Puppy Training Q&As

October 23, 2023

Recommended My puppy wakes up at 4 AM, how can I get him to sleep longer?

How can I get my 11 week old pup to sleep longer. We take his water up an hour before bedtime and he still wakes up at 4AM?
83% (5 out of 6)
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September 30, 2023

Recommended Should I let strangers pet my puppy that is in training as a Search & Rescue dog?

I have a new 5 month old Belgian Malinois that I am training with the goal of her being a future search and rescue dog. Just like many Malinois, my pup is super cute and thus everyone wants to pet and give her treats (even with a vest that says working dog do not pet) but I personally don't want her to see every human as a treat and pet machine but of course, she has to be "socialized" as one day she will be tasked to associate finding people with her toys/rewards. In the future I want he...
100% (7 out of 7)
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September 10, 2023

Recommended My 4 month old puppy has no bite inhibition, should I use a prong collar for correction?

4 month old Boston terrier has no bite inhibition. Prong collar for correction? If so, what type? He weighs 7#.
100% (6 out of 6)
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September 8, 2023

Recommended My 4 month old puppy sleeps in his crate at night and readily jumps in but during the day he throws a fit if he's confined in there. What can I do?

I have a now 4 month old (European) Doberman puppy. We have done a fair bit of crate training, and he sleeps in there at night, and readily jumps in with a treat. He doesn't "hate" the crate - but since day 1 when he came home at 10 weeks old, he HATES being locked up and not being right by you or what interests him. Barking and throwing a fit since the day he came home unless he's flat out exhausted, and sometimes even then. There is plenty of play, exercise, training, enrichment, etc. H...
100% (4 out of 4)
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August 15, 2023

Recommended I have an adult Border Collie and hope to get a new puppy in the future. Do you have any advice on how to introduce them?

Hello Cindy I have a 3 year older female Border Collie and am hoping to get a new puppy in the future. Do you have any advice on how to introduce them successfully? For example, should I keep them separated in the house for the first few days so that my adult dog realises that she is not missing out on anything and can gradually get used the idea of sharing the home? My adult dog ignores strange dogs outside, except when they come rushing up to her or me, in which case she charges at ...
100% (9 out of 9)
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August 13, 2023

Recommended My 5 month old Boston Terrier bit my mother because she wouldn't let her jump on the couch and last night she bit me! Is this a personality issue or a training problem?

Hi. My 5 month old boston terrier bit my mother monday because she wouldn't let her keep jumping on the couch. last night i was petting the dog on the floor and she was sniffing in my pockets for treats. i didn't have any and she got frustrated and nipped me. i am shocked and horrified! Do you think this is a result of poor training (I have been training her since she was 8 weeks old) or a personality issue? If it's training, would I be able to rectifiy it? I am really the only person that tr...
100% (2 out of 2)
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August 13, 2023

Recommended We just picked up a 17 week old puppy today and he lunged at our toddler three times. Is there anything specific or tips we can start right away?

Hello! I wanted to say first thank you for answering a previous question I had sent to you. We just picked up a 17 week old puppy today. Our puppy ended up lunging at our toddler three times and one was at the face. We’ve never encountered this before and don’t know what to do. We have a crate for their space and keeping him on a leash (which I’ve seen done on leerburg videos). Is there anything specific or tips you’ve found helpful that we can start right away? Plan is for our pup t...
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 12, 2023

Recommended What size Kuranda bed do I get for a 10 week old German Shepherd puppy?

Hi Cindy - I am a new student of Michael's videos for my puppy I pick up on Monday. He is a 10 week old German Shepherd. Should I buy him a Kuranda bed he will grow into or start small?
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 11, 2023

Recommended My German Shepherd puppy is confused. I'm trying to use spatial pressure to teach her to back up and she lays down instead.

My 15 wk GSD is confused and I know I caused it. She takes the down as I am trying to use spatial pressure to push her into ‘back up’. I don’t name it til I love it, so I have successfully Named/marked ‘Down’ with her . It’s just the movement toward her that I think confuses her. What or where should I ‘Go back’ and focus on to truly distinguish this for Her.
100% (6 out of 6)
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August 2, 2023

Recommended When I take the leash off of my 6 month old Rottweiler she forgets all of her training and we are having an issue with mouthing. Someone suggested a muzzle or ecollar , will this help my situation?

Hi, I've been watching your videos and they really helped me to realize what is normal with puppies. We have a 6 month old female Rottweiler we also have 5 children ages 15 to 6. We did puppy kindergarten at 8 weeks and then at 16 weeks we did a 4 week training class where we dropped her off 4 days a week and brought her home every night at 4pm. We still go back for training 2 times a week together for a half hour. My problem is when her leash and prong are off she forgets all her training...
100% (16 out of 16)
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August 1, 2023

Recommended My puppy stared at me when I pushed her off the couch, is this a sign of dominance and if so, how should I handle it?

I have a 5-month old malinois mix as a house pet. I want a calm submissive dog in the house. I use your streaming service to build trust and engagement. She loves games, waits patiently at all doors, makes eye contact, and is crate trained, and has learned the “place” command. I also let her jump on the furniture at her own discretion. I watched your video on Pack Structure and I’ve decided I only want her on the couch if I allow it. She jumped on the couch (and on me) and I told her ...
100% (8 out of 8)
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July 7, 2023

Recommended How to you manage the quantity of food rewards for a growing puppy?

Hi Cindy, I'm a veterinary technician and have a solid foundation of canine behavior but I happen to be out of town right now and have a puppy coming in ~3 weeks. I would consider myself skilled in Fear Free and balanced approaches to training...but my question is regarding the quantity of food rewards for a puppy. The back of my brain says their metabolism is so high at that age that you can use treats without discretion (for the most part) and it is only when they reach adulthood that you m...
100% (4 out of 4)
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July 7, 2023

Recommended I read that it takes 4-6 weeks for a puppy to master loose leash walking, can I still take my Golden Retriever pup for walks in the park or neighborhood now even though she's pulling?

Hi Cindy, I have an almost 5 month old female golden retriever puppy. We got her 3 weeks ago. She pulls on the leash when we walk outside and I just started training her to walk on a loose leash this week. We started in doors and progressed to the backyard. She’s making some progress. My question is, at this stage can I still take her for longer walks before she masters loose leash walking? E.g. a walk in the park or in the neighborhood? If she can’t manage to walk properly with the di...
100% (10 out of 10)
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July 7, 2023

Recommended When I get out my long line to work on stay with my 7 month old Australian Shepherd she goes crazy biting the long line. How do I stop this behavior?

Hi Cindy, Trying to work on a stay with my 7 month old Australian Shepard. When I get out the long line, my puppy seems to think it’s time for her to go crazy and she starts grabbing the long line and biting it. I have been having no success stopping this behavior and just end the training session. Looking for any advice you might have on how to stop this behavior. I’m starting to think I’m expecting too much to fast with this puppy. I’ve owned golden retrievers in the past a...
100% (4 out of 4)
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July 3, 2023

Recommended Everything I am reading online about introducing a new puppy to my older dog states that it's necessary to do the introduction on neutral ground, is this necessary?

Good morning, Cyndi. First, thank you for the wealth of knowledge you share! We have an 8 year old male GSD and will be getting a female GSD puppy in the spring from the same breeder. We have purchased an extra crate, ex pens, and other items necessary to keep the dogs separate in the house until they can get along (with the knowledge it may never happen). Almost everything I have read online at other websites states that it is necessary to introduce the dogs on 'neutral' ground...
100% (5 out of 5)
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June 19, 2023

Recommended What age is recommended for puppies to use an exercise pen in the house? Our 18 week old puppy is lunging and biting us.

Hi Cindy, In the Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 12 Months video, it is described to use the exercise pen for the puppy. At what age is too old for the pen? We used ours up until 4 months of age and then stopped but started again 2 days ago. What age is it recommended for while in the house? We are having considerable issues with hierarchy struggles with our puppy and lunging/biting. (Puppy is 18 weeks old now). Thanks!
100% (6 out of 6)
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May 23, 2023

My Puppy Won't Recall When He Has A Ball?

Our puppy has developed the habit of not coming when lose in the yard (fenced) at home. He is especially bad if he has a ball. In Obedience and agility, he has a pretty good recall - actually listens quite well in class... Then when he is out with a ball he has no interest in treats. Our trainer/breeder did suggest giving him his daily food only by hand as a reward. If he does not do enough to get rewarded with his normal food portion - do we feed him the rest at the end of the day?? Do...
100% (8 out of 8)
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May 15, 2023

Any ideas or suggestions on potty training a puppy?

Good morning Cindy, I am currently working with a Dachshund puppy 5-month-old in regard to potty training. So far I was able to work with the client to establish a potty schedule and while client at home with puppy to have the puppy on a drag lead. He does no longer use a diaper as well the potty pads that he was trained on by the breeder are no longer spread out throughout the house. The only place that he frequents now are 2 spots in the kitchen. He lives with 2 other dogs therefore I mark...
100% (3 out of 3)
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April 6, 2023

My Dog Is More Interested In Other Dogs Than Me. How Can I Fix This?

Hi, our Border Collie is a 10-month-old male. We were doing well with him, reliable recall, etc. until the last month or two. Now off leash, while playing with other dogs he will not return. He is super interested in other dogs. Likes to play, but if the other dogs are not so interested, he will do some "herding" behaviors. Previously he did. Also, now while walking him he "loses it" if near a playground, seeing a rabbit etc. He really needs the off-leash to get his running and exercise in. ...
100% (8 out of 8)
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February 6, 2023

Is teaching a dog their name the same as charging the mark?

Dear Cindy, This might have been obvious to some, but I missed it watching the "8 Week" stream. The way to teach a dog their name and "charging the mark" seems to be the exact same process. If they differ, how do they differ? Should you do one before the other? Can it be done around the same time? Do they get combined at some point? Hopefully, you can provide a little clarity. Thank you
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