Managing Your Dog at the Vet

Uploaded on August 20, 2015 • 6 min
In this video, Ed Frawley explains do's and don'ts when you take your dog to the vet. These tips are important to avoid creating a bad experience for your pet.


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August 21, 2015
Great video as I too have seen people who can not control their dogs on the beach near my home.

I am hoping you will add to this or make another video on what to expect at the vet, how to politely disagree with your vet or vaccinations and raw feeding.

The newest trend that bothers me is the practice of taking the dog "in the back" for treatment. My dog was given an extra vaccination and my friend's dog was given 5 vaccinations including the rabies when she took him in for a massive double ear infection. We can never be sure what happens behind those closed doors. I would never allow this with my children and I will never allow it with my dogs again.

Thanks again for this video and the many others. I have learned and am still learning so much.
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