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April 4, 2012

My puppy isn't focused when we're in new environments. Do you have any suggestions for me?

Hi, I have been working very successfully with my boxer puppy using both the DVD on training with food and the DVD on training with a tug. Here is my problem: his heeling doesn't click in right away. If I go some place new, for example, he starts out by looking around then looking at me then looking around; then, suddenly, he will be all focus, and I will have no more problems. This same thing often happens when I take him to the Schutzhund field which is familiar to him. At first I don't...
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March 12, 2012

I am trying to decide whether or not to fix my dog, not fix her, or potentially breed her with another dog. I would love to breed her with another healthy male but do not know what breed I would be looking for or how to go about caring for her through pregnancy. Would you suggest I take her to a dog trainer and have them care for her through pregnancy?

I currently have a 5 month old female French Bulldog x Min Pin (French Pin). I am trying to decide whether or not to fix her, not fix her, or potentially breed her with another dog. I would love to breed her with another healthy male but do not know what breed I would be looking for or how to go about caring for her through pregnancy. Would you suggest I take her to a dog trainer and have them care for her through pregnancy? And what breed of dog would you suggest I breed her with. Thanks
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March 1, 2012

I recently adopted a dog and have started trying to establish pack structure and it's been an uncomfortable experience. Is this establishing method appropriate for my dog?

Hi Mr. Frawley, A week ago I adopted a 2 - 2 1/2 year old female Great Pyrenees. It's been an interesting week but the fact that I was online search for more help yesterday says it's not been ideal. I came across your website when searching for information on dogs being aggressive -- to other dogs and to people. I ordered your DVD on demand for establishing pack structure with the family pet and began putting her in the crate last night and it's been an uncomfortable experience. Is this...
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November 30, 2011

We recently added a new pup to our home and want to make sure we're on the right track. Are we handeling things correctly? Is there anything else we can do to make it better?

Dear Cindy (and Ed), First of all, thank you so much for all of the information you have provided on your web page. I can't wait to order more of your articles and books. I've read through a ton of articles and q&a's, but frankly our problem isn't to the extent of what others have written in with, but I guess I am more so concerned with prevention of future problems. We have a 3-year-old mini Australian shepherd female. We adopted her over a year ago because her first owner didn't want ...
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July 18, 2011

We have been using the Tri-Tronics G3 Bark Limiter on our 1 year old female German Shepherd with great success, but last night the collar malfunctioned.

We have been using the Tri-Tronics G3 Bark Limiter on our 1 year old female German Shepherd with great success. Last night, the collar appears to have malfunctioned, zapping her repeatedly at a 4 setting until we could get the collar off. It has been set at 1, and she was sitting calmly and quietly when it started. She is now extremely skittish and requires constant reassurance from us. Where do we go from here? I have contacted Tritronics about the issue, but I don't think I will be comforta...
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May 31, 2011

My 6 month old dog is already well behaved except she barks at individuals with darker skin. Any suggestions?

I just found your website but already can't get enough. I have a 6 month old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog who is happy and active. She loves to go out for walks and we frequent our local dog park often. She is already well behaved except she barks at individuals with darker skin. She never shows aggression towards them but does make a point of barking at them until we walk away or they do. We live in a city and this is very difficult because many people stop and want to pet her but when they do...
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May 23, 2011

I have a female that is vicious and fearful, but I want to breed her because she’s really beautiful and my male is gorgeous. Should I breed her?

I have a big and beautiful Brindle English Mastiff. She is a bit vicious for the most part. (Because of fear until she becomes familiar with someone then it's like they do not exist or they are TOTALLY welcome to her house or yard.) She also will not let my male Mastiff mount or "TIE." She teases and he is definitely interested but she snaps right before the "TIE." Anyways, I was thinking of artificial insemination, however, is she going to be a terrible mother? I know.... No one will know...
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May 20, 2011

What's the deal with having the dogs return on recall to 'between the legs' facing forward? Is this a new fad or what?

Cindy, What's the deal with having the dogs return on recall to "between the legs" facing forward? Is this a new fad or what? I realize in protection you don't want the dog to "front" and take it's attention off the decoy, but why not to heel position? Karen
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May 19, 2011

Will Schutzhund training help my dog become a good personal protection dog?

Schutzhund over here in England is frowned upon by the establishment. My nearest club is about 1.25 hours away, but they are very friendly and welcoming folks. My question is this. How related are Schutzhund and personal protection? Will going through Schutzhund be of benefit to my dog as a protection dog or should I simply set down the path, at a suitable age of course, of protection training him? Although again over here finding good helpers will be difficult outside the Schutzhund establis...
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May 18, 2011

My puppy has a submissive urination problem. When my husband goes near him he squats and pee, even if he has just come in from outside. What should I do?

I have been looking all over the internet and just found your site. WOW! You cover so much. I know it may be a while before you can answer me but if you can I would really appreciate it. We (myself, husband and 2 teenagers) just adopted a collie/shepherd 3-month-old puppy. He has been responding very well to the crate training and in just 2 weeks is "so far" housebroken. Our problem is that after a few days with us he has started this thing where he pees whenever my husband does anything ...
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May 18, 2011

Our young Malinois is really biting us when he gets excited and when we try to physically restrain him it seems to make him worse. Any suggestions?

Cindy, We just got an 8.5 week male Malinois a week ago from a reputable breeder after months of reading and watching DVDs. We are specifically following instructions from the DVDs 'Pack Structure', 'Your Puppy 8 weeks to 8 months' and 'Raising your Working Puppy' (although we have many others). He is a happy, energetic pup that is responding well to most pack structure exercises (doors, gates, sitting for food, etc.). However we are having difficulty in reducing/ eliminati...
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May 18, 2011

My dog is obedience trained but it will not come when it sees another dog. What can I do

I have a one-year old German Shepard. He is well trained to sit, down, come, etc. I can work with him at a strange location on a 30 ft leash and he still obeys. The only problem I have with him is a come when he is off leash and he sees another dog that he wants to play with. At that point I lose control and he won't come. I have tried a throw chain to get closer to him, but he could care less about that. He is also quite dominant in his play so I can't allow him to play with a smaller do...
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May 17, 2011

My dog loses her mind when approchaed by dogs and people. Is this part of a prety drive even though she just wants to play?

Hi Cindy, I am hoping you can help me. I have a now one year old Plot Hound that I rescued at 8 weeks. Without going into endless repetition, all I can say is that training her has required a lot of patience but with one exception is paying off. She has a strong prey drive but now is easily controlled with birds and squirrels. She responds well to commands, and shows absolutely no signs of aggression to people or dogs. The difficulty stems from her wanting to be with ...
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May 10, 2011

My pup will play with her tug like crazy at home. When I take her to the training field or down the street she ignores it. What should I do?

My pup will play with her tug like crazy at home. When I take her to the training field or down the street she ignores it. What should I do?
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April 28, 2011

We feel our dog has fear aggression issue - it bit our child. A local trainer wanted $2,000.00 to help fix our problem. What do you think?

I saw a Q/A that you had on fear biting and I was hoping that you could help me out with something... We adopted a female (2-3 years old) lab/boxer (or pit bull not sure) mix. She is a well tempered dog, very loving, plays well with other dogs (from what we can tell) and with cats. She has not exhibited aggressive behavior with the exception that she barks a little at strangers. The thing is that she is very timid. Numerous times she will roll on her back and freeze. We thou...
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April 28, 2011

My son is medicated and works with a psychiatrist. I can't put my son down. But I put the puppy down.

Dear Mr. Frawley: I am writing to say I felt great comfort finding your site with your wisdom about dogs. Yesterday, I took our new puppy (18 days with us) to my vet and had him put down. He was a pit bull mix and approximately 4 months old. When we adopted him from the shelter he was a shy, fearful pup who let me carry him into the car. He had been dumped on a highway at about 2 1/2 months and spent the next at this local kill shelter. I was advised to that training him was...
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April 28, 2011

I had to put my dog down today. I thought that I had trained her well, but she tried to bite my God daughter. What could I have done?

Dear Mr. Frawley: Today I killed my dog. Abby, our sweet, bicolor GSD, lived with us for six of her eight years. I adopted her from the Humane Society. The worker there later told me Abby had been seized during a raid at a dog fighting ring. They'd tried to use her as a guard dog. They also had bred her continuously and used her pups as bait. It took her two years to learn to wag her tail. She craved attention, and I was her person of choice. Our other GSD, Griffon, d...
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April 28, 2011

Did I make any mistakes in using the e-collar for too many different issues on day 1?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I have a question I haven't seen addressed on your website (even though it may very well be there) concerning what to expect from my dog after beginning e-collar corrections. I have a 9 mo old yellow labrador that we purchased at 8 wks of age. He is a really great dog and very smart. I started training basic commands as soon as we got him and he really likes training sessions. He took one obedience class for distractions. (I wish I had spent that $200.00 on ...
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April 21, 2011

I am trying to house train my 11 week old puppy. She has to go out every 2-3 hours-- even at night. Should she be able to hold it?

My Japanese chin puppy is 11 weeks old. I am trying to teach her to eliminate outside. So far she is doing OK when I am with her as I take her out every 1-2 hours and after her naps. She will go when I am outside with her. At night, we have to go outside once every 2-3 hours as well. Can she hold for more than 1-2 hours at her age as I read several advices that she should be able to? If I leave her in the crate for more than 2 hours, she will eliminate in the crate. I left her in the garage i...
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April 21, 2011

Can I add drive to my dog?

Can I add drive to my dog?
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