Obedience Q&As

July 18, 2011

My dog has been sick and the vet is scaring me about feeding raw. Should I just give him raw? Do you agree? I have no one else to ask.

Hi Ed and Cindy, This is the first time I have emailed you, though I have referenced your site more times than I can count over the years. I have owned working Shepherds for 10 years now (all of my adult life) and have fed raw this entire time. I feel that I know a lot about raw, much more than the average person. But right now I am questioning myself and it's driving me mad, so here is the deal: Last Monday I went to a trial and picked up kennel cough. It's the first time I have eve...
100% (3 out of 3)
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July 17, 2011

Shame on you. I hope nobody ever comes to your site for your jaded, violent advice.

Quoted directly from your website: When I am out for a walk and a strange dog approaches I become aggressive towards this strange dog. If the intruder does not back off I will actually attack the other dog if he will not leave us alone. [...] If this doesn't work I am looking for something to hit this other dog with. If I have pepper gas I will use it, even if the owner is there. If another pet owner is so slow or so stupid that he will not take control of his dog when he sees anothe...
89% (631 out of 712)
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July 14, 2011

Recommended I don't have the required speed for your Video on Demand, is there any other way I can watch the newsletter videos?

Hello, I have an updated Adobe Flash Player but I do not have required download speed you mention to watch a smooth video. Is there any other way I can watch your streaming videos from you newsletters, please? To watch a video that stutters this much is impossible to follow. Thanks a million, Angela
100% (2 out of 2)
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July 14, 2011

The ecollar I bought has a DVD and I was wondering how it compages to your ecollar DVD.

Hello, Thanks for the informative web site. Before I was told about your site I had purchased a sportdog brand, FieldTrainer 400s e-collar. I want to purchase a few of your DVDs and was wondering about the e-collar training one. The collar I bought has a DVD and I was wondering how it compares to your e-collar training video. I was gonna buy your set of 3, set # 4005 until I remembered the DVD in the collar box. If they are close I would still buy the other 2 DVDs from you or if it's not I...
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July 14, 2011

My dog has become leash smart. She does great with the leash on, even when dragging it around, but as soon as it comes off she doesn't listen. What would you suggest?

Hi Cindy, Ever since I got my dog (Australian Shepherd mix - 8 months old) 6 months ago I've been on your website, watching your DVDs, podcasts etc nonstop. I cannot thank you and Ed enough for helping me overcome some of the issues I've ran into. She is a great dog and amazingly smart. The problem that I have come across with her which frustrates me beyond belief is that she is leash smart. I can bring her outside and when I leave a short 4 ft leash on her to drag around, she is amazing. ...
100% (13 out of 13)
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July 12, 2011

We are about to get two puppies, although we only wanted one. I have some questions about the crates and their set up.

Ed, I've read your articles on two puppies, but my husband and I are about to have two though we only wanted one. I've been reading all over your website about crate training and pack leader but I still had a couple of questions. For the two crates, should they be in the room that I would be during the day, just at separate ends? Or should they be in separate rooms, neither where I am during the day? I'm concerned about the whining with each other or seeing the other get uncrated when I...
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July 11, 2011

Recommended Is the streaming video of the DVD I just purchased available because I bought the DVD or will I need to pay for the streaming video?

My question is this, I bought a DVD "8 weeks to 8 months" then went to a link that said watch your "streaming video," is this available to me because I bought the DVD or will it charge me another 40 dollars if I watch the streaming video? Thank you, Brad
100% (5 out of 5)
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July 11, 2011

Recommended My GSD will chase down my other dog and sack her when they are running. I’m considering using the ecollar, but I don’t want to diminish her prey drive. Is it OK to use the collar for this?

Dear Ed and Cindy, I have a problem occurring between my 8 MO. GSD, and my 1 YO. Siberian Husky. This problem only occurs when I'm at the off leash dog park with them. The problem is when my husky starts getting ahead of my GSD, my GSD will chase her down and sack her. By the time my GSD catches up to the husky, they are traveling pretty fast. This is not a mutual, back and forth game that they play. It seems as if my GSD is preying, or maybe she just wants to be in control. Either way, I...
91% (10 out of 11)
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July 6, 2011

I thought I read that if I bought the on demand version of a video, I could purchase DVD for an additional fee. How does that work and where is the info for that?

I thought at one time I read that I could watch the on demand version on line from your site and if I wanted to purchase the DVD, I could for an additional fee. I have looked and I don't seem to see this info unless I am looking over it and that is possible, but is that the case? Can I do the on demand and if I choose, can I get the video on DVD for a small fee? Not have to pay full price again to get it? Thank you.
100% (5 out of 5)
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July 6, 2011

Recommended My 4 month old puppy submissively urinates whenever he gets excited. I thought with training & confidence this would go away, should I give him treats every time he doesn’t pee?

My puppy is a boxer mix. He is about 4 months old and is very playful and friendly with everyone. The problem is excitement/submissive urination. He will run up to someone with his tail wagging, but when they pet him he pees. I have raised 2 dogs now by a Koehler method with positive reinforcement. They were great dogs and eventually did not need to be on a leash to continuously heel and immediately sit when I stopped walking. Neither of those dogs had a urination problem though. He is ...
96% (25 out of 26)
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July 6, 2011

We're crate training and finding that we need to force the dog into the crate. This doesn't seem like it establishes the right pattern. Can you give us any advice?

Our dog is a 1 year old husky retriever mix, about 50 pounds. We received her from friends that decided against keeping her. After viewing your DVD on establishing pack structure, we started crate training. This began about three weeks after having her, and on the second day of the crate training, she refused to go into the crate after her walk. I had to force her in and later after her next walk, my 16 year old daughter had to force her back in. At first she responded well to going in after ...
100% (14 out of 14)
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July 1, 2011

I'm trying to teach my dog hand signals, but he won't look at me. I appreciate any help.

I purchased Lynx in 11/05 and I have a question that maybe you can help me in my training. I'm having trouble with Lynx not looking at me. For example if I tell him to sit and stay (he does) and if I walk away or stand behind, he will not look at me. The reason that this is a problem is I'm trying to teach him hand signals but he won't look at me so he can understand what I'm trying to instruct him. I hope I explained this clearly. I appreciate any help. Thanks, Brad
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June 24, 2011

Recommended Should I wear gloves for safety while playing tug with my dog to protect my hands?

I'm working on building drive and focus with 1 year old German Shepherd. She has trememdous intensity. When we work with the tug toys we are at the stage where she will wait (sit) until I give a release command to try and grab the tug, and she will also out-it when requested. She will also stay seated as I walk away, and come to get it only when released. As I ratchet up intensity (by darting the tug in front of her so she has to work really hard to grab it) there have been one or two times w...
83% (10 out of 12)
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June 22, 2011

Recommended My 3.5 month old Newfoundland puppy will not comply with the down command and has even bitten me when I give her a correction for this. Any advice you can give me on this would be appreciated.

Hi Ed, I have a three and a half month old Newfoundland pup and have recently ran into some problems while training her on the down command. Up until this point she has been very easy to train, learning sit in just a few minutes and generally being a very well mannered dog. I'm using a 12' training line and a prong type collar as well. She understands the down command but simply does not want to perform it and even bit me a couple of times while I have administered corrections. I have been...
100% (13 out of 13)
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June 21, 2011

I can't believe the righteousness in your website. Who are you people to generalize about any veterinarian? How do you sleep at night?

I can?t believe the righteousness in your website.. who are you people to generalize about any veterinarian? Talk about a God complex. Sounds to be like your just a vet wanna be. Anyone who tries to sell their business by verbally berating others must not be able to honestly build their own trusted clients. Your article about vaccinations is all speculation what do you have to back up your opinion. The risk of a vaccination having a adverse reaction and harming a dog is an owners Any ...
23% (3 out of 13)
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June 21, 2011

In Remote Collar Training for the Pet Owner DVD, you state to use a NO command followed by a NICK. Wouldn't this be teaching my dog that she has two chances to comply?

Good morning, Ed. I have a 22 month old GSD and have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is obedience trained and has been trained in personal protection the past 8 months. I have purchased your Remote Collar Training for the Pet Owner DVD and a Dogtra ecollar. I have conditioned my dog to the collar as you recommend, and I am viewing the DVD a second time before actually training with the collar. I am confused on something you say in the video. You state that if a command is given and ...
94% (15 out of 16)
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June 15, 2011

Recommended As dogs fed a raw diet age, does the diet have to change? If so, at what age?

Hi Cindy, I'm sure with all the emails that you get, you might not remember me, but you and Ed have been a great help to our family. Your advice, videos, products, and web site helped us to raise a beautiful, well behaved Lab. Jake is now six years old and has been on a raw diet (your exact weekly menu) and the vitamins you recommend since he was about four months old. I know that as cats and dogs get older, they need - and should have - less protein in their diets. As dogs fed a raw d...
100% (5 out of 5)
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June 14, 2011

Recommended We’ve been raising our dog for protection work and following Raising a Working Puppy. When we go on vacation next month, I doubt our dog sitter will keep our dogs from playing together & I doubt she’ll just feed him and not interact with him. Will this undo all our hard work?

We have a 5 month old Doberman, and a 6 year old Doberman. Both are house dogs, but we're also raising the puppy for protection work. Our breeder made us aware of your website, and I must say, it is wonderful!! I've had many dogs, and felt I knew how to train them. But your system of marker training is incredible! It has opened my eyes. Thank you for such a complete and thorough training system and website. We're following your DVD on raising a working puppy, and incorporating the advice y...
100% (12 out of 12)
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June 13, 2011

Recommended My 1 year old dog has regressed with the recall command. When I give my dog the come command he sprints in circles around me and won’t come. Should I give him a correction?

Cindy, My one year old male has been trained with markers since 8 weeks and has always had an excellent response to the "come' command. As summer has arrived, we have been spending a lot of time in the yard (off leash). Suddenly, when I give him the come command he will start to sprint in circles around the yard. He knows it means time to go inside and he doesn't want too. The stronger my voice gets the faster he runs. I remember in one of the videos it said not to correct a dog for ref...
84% (27 out of 32)
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May 31, 2011

I am absolutely appalled at the fact that you advocate using prong and electric collars. How can you call yourself a human and do this to an animal?

Hi, I accidently tripped onto your website and was absolutely appalled at the fact that you advocate using these items. I would love to see how you would feel if they were used on you! Electric shock collars are banned and unlawful in most of the UK, as they are cruel and harmful punishment to dogs. The fact that one poster on your forum is using the prong collar on hairless dogs is disgusting and no wonder one of his dogs is reverting back to aggressive behaviour!! How can you call yours...
28% (7 out of 25)
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