Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis (2010)
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5 stars (10 reviews)
2 hr, 58 min
April 1, 2011
Our new DVD with Michael Ellis was finished on June 18th of 2010. It is at our DVD duplicator and expected to ship in the middle of July. We had hoped to ship it sooner but our June seminar and Mondio Trail at leerburg took more of our time than expected. The DVD is 3 hours long and It is by far the most comprehensive step-by-step training DVD on teaching a dog to retrieve that we have ever seen. It will replace both of our previous retrieval training DVDs. If you are a student of marker training or interested in marker training you will love Michael Ellis' approach to this work. Because the system is founded in markers there is a very minimal amount of force used in our training. It is our belief that a dog should not be force trained to retrieve. We recommend the viewer have an understanding of marker training before beginning this work. This is all covered in the earlier DVDs we have done with Michael Ellis. In our opinion, no one is ever going to reinvent a better training system on teaching a dog to retrieve than what we have detailed in this training DVD. Michael's system can be used for AKC obedience, for Schutzhund trainers, for any of the ring sport trainers and even field trial retriever enthusiasts. Chapters on this DVD -Michael Ellis Opening Lecture on the Steps of Training the Retrieve -Pattern retrieving games -Step One - Holding the Dog's Muzzle -Students Learning the Hold -Training the Dog to Hold and Object -Retraining Older Dogs to Hold -Review of Training Steps Before Pickup Training -Trouble Shooting the Hold -When to use a Tug Reward -Training the Pickup -Introducing the Dog to the Tossed Dumbbell -When to Mark the Pickup -Proofing the Exercise -Free Shaping -Advance Training - Introducing New Retrieve Objects -Two Lectures on Michael Reviewing the Retrieve -What to do when the Dog doesn't Pick up Retrieve Object
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Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis (2010)

Uploaded on April 1, 2011 • 2 hr, 58 min
Our new DVD with Michael Ellis was finished on June 18th of 2010. It is at our DVD duplicator and expected to ship in the middle of July. We had hoped to ship it sooner but our June seminar and Mondio Trail at leerburg took more of our time than expected.

The DVD is 3 hours long and It is by far the most comprehensive step-by-step training DVD on teaching a dog to retrieve that we have ever seen. It will replace both of our previous retrieval training DVDs.

If you are a student of marker training or interested in marker training you will love Michael Ellis' approach to this work. Because the system is founded in markers there is a very minimal amount of force used in our training. It is our belief that a dog should not be force trained to retrieve.

We recommend the viewer have an understanding of marker training before beginning this work. This is all covered in the earlier DVDs we have done with Michael Ellis.

In our opinion, no one is ever going to reinvent a better training system on teaching a dog to retrieve than what we have detailed in this training DVD. Michael's system can be used for AKC obedience, for Schutzhund trainers, for any of the ring sport trainers and even field trial retriever enthusiasts.

Chapters on this DVD

-Michael Ellis Opening Lecture on the Steps of Training the Retrieve
-Pattern retrieving games
-Step One - Holding the Dog's Muzzle
-Students Learning the Hold
-Training the Dog to Hold and Object
-Retraining Older Dogs to Hold
-Review of Training Steps Before Pickup Training
-Trouble Shooting the Hold
-When to use a Tug Reward
-Training the Pickup
-Introducing the Dog to the Tossed Dumbbell
-When to Mark the Pickup
-Proofing the Exercise
-Free Shaping
-Advance Training - Introducing New Retrieve Objects
-Two Lectures on Michael Reviewing the Retrieve
-What to do when the Dog doesn't Pick up Retrieve Object


Average rating:
5 star rating
4.7 stars (180 ratings)
Your rating:
September 6, 2024
used for multiple dog with consistant results!
July 10, 2019
How do you hold a muzzle when the dog has no muzzle? After I learned that my EB didn’t like it when I would accidentally suffocate her - this process is brilliant and broken down and methodical and awesome. There’s so many little things mentioned and said in this DVD that are HUGE — it’s a must watch at least 5-10 times. Learn something new every time.
January 5, 2017
I truly love this DVD. As many others have said, it's very positive and doesn't create stress as the force retrieve does. I have also seen many people do retrieve training, but allow the dog to chew violently. This method is fun, positive, and all around perfect for every trainer. My boy will offer behaviors during engagement and dive in my hands hoping to offer the correct behavior. I also see this DVD good for general pet owners; it's great for dogs to be comfortable with their lips, mouth, and muzzle being controlled. Awesome DVD and highly recommended.

Patiently waiting for this front and finish DVD! Come on Leerburg!
December 7, 2016
I give this 4 1/2 stars. Great video just wish the picking up the article was addressed more. I really like the concept of "back chaining" although I took me a while to fully understand what that meant. I actually use this method as a teacher and coach although the names are different. I really like how Michael addresses all the various training methods for the retrieve. I bought a VHS tape back around 1997 from Leerburg that teaches the forced retrieve. I used it to teach my beagle at the time to bring all kinds of items. This method Michael teaches is definatley less stressful on the dog and more fair,but I'm glad I now understand both training methods.
January 28, 2016
Great content with a huge flaw! I just wish finishes and fronts where included as well because if you are doing formal retrieves you need to know how to train fronts and finishes otherwise the work is incomplete.
October 23, 2015
The video has a great step by step approach. I would like to have seen more content on fronts and finishes and perhaps a little on how and when to start adding jumps and a-frames. Thanks for a great product, my low drive dog is retrieving !!!!
October 31, 2014
I have all of Michael's DVDs and I can't say enough good things about him or them. It's been a while since I watched the Training the Retrieve DVD as my own dog is a great retriever now. Thought I would review again as I will be helping someone start to teach the retrieve to their 8 month old dog in a couple of weeks. Wow, I am so glad I did because watching it again has reminded me of many things, it also brings to mind things I can refresh for my current dog that will only make our retrieve better, stronger and help us to not lose points in IPO.

April 12, 2014
Another excellent video. Very specific, easy to follow,
December 28, 2013
I train IPO where force is primarily used in the USA. I have a 6 year old Cane Corso who is HIGHLY intelligent and highly motivated to "please" me. When I was introduced to the retrieve exercise, I was told FORCE is really the only reliable way to train the retrieve. Well, lets just say that when we tried to train him to retrieve, using force, he just laid down and took the force and was not having any of it. I gave my dog a couple months "vacation" from doing ANY retrieve work after this to hopefully help him to forget. After seeing that and feeling horrible about the sport, I discovered Michael Ellis' motivational retrieve videos and immediately started training the retrieve HIS way. All I can say is "WOW"!! Zeph was doing the full blown exercise with strong "holds' and no chewing by the end of one week with using these methods. Plus there is no anxiety, no chewing from anxiety, no tail-tucking, and he is HAPPY to do the work! I am a member of a Facebook page whose focus is protection sports with the Cane Corso and I ALWAYS brag about Michael Ellis' videos and methods and try to convince people to try these videos FIRST before using force on their dogs! I just want to say thank you for these videos and making my soul feel better about training IPO!!
May 31, 2012
When will the video on formal finishes and fronts be out? I was hoping that it would be apart of this DVD.
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