Obedience Q&As

December 12, 2011

Is my 3 year old Shepherd too old to start training in search and rescue?

I have a 3 year old Shepherd. Is he to old to train in search and rescue? I have a trainer willing to train, but is it really worth it? He is a great dog, but I'm not sure if he's to old.
75% (3 out of 4)
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December 9, 2011

Recommended Are there any videos that can help me teach my dog to alert for seizures?

I retired from the military and now have a seizure disorder due to a TBI (traumatic brain injury) I received while overseas. I have a 10 month old German Sheppard that I have trained in basic obedience, but I need to train her in seizure alert. I can't find any training facilities that are local to me. Are there any videos I can get to aid me in this process? Thank you for your time.
100% (3 out of 3)
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December 7, 2011

What is the appropriate feeding temperature of a raw diet? Do I serve it straight from the fridge or at room temperature?

Hi Cindy, I would like to ask what is the appropriate feeding temperature of a raw diet? That is, do I serve it straight from the fridge or at room temperature? Thanking you in advance. Best regards, Dennis
100% (6 out of 6)
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December 5, 2011

I find your web site contents stupid. To put it politely.

Hello, As a responsible dog owner and I pride my self on having two non aggressive dogs. I find your web site contents stupid. To put it politely. I have a dog and a bitch the bitch is only aggressive to the two sets of dogs who attacked her when she was a pup. She is perfect with other dogs. The dog is a bully and a coward who I have had to teach not to attack smaller dogs. Which he now understands is not acceptable. As for advising people to use a pepper spray which is ill...
68% (38 out of 56)
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November 30, 2011

Our recently adopted dog is determined to kill my cats. I just watched the Remote Collar training video, but I'm not sure that I should get a remote collar. What would you suggest?

We have recently adopted an adult neutered male pit bull from the local shelter. They asked that we take this dog because we have had two other pits in years past with no issues. He is relatively smart and obedient to basic come, sit, down and stay, and he is fine with our Sheltie. The problem is that he is determined to kill my cats. All training goes out the window when he sees one. He is not dog or person aggressive. We have done obedience classes and had a professional trainer come to the...
50% (1 out of 2)
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November 28, 2011

After teaching my dog stay I use a release word okay then my marker yes with a treat am I doing this wrong. What about when a dog is in stay and your about fifteen feet away from him and want him to call him, Fido Come does he not get confuse without using a release word before the word come?

I have some of your old tapes and your new Marker DVD. Great stuff. After teaching my dog stay I use a release word okay then my marker yes with a treat am I doing this wrong. What about when a dog is in stay and your about fifteen feet away from him and want him to call him, Fido Come does he not get confuse without using a release word before the word come?
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 28, 2011

I am in the process of buying a pup. I've been informed that the pup is long haired. Can I still show and breed her?

I am in the process of buying a pup with good family history of schulzlund. The breeder now informed me that pup is long haired. I checked her pedigree and found no history of long haired dogs. My question is can I still show her? I know I can train her. If all things are good such as hip, elbows and Sch. Title can I breed her? I really need some info, hope you can help me. Thanks, Tony
100% (1 out of 1)
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November 28, 2011

My puppy will be about 6 pounds when I get him, what size crate should I get? Can I get a medium sized crate and put something in it to take up extra space while he's young and remove it when he gets to be big?

When getting a crate, being that my puppy will be about 6 pounds when I get him, what size crate should I get? He will grow rapidly (Rottweiler) and I may be spending a fortune on crates to accommodate his growth. Can I get a medium sized crate and put something in it to take up extra space while he's young and remove it when he gets to be big enough?
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 28, 2011

I would like to take advantage of the seasonal availability of whole turkey? Are there any precautions on feeding turkey and are there any parts that I should avoid?

Cindy, I would like to take advantage of the seasonal availability of whole turkey. My 2 dogs are 60# and are good eaters who chew well. Are there any precautions on feeding turkey and are there any parts that I should avoid? Thanks. Dave
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 21, 2011

Recommended Is a dog ever too young or too old to start training using the methods shown in The Power of Training Dogs with Food and The Power of Playing Tug with your Dog?

I have a 3 year old black lab mix (who does AKC obedience and rally) and an 8 month old GSD. Is a dog ever too young to start Michael's training program, for example the power of food and tug. I have both of them. Is my black lab to old to start it? And what should I do differently?
88% (14 out of 16)
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November 15, 2011

Recommended Will the slow feed bowls be effective with dogs that eat their raw too fast?

I spoke to April in the office about this and she recommended I write to you. The new slow down feeders offered by Leerburg, are they effective with dogs that eat their raw too fast? I have a dobe male and he likes to eat his food fast then horks it up and re eats. I went to your raw feeding pic and saw the bowls all lined up very clean and nice. I feed a variety of meats and textures as well has have purchased your kelp powder. I use Olive oil as well. Any suggestions or hints? Do you think ...
80% (4 out of 5)
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November 7, 2011

Recommended I'm interested in biking with my GSD, but I'm worried about him lunging and pulling the bike over when he sees a rabbit, fox, deer, etc. What is your experience with this?

Hi Cindy, I watched the video with you and Rush and really liked the idea of exercising him with the bike. I have a GSD that weighs 98 pounds, is very fit and has high prey drive. In your experience, do you think this will be a major concern if I were to try this form of exercise? Have any of your dogs lunged and pulled the bike over when they saw a rabbit, fox, deer, etc.? My dog has done intermediate level obedience, knows "attention heeling" and is generally good on leash but the ani...
88% (28 out of 32)
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October 31, 2011

Recommended My new pup will be trained in Schutzhund. Should the pup be allowed to interact with immediate family members when inside my home?

Hi Cindy, Just wondering if you could help me out with a quick question? I am bringing home my new Malinois pup next week, she will be trained in schutzhund. I have read through your all of the eBooks on your website and also have quite a few of the DVDs. I understand that I should not allow strangers interact with or pet my pup, also that she should learn to hold a neutral value towards them. One thing I am confused about though is if (and how) the puppy should be allowed to in...
85% (17 out of 20)
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October 31, 2011

Recommended My dog is totally disinterested in other people. She'll obey others' commands when I'm in the same room, but becomes withdrawn and slow when I'm not. I'm unsure if this is a problem or not and if it should be corrected.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Frawley, Firstly I would like to give my thanks for your website. The free articles and videos have been an immense help in training myself and my dog. I was clueless about training dogs, and my dog took full advantage of my weakness in that area. After reading your Q & A sections and your training videos, I immediately set down rules and began to enforce them. I noticed a significant change even after the first day and the improvement since then has been nothing short of...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 24, 2011

Recommended My dog is completely disengaged with me. Where should I start to retrain him?

Dear Cindy, I feel hopeless. I have a 5 year old Dobe that is completely disengaged in me when we show/match and most of the time when I train if he can help it. I'm willing to do the time to retrain but there is so much information out there, I just don't know where to start. Where would you suggest. I'll try anything. I'm tired of him avoiding me. I know it's due to my stress in the ring partially but no more excuses. If I want to be a great trainer, I need solutions. Thank you so much f...
69% (35 out of 51)
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October 13, 2011

Recommended Do you have an tips on quicker sits and downs?

Good afternoon Cindy, Looking for any tips on quicker sits and downs. I have a shepherd and he was doing great but has come to be more sluggish and don't know why. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Ted
100% (39 out of 39)
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October 5, 2011

My dog is now 10 months old and her one ear is still flopping, I keep re-taping her ear but I'm about ready to give up. Is it to late for her?

My dog is now 10 months old and her one ear is still flopping, I keep re-taping her ear but I'm about ready to give up. Is it to late for her?
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 3, 2011

I want to start using the ecollar on my 5 month old puppy for jumping up and mouthing my wife and kids. Can you recommend a collar for us?

Hi Cindy, We have a 5month old female doberman that we are training using your training methods. Specifically I was looking at getting your e-collar for pets video and an e-collar to help work on her stop jumping up and mouthing my wife and two young boys. Is it too soon to use an e-collar to correct this behavior. Also I know you and Ed like the Dogtra collars; which is a good economical model for us. Thanks for all your help in raising our dog. It is greatly appreciated. Brian
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 3, 2011

We don't take our pup out when he is crying except at night and when we let him out he goes to the bathroom then he gets put back in the crate. However, he still continues to whine for a half hour or so in the crate when we put him in during the day. Shouldn't this start to get better soon?

Mr. Frawley, I have a 10 week old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, who has been crate trained since we brought him home at 8 weeks. We don't take him out when he is crying except at night and when we let him out he goes to the bathroom then he gets put back in the crate. However, he still continues to whine for a half hour or so in the crate when we put him in during the day. Shouldn't this start to get better soon? Thank you for all your time and energy, Matt
50% (2 out of 4)
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September 22, 2011

My new dog is very nervous around other dogs and tries to attack them. How do you suggest I try to socialize her with other dogs? Is it possible? Would that help or is this some issue from her past that will haunt her forever? What do you suggest?

Hello, We recently purchased a Rhodesian Ridgeback adult female dog through the RR Rescue in our area. She is 4 yrs old, and had one owner before us, and was not socialized well and crated a lot. That's what we know. She was extremely skittish at first but is no longer afraid of us, and is more comfortable every day. She is not at all aggressive toward us or people, or our young children. She is either shy ? or very sweet and curious. She is very smart and is training well. However, my pro...
100% (3 out of 3)
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