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Obedience & Behavior Foundations Part 1
Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it Obedience & Behavior Foundations Part 1
4 stars (4 reviews)
4 hr, 24 min
July 28, 2017
This series is designed to allow a dog and handler to develop all the skills they need to have a solid foundation of obedience and to prepare them for off-leash work or resolving problem behaviors. The course (part one) starts with a reward-based foundation, before diving into leash pressure in Part 2. Tyler covers in detail the five basic commands that all dogs should know: come, sit, down, heel, and place (go to your dog bed). Giving simple, easy-to-follow exercises for the general pet owner, as well as in-depth theory and advanced concepts for the enthusiast or professional. Beyond simply teaching the dog commands, Obedience and Behavior Foundations uses traditional commands as a framework for teaching handlers the fundamental skills concepts they will need to succeed in any endeavor. The full series is packed with over 150 videos and offers a tremendous value to those wanting to learn the secrets of Tyler's internationally renowned success.
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Obedience & Behavior Foundations Part 1 Video

Uploaded on July 28, 2017 • 4 hr, 24 min

This series is designed to allow a dog and handler to develop all the skills they need to have a solid foundation of obedience and to prepare them for off-leash work or resolving problem behaviors. The course (part one) starts with a reward-based foundation, before diving into leash pressure in Part 2. Tyler covers in detail the five basic commands that all dogs should know: come, sit, down, heel, and place (go to your dog bed). Giving simple, easy-to-follow exercises for the general pet owner, as well as in-depth theory and advanced concepts for the enthusiast or professional. Beyond simply teaching the dog commands, Obedience and Behavior Foundations uses traditional commands as a framework for teaching handlers the fundamental skills concepts they will need to succeed in any endeavor. The full series is packed with over 150 videos and offers a tremendous value to those wanting to learn the secrets of Tyler's internationally renowned success.


Average rating:
4 star rating
4.3 stars (53 ratings)
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March 19, 2021
90% of this video is a trainer just standing there monotonously talking for hours, no dog, just standing in front of a board. If your learning style is not just auditory the first hour is extremely difficult to bear.

If i had skipped the whole introductory it would have been a better aid. Once there are actual dogs and training with the instruction that way the information becomes extremely helpful and much more valuable.

Skip the introduction it was like a monotone college professor talking for an hour and there was no helpful information in the intro. The actual training portions with dogs after, finally, were great. He does a good job, at the end, explaining and showing how to develop duration of commands—and for that I’ll increase my rating from a 2 to a 3. That first hour killed me ????.
April 23, 2020
Great foundational video. Full of dog psychology, learning theory and practical advice. Thanks!
August 5, 2019
Amazingly well done video for foundation work. For long time trainers or first time dog owners, this was gold! Very easy to follow and with results you can see immediately!
May 24, 2018
Awesome reward-based foundation to start dogs on obedience. Also a lot of great information on how dogs learn. I love how Tyler presents information in a very clear and easy to understand manner, without completely dumbing things down. Science-based but still straightforward enough for the average dog owner to understand.

Can't wait to see how the training progresses in Part 2!
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