Behavior Problems Q&As

April 19, 2011

Our golden retriever stays in our yard with an invisible fence. She barks at dogs and people who walk by. Any thoughts?

Hi Ed, Thanks for all of your great advise. Our golden retriever stays in our yard with an invisible fence. She barks at dogs and people who walk by. I haven't purchased the limiter as I think it would be too confusing. Any thoughts? Thank you, Karen
67% (4 out of 6)
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April 19, 2011

I have a high energy, 4 year old Rottweiler. She goes nuts" over the pickups and suvs that drive by. Would you be concerned about this behavior?

Dear Cindy, First of all, I've learned so much from your web site, your newsletter, and the Basic Obedience DVD. Thank you for continuing to make valuable information available. I have a wonderful, high energy, 4 year old Rottweiler. We live on a couple of acres and we have an Innotek fence (thanks again for the info on in-ground fences). The perimeter of the fence is about 30 feet from a road that runs past our home. Cars can go past on that road, doesn't bother the dog. Sa...
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April 19, 2011

Is there a way I can teach my 7 year old son to correct our dog when he geats too rouch while playing?

Hello, I have been reading a lot of your Q & A's. I am looking for some advise about your 7-8 month old Corgi Mix. He was a stray when he was found so we are not sure exactly how old he is. He is a real sweet heart in almost every way. Breaks my heart that he had a hard start to life. I have a 7 year old son who Meyer (our dog) loves to play with but I think he thinks my son is his litter mate. Meyer will nip at him in a playing way, not breaking skin or making marks, but it still ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 19, 2011

I have a couple of problems with my new pup, including a dislike for the car, sometimes getting car sick, and bitting at me when I'm at his level. How can I fix these problems?

Hi there, I have an 8 month old Napolean Mastiff x American Bulldog puppy. He is a very friendly dog but when he gets excited he occasionally pees. He is a little nervous of new surroundings. He doesn't like going in the car and when I try to take him for a ride he lays down so that I have to lift him up and put him in which may be hard once he is full grown. He also throws up in the car if he is fed before a drive. What can I do??? Also, when I am at his level he gets reall...
100% (1 out of 1)
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April 19, 2011

Recently, my GSD started chasing her tail. We were thinking about breeding her soon, but now are not sure due to this. Is she ok? What can I do to stop this?

Ed, You have been most helpful in the past. I read an article on your web site regarding 'tail chasing' where you indicated that the dog is just 'nuts'. We have a beautiful year old bitch Gretchen. She is walked miles every day, heels like second nature; has plenty of space to run; plays aggressively all the time with our male GS. She is not crated, and is rarely left alone. She just started pacing and chasing her tail in the last month. I am at home all day and she is ALWAYS ...
83% (10 out of 12)
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April 19, 2011

My Rot pees all over himself and everything when he is scolded. Please help.

Hi, I have a one year old Rottweiler. He is great with my two young children but I can not get him to calm down. Our biggest problem is that he pees all over himself and anything else near him when ever he gets scolded. He does this more so with my husband than myself. The only time that it is really bad is when he is really getting yelled at. Not just a little "Hey knock that off!" Please help us if you can. Thank You sooo much, Jennifer
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April 19, 2011

We recently adopted a baby and one of our dogs has started to jump up on us while holding the baby. We have corrected him and he is doing better, but should we be worried?

Hi Ed, We have 2 Shiloh Shepherds, 14 months old, bought together as pups before we knew that was a bad idea. They are great dogs. We trained them as pups and they've always responded well to basic commands. We have had minor trouble with the male being shy in new situations or around new people, but just handled it by keeping him away and ignoring him when people came over. We did a lot of training with him before he turned one-- taking him into a new place and giving him tons of ...
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April 19, 2011

My 12 week GSD puppy growled and tried to bite me when I gave her a correction. She has never shown aggression before. What should I do?

Mr Frawley, I have a solid black female GSD 12 weeks old and I have ordered the videos you told me to for right now. I can't wait to get them. I had a problem just now and I need advice. I have been making her sit before she gets her food and she has been on leash all times in the house and outside. I am thinking that I am the alpha male so far until I get your videos that might teach me different including your podcasts. She has came to me every time I have called her name at least 30 ti...
98% (54 out of 55)
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April 19, 2011

Our 6 year old GSD has recently become fixated on her tail. She will bite and chew whenever she is alone. Do you have any suggestions?

Hello Mr. Frawley, If you have time, I would appreciate your guidance with regard to our GSD. Belle is 5 years old, in excellent health, obedience and personal protection trained, and a loyal pet. Behavior wise we have one problem. Over the past 4 months she has become fixated on her tail. We have vet bills for Keflex and powder for treatment, we use a command or the nicker collar to stop her biting her tail, but cannot watch every single minute. Long story made short, she bites he...
50% (2 out of 4)
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April 19, 2011

I have a GSD from Czech lines. I am not sure how to correct her. I have beentold that if I mishandle her, she might become handler aggressive. What do you think?

I am wondering if you can help me on a training issue? I have a GSD out of Czech working lines and am not sure what the best form of correction for her is. I am told you can mishandle these bloodlines and cause the dog to become handler aggressive and later be taken to the ground by the dog. I do not want to mishandle her and cause her to be handler aggressive, or her to be scared of me or her to continue doing what she is doing. I want a dog to want to be with me, want to work for...
100% (7 out of 7)
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April 19, 2011

We have a neighbor that has 30-40 dogs that roam the area killing small animals and even an 800 pound sow. What can we do?

Dear Ed, I live in Shadow Hills, CA, a livestock/horse keeping area in northeastern Los Angeles City. This is a foothill area and there are lots of horse trails connecting through open areas. I have shown dogs, trained them, and bred a few litters so I understand the variations in the breed temperaments. I would like your opinion on this situation. Last year we suffered a dog attack on our rabbitry losing 20 animals. The dogs came over 2 fences onto our property. Within a few weeks our ...
100% (18 out of 18)
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April 19, 2011

My dog constantly jumps up on the counter. How can I stop this behavior?

Dear Mr. Frawley, I have purchased and watched both of your tapes (Puppies and Obedience Training) several times. I am having great success with training our 6 mo. old Lab (Jake) all because of your help. I am a great fan of yours. I have one issue with which I really need help. Jake jumps up on the counter and looks for food. Though we are careful not to have anything within his reach, this is very annoying, especially since I am having so much success with training him in every other ...
100% (4 out of 4)
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April 19, 2011

My 1 year old Black Lab chews on everything. I don't like to chain her up, but she absolutely shreds things when I am gone. How can I stop the chewing?

Dear Ed, I have 1 year old black lab. I live on farm and she chews on everything...I don't like the idea of having her chained up all the time but every time I come home from work she has brought stuff from the Machine shed out into the yard and absolutely tears stuff to shreds...even when the door is shut she finds things to drag out and chew can I stop her from chewing on everything without chaining her up all day long?
44% (4 out of 9)
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April 19, 2011

I just adopted a 1 1/2 year old GSD. He is a wonderful dog, but he gets into things at night when we are asleep. I have mixed feelings about crating him. What can I do?

Hello - I just adopted a 1 1/2 year old German Shepherd from the German Shepherd Rescue in Las Vegas. He is awesome! He gets along great with my other dog, and he is getting along with my cat very nicely. But we have 1 problems that I can not seem to fix or train out of him. The vet suggested to crate train him, and I have mixed feelings about that. Our other dog is not crate trained and he does just fine. The bad habits is that at night he grabs anything that I have left on the counter, ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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April 19, 2011

My 5 month old Shepherd is starting to be dog aggressive. I want to control this behavior before she fully matures. Do you have any suggestions?

I've signed up for your message board, but as it takes a few days I wondered if you could get me started in the right direction. Our European bred Shepherd will be five months old on the 14th. We got her at 3-1/2 months. We are doing well socializing her with people, but when she sees another dog, she strains and lunges with all of her strength to get over to them while barking VERY loudly and aggressively. Our trainer (who uses many of your techniques similar to your puppy ...
90% (9 out of 10)
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April 19, 2011

My 8 year old Dalmatin digs holes in my carpet. What can I do?

I have a Dalmatian who is 8 years old. I think she's fairly neurotic and she's been neutered. She has dug holes into our carpet and I don't know what to do. If you give her a bone she tries to bury it in the carpet as well. This results with a bloody nose and blood all over the house. Please help! Thanks! Heidi
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April 19, 2011

Our dog is obedience trained but it continues to jump on guests that come to our house. We alpha roll her when she does this.

We have an 11month GS/rotti mix. She was a rescue and we have had her since she was 11 weeks old. She has completed basic obedience (prong collar was used) and did very well. I do, however, have one main concern in regards to training. When our dog meets new people, or our friends that she doesn't know well, she is relentless to get their attn. by jumping up on them and nipping at their hands and clothes. She has never hurt anyone, never even really nipped hard, but nonetheless it makes u...
92% (11 out of 12)
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April 19, 2011

I think my young dog has weak nerves, when the door bell rings he runs to the door barking with his hair up. Should I correct this behavior with a prong collar correction?

Dear Ed, I'm using your basic dog obedience DVD for our five month old GSD. I love your training methods. Here's the problem. He is running and barking at the door whenever he hears the key or doorbell. I think he has weak nerves because his bark is fast and sometimes the hair stands up on his back. I have a prong collar that he wears on walks. I want this behavior to stop. Please let me know the proper way to handle this. Thank You, Patti
100% (8 out of 8)
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April 19, 2011

My import puppy is chasing his tail. Is there anything we can do?

Hi Ed, Quick question. I have a 18 week pup GSD from Germany and he is always chasing and biting his tail and I'm not sure if this is play or something else going on. I have even switched his food to Fromm Nutritional 4 star food, having read once that this could indicate an animal protein deficiency. I don't know how grain based this food really is, but I'm hoping it's better than the Royal Canine he was on which he was getting yeast in the ear on. What are your thoughts on this? ...
80% (4 out of 5)
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April 19, 2011

My dog has separation anxiety, it will rip the siding off my home if left outside too long. What can I do?

I'm pretty much at my wits end. I'm what I would consider an experienced dog person; my age, my life, etc. I have a foster Golden; 6 yr old, SF...she came to me with some serious issues. She is storm phobic, has "separation anxiety", etc. etc. A behaviorist nightmare. If left outside longer than she wishes, she will rip the siding off our house. The timing can be five minutes, or fifty...the trick is figuring out how long is too long...letting her in BEFORE the behavior starts. She h...
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