Aggression Q&As

July 6, 2011

Recommended My Poodle has challenged me twice recently and bitten me. Today we were outside, he saw a cat and I grabbed his prong collar and he attacked me. Do you have any advice?

My 8 month old male Standard Poodle has recently challenged me by biting twice. We adopted him from a family that neglected him during the first 16 weeks of his life leaving him unsocialized and with some behavior issues. When we brought him home at 4 months, he had severe seperation anxiety if left alone and will bark excessively non stop and still does. We try to take him on walks and to dog parks as much as possible, he gets along with other dogs great but he is still very shy towards stra...
91% (10 out of 11)
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July 1, 2011

Recommended My 7 year old dog has never shown aggression to anyone before and up until now has been great with my 16 month old son. Yesterday he approached her while she was eating and she bit him in the face. I feel I can’t trust her anymore and should find her a new home. Am I overreacting?

I've had my 7 year old pitt mix since she was 4 weeks old. I took her through obedience classes and she follows commands nicely unless she is excited about visitors. She's never been aggressive towards anyone. The only aggression I've seen is towards other dogs who approach us while walking and towards a friends toy poodle who constantly harassed her. Up until now she's been great with my son who is 16 months. He loves petting and hugging her and I truly thought she liked it as she's a...
75% (6 out of 8)
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June 29, 2011

Recommended My recently adopted dog occasionally nips other dogs, children and me. He is obsessed with small children and has very gently nipped a boy. He has gently nipped me when we go to the park, is this a love nip? What is he trying to communicate to me when he nips?

I adopted a 5 y/o male Rottweiler 3 months ago who occasionally nips other dogs, children, and even me. He is a neutral dog - submissive to me (pack leader) but neither submissive or overly dominant towards other dogs/people. The family I got him from had a 2-3 y/o little girl and he is obsessed with small children when I take him to the park, especially little girls. He gets excited and stays close and keeps a close watch on them. He did a very gentle nip to a little boy who was running and ...
90% (64 out of 71)
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June 27, 2011

My male dogs fight when we are not home. They aren't neutered, is it too late to neuter them?

I have a male and female ridgeback and 3 of their pups (2 males and 1 female). Females spayed, males intact. Pups are 17 months old. The one male challenges the other males only when we are not at home. I come home to bloody paving too often and he (the challenger)is always the one that loses the fight. Is it too late to neuter him? I don't want to give him away as he is the most loving most playful and respectful dog when we are around. He always loses but keeps growling at the other males. ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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June 9, 2011

Recommended We have 4 dogs and 2 of them have become aggressive. They are attacking each other. Our vet suggested adding chamomile tea to their drinking water but that it would take a while to have an effect. I really need help!

Hi. My family is having a problem with two of our dogs being aggressive. My mother and father have four dogs in total. One is a female we've rescued from a shelter. We have an older male dog who is very gentle, then we have two younger males (they're about two years old). Recently the two younger males have become very aggressive. They've attacked the older male dog about three times, nothing too serious but it was enough that we took Drake (the older one) to my sister's for a little wh...
96% (73 out of 76)
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June 3, 2011

Recommended My dog is crate aggressive but only to my new puppy, do you have any suggestions?

Hello Leerburg Staff. My question is about what seems to be crate aggression. I have read many articles on your site and now I am trying to find one about crate aggression but have been unlucky. I can't be the first person with this issue, maybe I am looking under the wrong article headings. Anyway, I have bought a GS puppy and have not let the puppy interact physically with my other dogs, just through the crates. My 4 year old Lab tries to attack the puppy when she is in the crate if he goes...
78% (7 out of 9)
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June 2, 2011

Our dog is frightened of everything - us when we carry things or change how we look, things out of place, etc. Do you have any advice for us?

We have a two year old dachshund spayed female named Frankie. We rescued her from a dog breeder when she was 5 weeks old. Her mom died suddenly when the puppies were just 2 weeks old and the owners did not care for them properly. The littermates all died but Frankie and her brother. She weighed under a pound when we got her. The owners got tired of feeding the puppies canned food and they were going to put the remaining two puppies to sleep. I heard about this situation and took both of the d...
70% (7 out of 10)
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June 2, 2011

My dog has started to exhibit some aggression while in the car. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions, and is this behavior likely a symptom of a problem that could get worse?

Dear Cindy, Thanks for your prompt and helpful reply to my e-mail concerning using e-collars to control prey drive in my 2 year old 110 lb. mastiff/boxer female. The first collar was apparently defective as the replacement worked on the lower power setting just as you said it should. I have had this dog for a year. She is a rescue dog and is assimilating into the family pretty easily. There have been a few issues - for example, a fear of plastic grocery sacks shifting in the back of the...
20% (1 out of 5)
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June 1, 2011

Recommended In your experience, how effective is pepper spray in breaking up a dog fight?

Hello Ed and Cindy, In your experience, how effective is pepper spray in breaking up a dog fight? Occasionally (say once a year) my 2 rescue boxers will fight with each other. My alpha female goes after my (much larger and younger) male. The male then has to defend himself as the female will repeatedly go after him, and he has hurt the female before. We eventually are able to break them up, but I know how foolish it is to try to break up a dog fight, especially if you are by yourself. ...
88% (7 out of 8)
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May 24, 2011

Recommended I'm considering removing my dog's teeth so he doesn't have to always wear a muzzle. What would you advise?

I am in serious need of your advice, I emailed you a few days ago about the blisters on my dog's face due to his muzzle, the muzzle itself isn't causing the blisters, it's the fact that he rubs his face on everything from the couch to my legs. Any who, I am considering removing all his teeth as a last option, but before you judge this decision let me give you a little background on my dog. Like I said in previous email about the muzzle my step mom contacted you at the first of the year regard...
47% (222 out of 476)
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May 17, 2011

My dog sometimes growls at me when I clip his nails or pet him. Do you have any good articles on this subject?

Cindy, I have a two year old Male not neutered german shepherd from working lines. He always mouthed me as a pup and never really liked being touched on the belly, feet, ears. Even though he didn't like it, I continued so he would get used to touching. I do all of your suggestions and also NILF and he listens to me for everything. Lately, he has started growling when I pick up his foot or try to clip his nails. I have your dominant dog collar and have corrected him until he stops and allow...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 10, 2011

I can't tell if my dog is fighting or just playing rough. So far, no one has gotten hurt. How should I scold him for fighting?

Hi Mr Frawley, I went through your website about some tips on my dog's behavior. My dog is 18 months old mix of Portuguese Mastiff, Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Cattle Dog, according to the vet, as he was given to me as a Lab. He is not neutered. He has always been social friendly with other dogs untill about 2-3 months ago, which he has become aggressive. In my opinion, the reason is the age. He used to be play, pushed by others and never answered back but was friendly play. Was...
75% (6 out of 8)
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May 2, 2011

Recommended I trained my dog to be a personal protection dog. He has bit 6 of my friends. What should I do? I don't want to put him down.

Dear Mr. Ed Frawley, Hi, my name is Justin. I live in Vermont and I have a 1 1/2 year old johnson american bulldog/american pit bull mix. His name is Conrad and I have had him since he was 4 weeks old. Conrad is about 85 lbs and extremely aggressive to anyone he does not know. He is very protective of my house, car, kennel and mostly me. He has already bitten 6 people and just bit my girlfriend the other night but did not break skin. I know I was a little hard on him when he was pup and I ...
97% (188 out of 193)
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April 28, 2011

My dog has either become protective of the house or scared about people coming into the house and barks at them. Do you have any suggestions for additional training to help?

My dog, which is now 4 years old, is a lab mix whom we adopted from a shelter. Since she was a puppy (Mattie) she has exhibited signs of weak nerves. We always attributed her aggression toward people as acts based out of fear or lack of trust. She has also exhibited problems wanting to dominate relationships with other dogs and, in doing so, displayed signs of aggression. As far as we were concerned, we had raised and trained our dog very well. She follows all commands with the occ...
85% (61 out of 72)
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April 28, 2011

I have a 5 year old female GSD who has always been fearful aggressive, terrified of everyone, noises, and objects. Is there anything I can do to make her relax and comfortable?

Dear Cindy, I have a 5 year old female GSD who has always been fearful aggressive, terrified of every one (except my mom and me), noises, and objects. If she can't run away from some one then she will bite them. When someone is in the house she will either hide in bedroom or hide behind me. I've had a 12 and 10.5 year old before her and now a 9 month old who never had this problem. I'm very experienced in training dogs, non-professionally, but do not know how to fix her to make her...
90% (9 out of 10)
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April 28, 2011

My dog is extremely afraid of my dad. He will not sit in the same room as my father and he will pace around the house watching to see were he is. What should I do?

Hello, My 6 month old chihuahua has a very annoying habit and I am hoping you can help me teach him not to do. When I first got him at 12 weeks old, he was perfectly fine around everyone, but one day about a week later out of the blue he just started to get extremely afraid of my dad. He will not sit in the same room as my father and he will pace around the house watching to see were he is. If my father gets up and walks into another room, my dog will start to bark and run upstair...
67% (10 out of 15)
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April 28, 2011

I have a 1-year-old large Munsterlander, who shows way too many signs of aggression. We LOVE him but his aggression is awful. Any advice would be wonderful!

Hi, My name is Lena. I have been reading your site about dog aggression. I have a 1 year old large munsterlander, who shows way too many signs of aggression. When he was six months, he nipped our friends young son. He was alright, but it greatly concerned us. Ever since then, we have been trying to destroy those signs of aggression, but it has been difficult. He is a baby to everyone in our family. He has never shown aggression to any of us. We can steal his food, mess around with ...
89% (8 out of 9)
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April 28, 2011

My dog has been fear biting ever since an incident while traveling by plane. I don't want to do anything that will cause more damage, what do you suggest?

Mr. Frawley, I sincerely hope this email reaches you. I have been an avid reader of your web site. and have purchased some of your material in the past. I have a problem. I am a dog trainer of six years, I have experience dealing mainly with working dogs. Sled dogs, some entry level sport, and personal pets. My problem lies with a female Malinois I own from an irreputable breeder from Oklahoma. I have raised this dog as of 5 weeks of age, the dog is now approximately 16 months old....
100% (12 out of 12)
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April 28, 2011

Is there hope for my shy dog?

Ed, I have purchased several of your videos and 4 heating pads, all of which I appreciate. I am a breeder of Field line Labrador retrievers. Your site and products are listed on our recommendations we give to new pup owners. I have spent quite a bit of time on your site but still have a question about a how to rehab an extremely shy dog. We have a female, Trixi, that was attacked as a pup by another female which was in season. After this attack, I found your site from wh...
86% (25 out of 29)
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April 28, 2011

At this point in my dog's life, I am unsure if I should continue trying to socialize her and get her used to strangers and not be so afraid. What is your advice?

Hi, I have an 11month old GSD. She has not yet been spayed? I am waiting for her to go through one heat. She is a bit shy and I spent a lot of time when she was very young having her meet and play with other dogs and I introduced her to lots of people. I would stand out in front of stores and ask folks to pet her and I would take her on walks where I knew there would be lots of people and activity. She is very gentle with my granddaughters and she is very sensitive to a correction....
94% (17 out of 18)
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