Behavior Problems Q&As

April 15, 2011

I have a female Dobie and I am unsure what the best reaction should be when she barks at people or noises. How do I make her stop or let her carry on barking?

Hi Cindy, I want to start off by telling you what a great help you and Ed have been with my training! I love your videos, especially the Training with markers video. My question for you is, I have a female Dobie and I am unsure what the best reaction should be when she barks at people or noises (for example: people walking through the neighborhood at night or noises outside). I want my dog to be naturally protective and watch/alert me when she senses something is not quite right. W...
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April 15, 2011

When my 15-month-old Doberman hears the slightest sound, he keeps barking. Is there a way teach him how to distinguish between noises or perhaps could he grow out of this pattern?

Hello Cindy, It has been a very long time since I last emailed. I ordered several of Ed's videos and searched his site on quieting a barking dog. Simply put, my 15-month-old Doberman is very obedient thanks to your videos but for some reason if he hears the slightest sound outside, upstairs or even if my wife opens the basement door to talk to me for something he just keeps barking. I don't mind him nor will I correct him for barking at strangers walking by or hears noises ...
25% (1 out of 4)
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April 15, 2011

I have a 21 month old working line dog. He has been having a little seperation anxiety when I leave the house. He has been barking a lot with occasional breaks. What is your thought?

Hi, I have a question about my dog. He's a 21-month-old working line dog. I purchased him about 3 months ago for Schutzhund and he as developed a tight bond with me. He has been having a little separation anxiety when I leave the house. He stays in an extra large crate in the basement when I leave to go to work. My other dogs stay in crates beside him when my wife and I are both at work. But when she is not working, the house dogs usually go upstairs with her. The problem is, he ha...
67% (2 out of 3)
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April 15, 2011

I have a border collie female who is about 5 years old who barks incessantly on and off all day long. We've tried everything, what do you suggest?

Dear Cindy, It's been a really long time since I have written for your advice, but I find myself needing your help once again. I'm not sure why I never asked for your help before, but I guess better late than never. I have a border collie female who is about 5 years old. We've had her since she was a 7 weeks old. Any how she barks incessantly on and off all day long. We've tried the bark collars, which I really dislike. I've tried exercise, spray bottles and shaker cans. She only d...
80% (4 out of 5)
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September 10, 2010

My puppy screams, howls, pees, and poops when left alone. How do I teach her that separation is ok?

Hello, Cindy. I came under ownership of a (now) 4 month old Australian Cattle Dog puppy a month ago. I've been having some major issues that I really hope you can help me with. The breed is known to be velcro, but this is getting a bit over board. If she is seperated from me, she whines. So long as she is with someone else, it will only be that. If left truly alone, she screams, howls, pees, and poops. If left in a room, she will destroy it - I assume trying to get out. I'm not sure how t...
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