Breeding & Whelping Q&As

April 21, 2011

My GSD just had 11 pups and I have a few questions.

Hi, My GSD has just had 11 pups, I was wondering what is the best food she can have to keep her strength up and to make sure she is producing enough milk for them. Also quite a silly question, how will she know which pups have fed and which haven't, as she only has 8 teats? Many thanks, Rebecca
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April 21, 2011

I received my puppies much too early from the breeder that I bought them from and your formula is working great!

Ed, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your website. I received my puppies much too early from the breeder that I bought them from. (She told me that I had to take them, as mom did not want to feed them anymore, and had actually killed one of the ones that I had put a deposit on). They are 3 days shy of 5 weeks old. She told me that she had weaned them early, and that they were eating hard food already. Well, when my husband got home from picking them up, they were prett...
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April 21, 2011

Does the recipe has enough iron in it. None of the ingredients contain iron except maybe the egg yolks. Do I need to add some liquid vitamin to this formula?

Hello I am a small Labrador breeder. I just had a litter of 12 pups to a mother with 4 injured nipples (hunting accident). I have been bottle feeding them with your puppy formula recipe. This formula is a lifesaver. They would not eat the powdered formula very well, but they love your recipe and are gaining weight like crazy and full of energy. My only concern is if the recipe has enough iron in it. None of the ingredients contain iron except maybe the egg yolks. Do I need to add s...
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April 21, 2011

I have been using your formula recipe, but the pups are barely drinking now. Am I doing something wrong or will they eat when they are hungry?

Hi, I have been raising french bulldog puppies from birth. They were born a week early and mom rejected them. Anyway, I started using the esbilac but they were constipated and not gaining much, I found your recipe on formula and I am currently using it. The little guys loved and were drinking about 2 oz at a feeding. They now are barely taking an oz. Am I doing something wrong or will they eat when they are hungry? This is only day 2 with your formula. They weigh 1lb 12oz. Any sugg...
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April 20, 2011

The nipples I'm using to bottle feed keep getting clogged. Help!

Having probs: Maybe the egg yolks on rewarming the formula. Stuff is sticking in the nipples and both the pups and I are getting frustrated. The nipple gets clogged with the fast flow vent nipple. My son sees no reason for evaporated milk if you use the yogurt/water. HELP Can you just use the yogurt/milk and drop the egg for the next week? Some of the pups seem hungry. Some will take the bottle and others fight. New mom being a pain.10 GS pups at risk DOB 4/3 Judy
35% (22 out of 63)
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April 19, 2011

Our dogs get on the furniture when we are not home. What can we do?

read through your site and got a great deal of information. You addressed the problem of dogs jumping on the furniture when you are around and we don't have a problem with that, save rare occurrences of putting a paw up to get attention and we correct that. Our problem is when we leave the house at least one of the dogs and probably both think that the furniture is fair game. We have come home and discovered the one dog on sofas and chairs and even leaping onto the coffee table before leaping...
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April 15, 2011

Recommended What is the benefit of picking up a dog's food after a certain amount of time?

Hi Cindy, I remember seeing somewhere on your site that when your dogs are fed it's picked up after a certain amount of time. The time I can't remember, 20 minutes to an hour, I think. My question was what is the benefit of this??My German Shepherd never eats all of her food in one go and I feel guilty about taking it up after a set time, as I know she always goes back to it before bed time and finishes it off.?Is this bad for her? RegardsSandra
74% (139 out of 187)
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February 14, 2001

What was your opinion of the German Shepherd that was in Westminster last night (2-13-01)?

What was your opinion of the German Shepherd that was in Westminster last night (02-13-2001)?
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