August 11, 2011

I have an 11 month old husky puppy and am having an extremely hard time house breaking him. He goes inside the house at least once a day and he doesn't want to go outside, we have to force him. Please help!!!

Full Question:
I have an 11 month old husky puppy and am having an extremely hard time house breaking him. When we go for walks, he will not relieve himself until he gets to our backyard. Even when we take him out in our backyard a lot of times he won't do anything, but once we get into the house a couple minutes later he will pee in our walkway (one of two places that he will pee in the house). He knows he does wrong when it happens because he runs to his crate, no matter how many times we take him out through out the day he will always end up peeing in our house at least once a day. Also another problem is him not wanting to even go outside, we have to tug and make him go outside so we know that he'll go to the bathroom. Please help!!! Thank you.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You are allowing him too much freedom and he’s dictating things in your home. If he’s having accidents in your home, it’s a human error, not a puppy error.

I wouldn’t take him for walks UNTIL AFTER he relieves himself. Even though he’s older than 8 months, I’d recommend treating him as if he’s a new puppy. I disagree that he knows he’s done wrong, dogs don’t operate like that. I’d use a crate every second that I wasn’t watching him.

I’d suggest Your Puppy 8 weeks to 8 Months and our housetraining eBook.

I’d also recommend the video Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

Continuing to handle him in the manner in which you have been is only reinforcing the behavior you are trying to change, you need to back up and start over with him like he’s a baby. This is all about creating new habits, the habits he has now are not working.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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