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April 28, 2011

My dog is showing an interest in chasing shadows, if I correct him for this will it ruin his drive?

Dear Ed/Cindy, First I would like to say that I love your website. I have bought several of your DVDs and products and have always been very satisfied. More important than just a supply store is that I have come to have a deep respect for your thoughts on dog training methods/philosophy (I read many of your eBooks, even the ones that don't really pertain to my situation). I even feed completely raw, and it has been great fun. So on with the problem. I have always grown up wi...
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April 19, 2011

My 2 1/2 year old Golden is aggressive around his food. We have a baby and are concerned. We have been to 4 different dog trainers and their recommendations are not working.

Thank you for taking the time to read my question. Here is a little background. My name is Dannie and I live with my husband and our 1 and a half year old son. We have a golden retriever named Dawson that is 2 and a half. We have been trying to train him out of a food aggression problem since he was 6 months old. We have seen 4 different dog trainers and have tried a number of different techniques. I have read your web site and can tell you a few things that we are doing right and ...
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October 21, 2023

Recommended How do I teach my rescue dog to come to me when I don't have food or toys?

Overriding instinct: making coming to me better/stronger than chasing a squirrel. When I train recall, my pup will come when she knows I have food/ toys. How do I transition to train without food and toys?
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September 9, 2023

Recommended My 12 month old Beauceron will pull and lunge on leash when other leashed dogs walk by. Can you recommend a video so I can teach her to remain calm and ignore the other dogs unless it's playtime?

Hello Cindy: My 12-month spayed Beauceron pulls on her leash to greet/play with other leashed dogs. For example, we are enjoying breakfast at an outdoor coffee shop and a well-mannered dog will walk by, causing our dog to jump up and playfully lunge towards it. Can you recommend a video so that I can teach her to remain calm and ignore other dogs (unless it is play-time) ? Thank you. Cindy
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April 3, 2014

Recommended Do you think marker training can be used to rehabilitate fearful feral dogs?

Hello, I have a question regarding marker training and feral dogs. Do you think marker training can be used in rehabilitating extremely afraid feral dogs? Thank you!?
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March 6, 2014

Recommended When we take our dog to the beach she takes off and we can't catch her. Should we use a shock collar?

Hi, I have just recently discovered your training techniques for my 7 month old husky female. We got a prong collar on her a couple months ago, as per suggestion of our trainer to correct her pulling, but made a huge mistake in not correcting when she would not come when called. We thought that if she didn't listen, but then eventually came to us, we should not correct her because she is after all coming to us. Writing it now, I know that was the WRONG choice. So now we have a pup that ...
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November 26, 2013

Recommended A prominent dog trainer told me that if a female dog trainer raised a male puppy for him it would cause problems later when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner. Have you heard of this?

Hi Cindy, A prominent dog trainer recently said that if a male owner who had a male puppy he couldn't raise himself the first few months of the puppy's life, has the puppy raised by a female, this would cause later problems when the puppy comes back to live with the male owner He said that if she raised a female puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue He said that if a male raised a puppy for the male owner, there would be no such issue regardless of whether the puppy is a m...
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October 10, 2013

Recommended How do I wean a dog from a raised target or touch pad to a flat target?

Hi Cindy! Wondering if there are any videos or instructions on how to wean a dog from a raised target to a flat target? I am using raised target for an easily aroused dog in agility with good success, however am struggling with the transition to a more flat target. Maybe I am just transitioning too quickly to a lower target?? Thank you for your valuable information. Take care.
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March 7, 2013

Recommended My 10 month old puppy is on a raw diet and kibble but he has a lot of gas and seems constipated. Do you have any ideas?

I have a 10 month old Greyhound puppy who is on a raw diet much to the chagrin of my vet. I have two questions, he has a very hard time having a bowel movement and is very gassy. He gate chicken backs, veggies and some fruit, I also give him flak seed oil as his skin is quite dry. I have been giving him about 2 cups of kibble and has helped with the constipation but I am wondering if that is why he is so gassy. Thank you in advance
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June 6, 2012

Recommended I recently joined a schutzhund club with my adult dog and some of the members have suggested I withhold food from my dog to get him to focus more on me. Where does this kind of training cross the line? I don’t want to starve my dog! I need some advice.

I recently joined a Schutzhund club with my dog. Although I love the sport, some members have recently suggested withholding food from him except for out of my hand and he works for it. They feel he needs work on his focus. My concern is that he's a 90-lb. dog, and the most I've been able to hand feed him doesn't even come close to what he eats a day. One of the other members has a dog he's been doing this with for about 2 months and the dog looks like a Holocaust victim. I'm not finding ...
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November 28, 2011

Recommended I use platz during training for down. Which German word should I use at home to lay down by my side?

Hi Cindy, I train my dog with German commands. I use platz for down in training. If I am at home and just want to call my dog over to come and lay down by my side, what German words should I use? It seems platz should only be used in SCH training. Thanks.
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April 21, 2011

Recommended Our new puppy has a bladder infection. We don't want him to think it's ok to go potty in the house but we understand his situation right now. What should we do?

Good Morning! We have just ordered the "8 weeks to 8 month" training tape to help us in training our 11 week old male Yorkie. We have read many of the free eBooks on your site and are very pleased with the progress we have made as trainers! We had a puppy two years ago and failed miserably as handlers. That puppy went to live and be well trained by a woman who knew her stuff. The obvious issue there was our poor training. We certainly don't want history to repeat itself here. ...
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May 18, 2020

I’m getting a Malinois puppy soon, what do you recommend for socialization with other dogs?

Hi Cindy, I will be getting a Malinois pup soon & have been researching best ways to socialize it with other dogs. I have a another dog already which was heavily socialized with other dogs & has excellent social skills with any size/type of dog (she has even been attacked by a dog as a puppy unprovoked, & never changed/became aggressive in spite of it), but she's too dog focused which I want to avoid this time. I would not expect the pup would not be as forgiving like if attacked. I read &...
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February 10, 2020

I purchased a 2 year old dog that is already trained & has a BH in IPO but I am new to the sport. One of my club members suggested I go back to basics and start with food training even though the dog is more advanced. Do you have any advice?

Hello, I've purchased a 2 year old, fully trained dog who has already earned a BH, and who tried for an IPO1 twice and failed protection both times, but earned 72 and 93 in tracking, and 80 and 70 in obedience. Since buying the dog, I realized I was teaching him bad habits because when I first got him, he snapped into position really quickly, but I didn't know how to reinforce him because I knew nothing about IPO training until about a month ago, when I started showing up at Schutzhund Club ...
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December 31, 2019

My puppy has began resource guarding. How do I stop this?

Hi, I have a 14 week old Rottweiler puppy. She has a bone and when I went to pick it up, she went after me. I thought she was kind of young to do that. What would be the best plan to handle this?
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May 20, 2019

I have a GSD who can be quite reactive when on-leash and who tends to ‘check out’ on walks. I’m wondering whether a prong collar would help with this kind of behavior?

I have a GSD who can be quite reactive when on-leash and who tends to 'check out' on walks. I've used a number of Michael Ellis DVDs for training so far and off-leash he has good engagement, recall and is not particularly reactive around other dogs. It feels like I lose all engagement once he is on the leash. I am currently using a check chain, which is helping to a degree with his pulling but nothing I do (pop the leash, walk another direction, ask him to 'watch') helps when it comes to r...
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February 7, 2019

Should I take my dog for a loose leash walk first before our training sessions?

Cindy, I'm new to the world of competitive dog obedience (getting ready for Novice A this spring) and have a question about the order of training. In my current routine, I take her to a local park where we train for about 30 minutes. After ending on a high note, I have been taking her for about a 40 minute loose leash walk around the park. I believe I heard on one of the videos something about putting the dog away after training so they could process what they learned. My question is should I...
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July 15, 2014

I have a dominant, leash reactive dog. In training, does one provide strong correction (fair but firm) or go the engagement route?

Ed, Almost a year ago you provide some suggestions on me dealing with my leash reactive dog while on walks showing signs of whining/stress when seeing other dogs. I watched your "Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs" DVD, and could say that my dog is dominant and aggressive to some degree. Yet very trainable, and good at obedient skills. In your DVD, you have a session in which you provided strong corrections to a dog you are walking near a fence with other dogs (high distraction). T...
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May 23, 2012

My dog has had two litter and all but one pup has died. This pup doesn't seem to be growing at all. Do you have any idea what might be going on?

Cindy, I put in "sick not growing puppies bacteria" in my search engine and your webpage came up as #1 at the top of the list and after reading much of your page on saving small pups, etc. I believe you may be able to help me. I have been a dog breeder since 1969 and have, at one time or another, had almost every disease a dog or pup can get, except rabies. Anyway, I now have something I cannot figure out. I currently have French Bulldogs (4 of them) and have been breeding them for ...
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May 23, 2012

A client's dog, who I've been working with since he was a pup, tryies to bite at me and stares me down now. What are your thoughts on the situation?

Hi Cindy, I have been teaching competition obedience, rally, agility and puppy foundation classes for 17+ years using mostly positive training methods (reward based) training. Over the years, I have had to take a client's dog and show them something; like a collar correction or how to help the dog into the down position (just to name a few things I've had to show the owners). I have had much success with mostly all experiences showing clients how to handle their dog better but occasi...
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