Puppy Training Q&As

July 7, 2023

Recommended When I get out my long line to work on stay with my 7 month old Australian Shepherd she goes crazy biting the long line. How do I stop this behavior?

Hi Cindy, Trying to work on a stay with my 7 month old Australian Shepard. When I get out the long line, my puppy seems to think it’s time for her to go crazy and she starts grabbing the long line and biting it. I have been having no success stopping this behavior and just end the training session. Looking for any advice you might have on how to stop this behavior. I’m starting to think I’m expecting too much to fast with this puppy. I’ve owned golden retrievers in the past a...
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July 3, 2023

Recommended Everything I am reading online about introducing a new puppy to my older dog states that it's necessary to do the introduction on neutral ground, is this necessary?

Good morning, Cyndi. First, thank you for the wealth of knowledge you share! We have an 8 year old male GSD and will be getting a female GSD puppy in the spring from the same breeder. We have purchased an extra crate, ex pens, and other items necessary to keep the dogs separate in the house until they can get along (with the knowledge it may never happen). Almost everything I have read online at other websites states that it is necessary to introduce the dogs on 'neutral' ground...
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June 19, 2023

Recommended What age is recommended for puppies to use an exercise pen in the house? Our 18 week old puppy is lunging and biting us.

Hi Cindy, In the Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 12 Months video, it is described to use the exercise pen for the puppy. At what age is too old for the pen? We used ours up until 4 months of age and then stopped but started again 2 days ago. What age is it recommended for while in the house? We are having considerable issues with hierarchy struggles with our puppy and lunging/biting. (Puppy is 18 weeks old now). Thanks!
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May 23, 2023

My Puppy Won't Recall When He Has A Ball?

Our puppy has developed the habit of not coming when lose in the yard (fenced) at home. He is especially bad if he has a ball. In Obedience and agility, he has a pretty good recall - actually listens quite well in class... Then when he is out with a ball he has no interest in treats. Our trainer/breeder did suggest giving him his daily food only by hand as a reward. If he does not do enough to get rewarded with his normal food portion - do we feed him the rest at the end of the day?? Do...
100% (7 out of 7)
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May 15, 2023

Any ideas or suggestions on potty training a puppy?

Good morning Cindy, I am currently working with a Dachshund puppy 5-month-old in regard to potty training. So far I was able to work with the client to establish a potty schedule and while client at home with puppy to have the puppy on a drag lead. He does no longer use a diaper as well the potty pads that he was trained on by the breeder are no longer spread out throughout the house. The only place that he frequents now are 2 spots in the kitchen. He lives with 2 other dogs therefore I mark...
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April 6, 2023

My Dog Is More Interested In Other Dogs Than Me. How Can I Fix This?

Hi, our Border Collie is a 10-month-old male. We were doing well with him, reliable recall, etc. until the last month or two. Now off leash, while playing with other dogs he will not return. He is super interested in other dogs. Likes to play, but if the other dogs are not so interested, he will do some "herding" behaviors. Previously he did. Also, now while walking him he "loses it" if near a playground, seeing a rabbit etc. He really needs the off-leash to get his running and exercise in. ...
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February 6, 2023

Is teaching a dog their name the same as charging the mark?

Dear Cindy, This might have been obvious to some, but I missed it watching the "8 Week" stream. The way to teach a dog their name and "charging the mark" seems to be the exact same process. If they differ, how do they differ? Should you do one before the other? Can it be done around the same time? Do they get combined at some point? Hopefully, you can provide a little clarity. Thank you
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February 2, 2023

How can I redirect a cattle dog puppy from biting pants legs?

Hi Cindy, I have a friend that does not live near me so I am unable to physically help her with her new cattle dog puppy. She is having a problem with him constantly tugging at her pant legs and healing her ankles. She has asked for help. I am a trainer where I live. I’m thinking of redirecting the tug desired to places in each room with an attached tug. Also, a slow feed treat ball for him to chase and to keep his brain occupied. I wanted to get your opinion on my ideas and tugs you...
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December 27, 2022

How long does the teething process for puppies take and how can I monitor the situation?

In the puppy bite work class Michael tells us to stop playing tug when they start teething. Today my 17-week-old pup lost a very small baby tooth while we were playing. So, my plan is to stop all rag-and-tug play and work on tracking and obedience. My question is how long will this process be and how can I monitor the situation?
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November 22, 2022

My 14 week old puppy is afraid to go for walks and just tries to run back inside, how can I help her get used to being outside? 

Hi there. My 14-week-old pitbull puppy is terrified of going for walks. She is super rambunctious inside, wanting to play and bark and run around with the other dogs, but once we try to go outside she slams on the brakes and tries to go back inside. We tried luring her with treats to help her move forward but she is just fixated on getting back in. How can I help her get used to being outside for play and walks?
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November 3, 2022

My puppy lost a baby tooth while we were playing tug so my plan is to stop tug play and focus on tracking and obedience. How long is the teething process and how do I know when it’s OK to resume tugging?

In the puppy bite work class Michael tells us to stop playing tug when they start teething. Today my pup lost a very small baby tooth while we were playing. So, my plan is to stop all rag-and-tug play and work on tracking and obedience. My question is, how long will this process be and how can I monitor the situation?
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October 10, 2022

My 4-month-old puppy is afraid to walk on leash away from our home. How can we build her confidence? 

We are trying to leash train our 4 mo. old miniature schnauzer. I have purchased and viewed your puppy video, which as been very helpful. Our dog really doesn't have a problem walking with the leash, but won't do it because she is afraid of unfamiliar territory beyond her home turf. How can we build her confidence so that she will walk with us?
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September 15, 2022

I plan to do Schutzhund with my 13-week-old Malinois. I have been playing with a flirt pole and soft tugs. He will chase but doesn’t have a full grip and then let’s go. Do you have any suggestions? 

My Belgian Malinois puppy is 13 weeks old. I am planning to do Schutzhund with him. I have been playing with him with the flirt pole and soft tug toys to engage him. He will chase the rag but mostly grabs it with front teeth, not a full grip and then lets the toy go. He won't tug on it. And if he does catch it with a full bite he lets it slip out or he wants to lay on the ground and play with it instead of carrying the toy. What would be your suggestion to encourage him to bite with a full mo...
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September 8, 2022

I was told bully sticks are not a good option for puppies, what are your thoughts? 

Hi Cindy, What chews are good for a 3-month german shepherd? She loves bully sticks, but was told not a good option, what are your thoughts?
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August 4, 2022

How should I clean my 8-week-old puppy after she eats raw food? She gets it all over her body! 

Our 8wk old German shepherd puppy girl just came home from the breeder this afternoon. Question: What to use and how should I clean my 8-wk old puppy after eating raw? She ate well and then sat on it but had raw food all over her body. I'm worried about her being covered in salmonella, e-coli, etc as I have 2 seniors (my parents) who have a low immune system at home.
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July 21, 2022

How should I speak around my puppy? I don’t want to dilute my obedience commands by using some of the cues or his name in conversation. How do you speak to a dog in order to preserve the meaning of commands? 

I need some advice about how I should speak around my 14-week-old Retriever. I am following training methods detailed in courses and videos purchased from your company. My question concerns carelessly using words associated with very important skills in everyday conversation with the puppy. Among them is the word COME. My puppy has learned a very good unrestrained recall. However, both myself and my wife find ourselves saying COME HERE to the puppy for a variety of reasons but not the officia...
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June 30, 2022

When feeding raw, how do you hand feed puppies for training? Kibble seems better for this situation. 

I understand the merits of hand-feeding puppies as much as possible to build value on me the handler. When feeding raw, what do you suggest as a means of doing this? I have tried using gloves but there is definitely huge advantages of using kibble in this situation as it’s so convenient. I’m sure you have come across this before and wondered what answer you guys have come to for this.
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May 26, 2022

My 4 ½ month-old Malinois puppy is confident and obedient but he’s afraid of car rides, do you have any tips or advice? 

Hello Cindy! We have a very confident and obedient 4 1/2 month-old Mal puppy that impresses us every day with his progress. Except his fear of car rides. He is willing to follow me anywhere until I open the car door. He slams on the brakes and tries to back up immediately. He has his own crate in the back of my car that he rides in but he will never approach it willingly. Lately, he has been riding up front in the passenger seat which he doesn't resist as much. When he is in the car he is si...
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May 12, 2022

Recommended Do you have any videos about training terriers? My terrier puppy has an aversion to his harness and leash

Hi Cindy, are there any videos about training pet terriers?
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April 28, 2022

My 15-week-old Dutch Shepherd puppy is hesitant and nervous around people, is this normal? How much should I push her with socialization? 

Hello! My 15-week-old Dutch Shepherd pup is very hesitant with people and seems nervous. I really try and socialize her a lot. She never barks or shows aggression, just retreats and backs away from people. Wondering if this is normal and how much to push her with socialization. I try and give lots of treats while socializing to make it a positive experience but is there any risk of pushing them too much and overdoing socializing? Also, what are some recommendations for the best places to soci...
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