Food and Health Q&As

September 7, 2011

My dog just tested positive for Lyme Disease. Have you ever heard of a false positive? Would you get a second opinion?

Hi Cindy, I have just gotten a test result from my vet that gives a positive for Lyme Disease for my four year old GSD. Have you ever heard of a false positive? Would you get a second opinion? I know that Leerburg recommends the RAW diet and alternative medicine for dogs, and I have followed those recommendations over the years. Is there a link to any suggestions for Lyme Disease on your site? Thank you for your time.
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September 7, 2011

Recommended Another dog dies from Rimadyl

I was reading your page on Vaccinosis. This sounds like the answer behind my 7 year old GSD's death. On a friday he was brought into the vet for a leg injury, and we went ahead had his shots done. We were given anti-inflamitories, and sent on our way. Saturday & Sunday he became lethagic, and refused to eat. Monday morning he could barley walk and he'd dropped 5 lbs in 4 days. And he had a fever of 105. He never recovered. Saturday, July 23, 2011 he started vomiting blood, so we had him PTS. ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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September 6, 2011

Recommended What would be a good time to focus train my dog in the day?

Hi Ed and Cindy, I have a simple question that may sound silly, but I really would like your opinion. What would be a good time to focus train my dog in the day? I get home from work and usually go straight into exercise. That doesn't leave too much time before having to rest for a couple of hours before dinner. And I know you've said not to train after exercise, but train when they are hungry. I figure train before the exercise, but with food rewards, wouldn't that be the same as eating b...
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August 30, 2011

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for warning people about Rimadyl. I lost my gorgeous 5 year old Staffie mix to this med in March 2010.

Cindy, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for warning people about Rimadyl. I lost my gorgeous 5 year old Staffie mix to this med in March 2010. She was given this med after a surgery to remove a small mass. Before the surgery she was a perfectly healthy. A typically bright and active dog became sickly and confused. She vomited all day long and would back herself in to walls and corners and get stuck. I took her to the ER but it was to late the damage was done and d...
100% (1 out of 1)
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August 29, 2011

Pfizer Sued after Dog Dies from Rimadyl Toxicity

Hi Cindy, Of the many things I've learned from your website is the danger of this drug. It's a sad story to have to read but underscores the importance of giving these so called "necessary drugs or vaccines" to our pets. Blessings,Tracey
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August 22, 2011

Recommended I may be bringing home a 3 month old puppy tomorrow that had surgery to remove a sock from her stomach just last week. She seems like a great pup otherwise. Do you think this pup will be ok psychologically and physically?

So sorry to ask you to respond immediately, but I was hoping to get your opinion on a german shepherd puppy that I may be bringing home tomorrow. Her breeding seems excellent for temperament and health (including hips, etc.). She is 3 months old. The only concern that I have is that she swallowed a sock last week and had surgery to remove it. The vet, who is supposed to be very good, had to cut open her belly (6 inch cut) to remove the sock which she swallowed whole. The stitches are inside a...
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August 17, 2011

Recommended My pup eats everything... toys, socks, underwear. We try to keep things picked up but he still finds them. What can we do?

I have a 5 month old Goldendoodle that picks up everything he finds. He swallowed a 12" long stuff-less toy about a month ago that had to be removed surgically. He loves socks and underwear, and yesterday he got ahold of one of my daughters headbands, but fortunately he vomited up this morning. We try to keep things picked up but he just seeks them out. What can we do? I don't want another $2800 vet bill. Thanks, Tim
100% (9 out of 9)
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August 15, 2011

My dog has a sock addiction. Our vet recommends that he wears a muzzle when he's at home. What type would you suggest?

Hello! My family and I have two wonderful labs. The oldest is a little over a year and the youngest is just about 6 months old. His name is Hugo and he's the best! Sadly, he has an addiction to socks. He is crated when we are not home (both dogs are) and he's confined to the downstairs when we are (gates). Occationally we have a "jail break" and he sneaks upstairs and digs around for socks (the dirtier the better). We have young children who sometimes forget to lock the gate when they fly ...
50% (1 out of 2)
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July 19, 2011

My 4 1/2 month old pups have been having bowel problems. We tried switching foods, but it only seems to have gotten worse. Is there any advice you can give us?

Hello, I have 2 male Great Danes that are 4 1/2 months old. They have been having bowel problems for a little while now. We started them on Iams large breed puppy formula, and for a while that was fine. Our vet suggested switching them to a fish based dog food. So we gradually switched them over to the fish based food by Wellness. Now the diarrhea is getting worse. It is everyday all day long. I am really concerned. I saw today about giving them some canned pumpkin, but is there any other ...
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July 18, 2011

I would like to know what the ideal weight should be for a 6 month old female malinois pup.

I would like to know what the ideal weight should be for a 6 month old female malinois pup. Thanks! Bob
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July 14, 2011

Our dog is suffering from inflamed elbows. Is there anything you could recommend to help him?

Hi Ed and Cindy, First I want to thank you for the special collar you sold me 5 years ago! It has been amazing! Our lovely rescue can now walk perfectly on a leash. He is now about 10 years and is suffering from inflamed elbows. The vet had it lanced and he is on antibiotics. Do you have anything to recommend to help with this?? We unfortunately have wood floors. He has 2 beds ...but seems to like to spend time on the floor. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much and h...
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July 12, 2011

I just purchased a bottle of Syn-Flex, should I follow the loading dosage indicated on the label?

Hi Cindy, Faithful Leerburg follower here, who has a 3 year old Chocolate Lab who was just diagnosed with a partial tear in her ACL. I just purchased a bottle of Syn-Flex and it arrived yesterday. I have a question about the dosage. My dog is 77 pounds, therefore based on what you have listed on your website, I am to give her 1/8 oz per day. My question is do I follow the loading dosage indicated on the back label of the bottle? My vet is extremely excited about this product. Please advise...
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July 6, 2011

Recommended I had emailed you quite a while ago with a question about a GSD female that used to love tugs and bite work, but suddenly stopped.

Cindy, I had emailed you quite a while ago with a question about a GSD female that used to love tugs and bite work, but suddenly stopped. You mentioned seeing the vet and chiropractor, which I did but still didn't seem to fix the problem. What it ended up being was a hormone imbalance, she had a "deformed" ovary. She had been left intact until this past week, and when performing the spay the vet noticed the problem. It was very large and misshapen. It was biopsied and was not cancerous, bu...
67% (2 out of 3)
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June 3, 2011

Recommended My dog's breath smells like rotting meat, do you know what could be causing this?

Hi! We have a 1 1/2 year old beagle and his breath just starting smelling really bad like rotting meat. He is on an all raw meat diet, do you know what may be causing this smell? Thanks! Britni
80% (24 out of 30)
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May 31, 2011

Recommended What can you advise me to use for tick control that is safe and effective?

Hi guys, What can you advise me to use for tick control that is safe and effective. I used to spray a chemical on my lawn until I lost a 6 year old GSD to cancer. I tried a topical but my female GSD had a severe reaction to it. It didn't bother my male GSD. After giving it a lot of thought I felt it isn't safe to put a poison on the dogs. I started using a spray I believe I purchased from your kennel called organic neem spray with pretty good success. This year after all the spring rain w...
96% (24 out of 25)
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May 24, 2011

I have been feeding my dog just meat (alternating between chicken and organic beef) and eggs. Could I cut the meat in half and also feed her cooked brown rice or oatmeal for the other half of the meal?

Hello Cindy, I just have a question. I started my dog on a raw diet when she was 4 months old and she has been on it ever since. She is now 15 months old. I have been feeding her just meat (alternating between chicken and organic beef) and eggs. She also gets salmon or cod liver oil, olive oil, calcium with vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin C, and a probiotic. She also once in awhile gets table scraps or carrots to munch on. But my question is, could I cut the meat amount in half and also feed...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 24, 2011

Our dog starting shedding a lot last spring after 2-3 months on a raw diet. Our vet said it was from feeding her raw food and wanted us to switch her to a kibble. Could her shedding be because she’s allergic to chicken?

Hi Cindy, About a year ago we adopted a 1 year old Plott/Sheppard mix. We decided at the time to raw feed and bought an assortment of books. Since we raise our own poultry, chicken was the natural choice for protein. We would grind the chicken along with the bones, and add some carrot or other vegetable, a touch of molasses and a little vinegar. After 2 or 3 months (it was March) on the diet we noticed Zoe shedding a lot. Since she was new to us we weren't sure if the shedding was natural ...
89% (16 out of 18)
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May 24, 2011

I purchased raw chicken thighs and legs and just noticed the expiration date was 12/10/10 (today is 12/12/10). Is it safe to feed this?

Hi Cindy, I have been feeding my 11 month old Doberman pup a raw diet for several months and it has been the best change we could have made for her. She loves this diet. Regarding chicken? I purchased raw chicken thighs and legs and just noticed the expiration date was 12/10/10 (today is 12/12/10). The smell if off a bit an wanted to know if it is not safe to feed this expired meat to our dog. Thanks so much for your guidance. Kind regards, Joan
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May 24, 2011

My dog has been on raw for a month but he keeps getting diarrhea. Any input would be appreciated.

I am a firm believer in a raw food diet, we have had our 5 month german shepherd on it now for about a month, but he keeps getting diarrhea. I am super carefull with his food, nothing is cross contaminated, his bowl is thoroughly washed after every meal. I give him chicken, a little bit of pulverized veggies a few times a week, eggs with shells, gizzards, hearts and occasionally liver. We have him on all the supplements as well. He has now had three episodes of diarrhea, no blood, and no othe...
100% (2 out of 2)
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May 24, 2011

My pup continually has loose, watery stools. At first she had gardia, but no longer tests positive for it. Any advice?

Hi Cindy, I have a rescue pup, Shepard mix (small) about 8 months old. She seemed to have normal stools when we got her. I first started her out on a grain free natural kibble (call of the wild) and she had loose stools. She had a stool sample done and we found out she had gardia. We treated her with Pancur for 5 days and she had VERY loose watery stools during that time and for a couple more weeks after, we decided to switch her to raw diet cold turkey and the runny poop continued. We had...
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