along the way, Mr. Ellis is there to correct them and improve their training. It is brilliant! The content is extremely complete and works very quickly. It also addresses many of the pitfalls that commercial clicker training doesn't warn about. I was so amazed at how rapidly my 6 week weimaraner puppy took to it. It has only been 3 days, but today he was actually "asking" for training. All I can say is, "Thank you Mr. Ellis." I was so skeptical, but the training blew me away. I wish to see more videos of this caliber.
September 9, 2013
This is in my opinion,is one of the best training videos I have ever seen. This is a must see for all dog owners and trainers. Have watched this at least five times, and each time, I picked up something new I missed during previous views. My next one will be the new tugging video. Great job!
March 6, 2013
Excellent!!!! Having purchased numerous videos from Leerburg, they have hit the mark once again. The Michael Ellis series is nothing less than exceptional. The only thing that could make this any better would be attending the Ellis school and having the DVDs as a back up!
February 20, 2013
This DVD is excellent. One of the best things about this DVD is that there is no wasted space. The teaching follows a logical progression of theory and exercise. Every aspect is taught clearly and Michael Ellis is professional, wise and highly effective in delivering the information. The video moves along covering the information in an interesting and engaging way. It's also very helpful to see multiple dogs and multiple people performing the techniques and receiving instruction. At times students are shown performing a technique incorrectly and this is very helpful. It shows how the very small mistakes they make affect the dogs body and undermine what they are attempting to achieve. This is priceless as these mistakes would be hard to spot in myself if I hadn't seen Michael correct them in others on the video.

In a nutshell this video delivers everything you need to know to get started effectively training your dog to do basically whatever you would like. The principles are shown and the progression of thought is displayed in a manner that teaches the observant how to take these principles and use them as a spring board forward. This DVD will get you started in the way of basic obedience and then much more.

I am completely impressed with the DVD and will be purchasing those that are its companion like "The Power of Playing Tug with your Dog." Many thanks to the team at Leerburg for producing such fine material.
February 17, 2013
What a huge improvement! I did enjoy the prior video, but the audio was less than clear and sometimes hard to understand.

I hope a remake of focused healing is in the near future also. Great job guys! As for Michael Ellis, his theory and methods are bar none, the best! Would like to see some of his seminars in Florida though. Thank you all for helping us become better trainers.
February 9, 2013
An Epic Video! Best video I have seen from Leerburg ever! Finally a polished video right up there with Ivan Balabanov's obedience without conflict or any other canine training systems video from Europe.

This video is historic in preserving in detail the many precise body motions Michael Ellis uses in the very first steps at training a dog. And we even get to see Forrest in straw hat! YES!

Can you guys make all your videos like this? This is an epic milestone for Leerburg!
January 23, 2013
I have almost worn out the original DVD on training with food. This new DVD on training with food is perfect compliment to the original and together I think they make a great package. I would advise anyone interested in Michael Ellis' teachings to get both. In the first DVD you see a lot of different types of handlers but in the new DVD you get to see a wider variety of types of dogs. Well done guys! I also like the organization in this new DVD and the fancy stuff that I'm sure Jeff put in.
January 18, 2013
Video was really specific with attention to detail. Very useful. What is the next video to watch where our competition dogs are weaned off food completely :)
January 16, 2013
Finally. This DVD made your system clear. Thank you!!
January 12, 2013
Very well done. Methods are well explained and demonstrations do a great job of providing a visual representation of how the handler should execute the training method.
January 11, 2013
I watched the first DVD several times. This new DVD is the correct length and I thought much clearer and I got a lot more detail from it. Thanks.
January 10, 2013
Excellent. I viewed the original DVD first and now have finished this new DVD. They work well together.
The last puppy I trained was 20 years ago. Needless to say I need to relearn everything.
Even now, I will need to back up a bit with my 4 month old as I have gone too fast by naming positions too soon, etc.
What I have found here is a clear path which illustrates the way to the goal. So helpful!
It's all a little overwhelming but Michael breaks down everything in simple steps for the new handler and the dog.
Thank you so much for the help. I feel encouraged and empowered with this information.
Great job.
January 9, 2013
I've viewed the original DVD two or three times. That one was very good. This one is even better because it was made with the at-home viewer in mind. It's easier to follow, take notes, etc. And the hands-on demos with Michael Ellis's students are easier to hear and to follow visually. The only reason I haven't given 5 stars (and this may just be me) is that I find myself wishing Mr. Ellis would just speak a trifle more slowly. Having taught classes on the same subject over and over again, I notice that when I start teaching them I stumble and make mistakes, then my delivery improves but my freshness is still there. But after I've taught the subject over and over again, I keep having to remind myself not to put myself back in the students' shoes and not race through a subject which has become old hat to me but is not old hat to my students. No offence intended though, because this basically a very clear, well organized and informative presentation by a master teacher.
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