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April 12, 2011

While on a walk to baseball with my daughter we were attacked by two labs while were running loose. I killed one with my baseball bat. The police are threatening to charge me. What can I do?

A situation happened to me and my family a couple of weeks ago that has me puzzled about law enforcement. It started with my wife my, two children, and myself walking our 2 GSDs. We live in a small town and about 1 block from our house our neighbors 2 labs rushed us. They were both snarling with their hair raised up on their backs. We were on a public sidewalk and I grabbed my kids and put them behind myself and my big male GSD. My male did not growl or snarl and the hair never did raise ...
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April 12, 2011

My dog is very dominant and aggressive but has made a lot of progress these past 6 months. Recently, he seems to be going backwards again. Suggestions?

Ed, I have a 2 1/2 yr. old male rott. that has been neutered, and I adopted him from a humane society. He had toy aggression, food aggression, and just overall dominance. He had bitten me several times (a couple over toys, and a couple because I touched a sore spot on him that hurt him). I then bought your dom. dog collar, which worked like a charm, and some of your training vids. I believe that that is why he is still alive today. Anyway, he has done very well in the past 6 m...
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November 1, 2023

Recommended My neighbor's dog attacked my puppy and I reported them to the township, was that the wrong thing to do?

In the 28 years of living in my home, my next door neighbor has had 4 dogs. Not any problems with the 1st one. The 2nd one they would walk and let poop on neighbors property without picking up. Then that neighbor had to post signs about picking up after your dog. His 3rd dog has bitten me, the floral delivery lady, the post man and attacked the others neighbors lab to the point of needing medical attention. His 4th dog came off their property and attacked my 5 month old puppy while I was walk...
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September 19, 2014

Recommended I found a GSD breeder that looked good on the internet & I put a deposit on a pup. After visiting the puppies I have some reservations, can you give me your opinion?

Dear Ed & Cindy, Today I went to choose the puppy we want out of a litter that I put a deposit on (GSDs). The website was detailed, reviews and references were all good. After my visit, I am not sure about them. 1) They live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere with the dogs in outside kennels (We live in SC). 2) I asked to go see the puppies and she said she would bring them to me because I would upset the moms and other dogs. 3) She said I would have second pick out of a litter of ...
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February 10, 2014

Recommended We plan on getting a schnauzer puppy in April. One breeder told us to get a belly band for the puppy in the house while house training--even in the crate. I haven't seen you mention anything like this. Is this a good idea or something to disregard?

We plan on getting a schnauzer puppy in April. I have received 3 of your DVDs to help prepare myself for house training, etc. the puppy. One breeder told us to get a belly band for the puppy in the house while house training--even in the crate. I haven't seen you mention anything like this. Is this a good idea or something to disregard? Thanks.
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October 10, 2013

Recommended Is it ok to let our new poodle puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate his first few nights?

Hi Cindy! We are a young couple who will be getting a miniature poodle puppy and we are wondering if it is a good idea to let the puppy sleep in our bedroom in his crate for the first couple of nights so that his transition to his new home is easier. Would that be spoiling the puppy and making it want to sleep in our room for ever or would it be easy to move the crate to another area of the house after the puppy has settled in its new environment? If so, do you have any suggestions for th...
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August 22, 2013

Recommended My puppy is having his ears cropped and the vet prescribes Rimadyl for post surgical pain. Do you have a suggestion for pain medication instead of Rimadyl?

Two weeks from now, my 6 week old Dobe, is scheduled for ear cropping. The Doctor who will perform the surgery, is well known for his skill, but following the procedure, they plan to send us home with Rimadyl, for pain control. I know that you do not approve of Rimadyl, so do you have an alternative, or other advice for pain control; if necessary at all! Thank you in advance
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May 22, 2013

Recommended I was wondering what you guys think of using one certain piece of equipment just for nosework that tells the dog when you wear this you are working. I've heard guide dog and tracking people say that they only use a particular harness when the dog is working and they get the idea that when they put that one thing on it's time to go to work. What do you think?

Hi Cindy!! Well, Dexter loves his walkeez harness!! I may have to get one or two more in different colors!! :) We just started in nosework--we've had two whole classes! I was wondering what you guys think of using one certain piece of equipment just for nosework (say a particular collar or harness) that tells the dog "when you wear this you are working." I've heard guide dog and tracking people say that they only use a particular harness when the dog is working and they get the idea tha...
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July 2, 2012

Recommended My dog has been raw fed for a while and really doesn't like chicken, he seems to prefer pork, beef & sometimes fish. I don't want to put him back on kibble, do you have any suggestions

Hi, I'm trying to find a answer to my GD that has decreased his like in eating raw. He is going to be 3 years old in June. I got him when he was 4 months old as a rescue. He had demodex mange and was yellow from all the mess they had him on trying to treat the mange and his GI problems. I put him on raw and has been doing great ever since. He was never a big chicken eater. I went through the necks, back, thighs, leg quarters stage. That is he would eat it for a while, then not like it a...
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February 27, 2012

Recommended We have a 4 1/2 year old GSD and just had a baby 6 weeks ago. We've kept the two completely separated so far, but I'm wondering how to start introducing the two.

Ed and Cindy, My wife and I got our first GSD 4 1/2 years ago (I got her BH last year and I've done some SHZ with a local club) and we are in love with the breed and will forever have a GSD. She is 4 1/2, our only pet, high drive and very obedient that primarily stays outside but a huge part of the family! We've trained her to be very calm in the house and has her "place" as you call it (dog mat) in the house where we allow her to come in the evenings, but she isn't allowed anywhere else i...
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June 1, 2023

What is the purpose of using a raised bed instead of other types of dog beds? 

Hi Cindy, I often see your husband refer to the use of a raised bed in the home, training, etc. on your videos. Comfort being considered, none of my dogs ever choose the raised bed over their memory foam bed if given an option when we are just hanging out for example in the garage watching television. My question is, what is your reason for the use of a raised bed specifically? Is it mainly for training purposes for the ability to attach a leash easier, will you transition off the raised bed...
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January 21, 2020

How should I react to my 5 month old puppy who bites and growls at me when I correct him with a verbal 'nope'?

Not sure If I should call it defiance, but my 5 month old Malinois puppy has gotten defiant and bit and growled at me when I tried to correct him with a verbal "nope" command when I went to pick up a bag of trash. Typically the "nope" command works well. He started to drag a bag of trash that was sitting inside the fence that I was about to take out. I think he may have just gotten amped up into thinking it was a game of play because it seemed like he thought it was more of a fun game like tu...
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August 1, 2019

My dog barks obsessively in his crate when I take my other dog out. Any suggestions on what I can do?

Hi Cindy, I looked through the barking Q/A and didn't find anything on young pups - 12 weeks. Initially, regardless of how often I would take him out, my dog would poo while in the crate as he caught on that it would get him out. After isolating him for 24 hours and only taking him out for potty breaks, he figured out to poo outside with lots of praise and fun accompanying. I brought him back out into the living room to be part of the pack and he has been fine about this since. Recently...
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July 5, 2019

We are struggling with building up the confidence of our 9 month old puppy. Where is the best place to start?

Hi, we have a 9 month old Berger Blanc Suisse. She is so smart and we are just in love with her. It is our first Shepherd, and our first herding breed, so we are learning a lot! We are struggling with her confidence and building it up. We will be moving in a couple of weeks, so are excited to finally have that whirlwind over and get settled and really hone in on training. Not that we haven't been doing anything with her just not as much as we anticipated with everything going on. Is the Raisi...
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October 29, 2018

Do any of your videos deal with building food drive in a dog that doesn’t have a great appetite?

I have a 2 yr old bloodhound/coonhound/newfie mix with low food drive, a sensitive stomach, and zero toy drive. He has no interest in chasing a ball or playing tug, and not a great appetite. Does the Power of Training with Food video deal with building food drive at all? I've done marker training in the past with other dogs but was stymied by this one. I need to build engagement, and am hoping one of your videos will help.
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January 20, 2014

My dog sometimes jumps up on my grandchildren for no reason. What should I do about this behavior?

Came across your website while searching for help with regards to my 3 year old GSD. He's a well-bred, German line GSD, very high drive. He's very good with people but not so much with other dogs (only certain ones it seems). I deal with this by avoiding other dogs. However, my big problem, that I don't know how to handle, is his interaction with my 6 and 8 year old grandchildren. They live out of state, so we only see them a few times a year. He has NEVER shown any signs of biting or growlin...
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January 13, 2014

I believe that my dog was exposed to an aggressive dog. An experienced trainer gave me some advice on what to do. What is your opinion on my situation?

I read all about dog aggression towards other dogs. My 15 months old female GSD has most probably been exposed to an aggressive dog (not attacked) at the age of 6 months. An experienced trainer in Austria recognized the reason for her aggression towards other dogs and advised me to raise her up with her collar whenever she would bark aggressively or try to run towards other dogs. That would cause her discomfort and she would eventually stop the behavior. What is your opinion? He also exposed ...
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February 22, 2013

What products are suitable for cleaning, conditioning and preserving the latigo leather you use in your leads?

Hello Cindy, I know that you are a training specialist but I didn't see an email address for a product specialist. Please fwd this to someone that can answer my question: I have 3 of your leather leads and wanted to ask what you recommend for a leather care product for them. For all of my other leather goods, boots, climbing gear, motorcycle apparel, etc I use Obenauf's leather care products. Your site provides info that your leads are made of "latigo" leather, which I understand means tha...
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August 24, 2012

How much exercise can a 5-month-old puppy handle?

Hi Cindy, All my training and rehab experience has been with dogs over eight months. I have the opportunity to add a 5-month-old working Malinois to our pack. My question regards standardized leash work and pack walks. We walk twice daily on average, a minimum 3.5 miles or 7 miles daily. With a pup under eight months, how much walking exercise can they handle? Not ruining growth plates, or hips in early development? I need advice on daily exercise.
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January 19, 2012

We began having problems with our dog biting other dogs and even killed our kitten a couple months ago. I found your site, identified our mistakes and started groundwork. Is this dominance/aggression, prey drive or both? And if we continue to follow your training program, can the problem really be overcome?

Our problem is with our female basset/pit. We got her when she was 6 weeks old and she's lived peacefully for 3 years with 5 cats and an older non-dominant female weimaraner. The weim died 2 weeks ago and last weekend she killed our 4 month old kitten when he came near her food bowl. In the 2 months prior to that she bit the weim twice (over food and a toy) and 2 other dogs - 1 in our home and 1 in the other dog's home - again over a toy. She attacks without warning. My partner is so upse...
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