May 13, 2011

Can a person train a dog in 3 weeks?

Full Question:
My name is Mohamed. I am from South Africa and love anything to do about animals. I may come across as a child but my excitement is to blame for that.

My question is: Can a person train a dog in 3 weeks?

I have seen several advertisements on the internet and was actually considering sending my 11 month old doberman for such training. The person I was considering was recommended by my training school. His name is Robert Lee and he further guarantees that the dog will maintain its training for life provided you continue with certain prescribed exercises.

The training he is supposed to do is Obedience and Protection.

I am a bit skeptical considering that I will be paying a months salary.

I was given names and contacts of others who have made use of his services and they all seem very pleased. What I really want is an expert opinion that says, 'YES, IT CAN BE DONE,' or 'YES, IT IS REALISTIC.'

He has approximately 20 years experience in training.
Ed Ed's Answer:
The answer to your question is yes to obedience and no to protection.

Professional trainers can put basic obedience on a dog in three weeks - usually people like yourself lack the skill to maintain that level of training and the dog regresses after you get it back.

You can read what I have to say about obedience training here.

As far as training any dog in three weeks to be protection trained - that’s bull. This guy is out in left field and a con artist who knows very little about protection training. Maybe he is just hungry and needs your money.

Training a good protection dog requires months. Training a dog to become sharp and a little dangerous to be around is another thing. This can be done by working a dog in defense from the very beginning. This makes the dog dangerous to be around - or it makes them neurotic.

If you want to learn how to protection train a dog get my training videos titled The First Steps of Bite Training and The First Steps of Defense. The information in these tapes takes months of work.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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