Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 12 Months (2019)
How we raise puppies today is much different than how we have done it in the past. Today, we focus our interactions with our puppy on building engagement and a relationship that encourages the puppy’s love of learning. We want to build a strong foundation of trust and understanding before we try to teach obedience behaviors.
Unfortunately, many new puppy owners get distracted from building their relationship because they are in a hurry to teach formal obedience or they simply don’t understand how to build the foundation of engagement.
This video also covers how to manage a puppy in and around the home, but the focus is how we build the foundation for all future training. Once we have engagement and a pup that loves the learning process, teaching obedience behaviors is easy.
It needs to be said that new puppy (or dog) owners almost always ask for a timeline on what and when their dog should learn behaviors. The fact is without knowing a temperament of the dog this is an impossible question to answer. Like children every puppy is different.
Puppy rearing as it's as much an art as a science. There cannot be a set timeline the fits every puppy. No 2 puppies are exactly the same.
What one puppy is ready to learn at 10 weeks may take a different puppy of the same breed 6 months or more before they are ready.
Our course is a loose outline of how we raise puppies while always reminding everyone that everything we do in dog training and management DEPENDS ON THE DOG.
The vast majority of puppy rearing IS management and it's up to the owner to determine when they think their pup is ready for the next step in training while always being ready to back up to a previous step when necessary. Our course will show you the steps of training. We hope we have supplied enough information to help you determine when to move your puppy through the steps.
Stream Outline
- Managing Your Puppy in Your Home
- Puppy Training Equipment
- Kids and Puppies
- Toys Have a Specific Purpose
- The Ex-Pen
- Dog crates and house training
- Dog Kennels
- Feeding Your Puppy
Chapter 1: Living with your puppy
- When to Start Obedience Training
- Reward Based Training with Markers
- Charge the Mark
- Teaching Your Puppy its Name
- Engagement is the Foundation of All Dog Training
Chapter 2: Reward Based Training
- The Art of Redirection
- The YUCK Command - Why it's So Important
- Riding in the Car
- Teaching Our Puppy to Swim
Chapter 3: General Skills
- How Socializing has Changed for the Better in the Last 30 Years
- Engagement Games
- Why We Teach Engagement Before Walks
- Puppies that Pull on the Leash
- Meeting People
- Introducing Our Puppy to Other Dogs
- Puppies and Cats
- Dog Parks Can be a Dangerous Place
Chapter 4: Socializing
- General Care of Nails, Ears, and Teeth
- Fleas, Ticks, and Parasites
- Heat Cycles in Females
- Vaccinations
- Spaying and Neutering
- Choosing the Right Vet & Chiropractor
Chapter 5: Healthcare
So glad the dog breeder told me about this video and website :).
10/10 video
Admin note*** thank you for your review, there is no real timeline for puppy rearing as it's as much an art as a science. What one puppy is ready for at 10 weeks may take a different puppy of the same breed 6 months or more. This is a loose outline of how we raise puppies while always reminding everyone that everything we do in dog training and management DEPENDS ON THE DOG The vast majority of puppy rearing IS management and it's up to the owner to determine when they think their pup is ready for the next step while always being ready to back up to a previous step when necessary.