Most Recent Q&As

December 11, 2020

I just wanted to thank you for your article on dog parks!

I just wanted to send a quick note thanking you for the dog park article. I was beginning to think that I was crazy or over nervous about it, but I absolutely hate the idea of dog parks. I get super anxious every time I drive past one and there's several dogs running around. I'm an RVT in CA, I worked an ER for almost 10 years. Probably that lead to my paranoia, but never in a million years would I ever take my dogs to a dog park. Another thing that is equally as stressful? When clients...
67% (4 out of 6)
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December 7, 2020

Is puppy bite training used for engagement and as a precursor to obedience training for pet dogs?

I want to be sure I understand Michael Ellis and Ed correctly and that is puppy bite training is used as an engagement tool or activity and that it is a precursor to obedience training. Once you have the dog/puppy really engaged then teaching the dog obedience is easier. I have an 18wk old Golden Doodle and I'm new to dog training. Right now he is very food driven and I have been using a combination of verbal and clicker training with food rewards. My goal is to have a happy well behaved w...
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 25, 2020

My 8 week old Malinois puppy won’t retrieve a ball and is showing signs of possession. Should I be concerned about a potential resource guarding issue?

I have an 8 week old Malinois who I plan on doing IGP with. I introduced a ball today to see his retrieving behavior in a small space with a small throw. He loved the ball but he immediately grabbed it, lay down facing away from me and started chewing it. It looks to me he is very possessive over it (you could see it in the eyes and him facing away). No amount of encouraging would make him move or come near me (I've never taken things away from him only redirected to not encourage guarding). ...
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 23, 2020

I’m having trouble finding a good tug for my 8 month old whippet mix, which toys would you recommend?

Hi, I am having trouble finding a good tug toy for my 8 month old whippet terrier mix. I purchased the Nylon Tug with Handles which is too fat and hard for him and the Suede Leather Flat Tug which is better but he still doesn't bite well on it so we just use a kong toy... I'm wondering which toy you would recommend for him? I think it needs to be very thin. Thanks!
100% (3 out of 3)
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November 16, 2020

We contacted you about a year ago after we rescued a dog that had been shot and passed through a number of homes because he would run away anytime a gate or door was left open. I wanted to give you an update on him.

Dear Cindy, About a year ago we rescued a beagle/lab that had been shot with a shotgun and rifle. "Freight Train" had been passed through a couple of homes because he would run away through an open door or gate. We contacted you online for advice for dealing with him. You instructed us to keep him on leash for a long period of time to build a good relationship with him around food. He stopped running away and built up enough trust that we allow him supervised yard time with us. Yesterday a...
100% (12 out of 12)
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November 9, 2020

My 10 week old puppy is having potty accidents in the ex pen, how do I prevent this?

Hi Cindy, I am watching the puppy video from 8 weeks to 12 months. I think the last time I watched it was almost 13 years ago and it was all about crate training which worked for our puppy then as we worked all day. Now we are retired and have a new puppy. The Ex - Pen is awesome and aside from a little whining our chihuahua-yorkie mix is doing great. My question is about potty training. She is supervised in the Ex-pen and we take her out frequently while she is awake or right after she wa...
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 2, 2020

My young dog has been anxious and aggressive to outsiders since our old dog has passed away. Do you have any suggestions?

I have 3 yr old shepherd, in April our 12 year old Belgian Shepherd passed away. Since then our 3 year old has had increased anxiety and is aggressive toward outside people coming into the house (not family). At one point, she did not walk any further than 5 houses away on our block. I have gotten her back into walking. Prior she was great personality, friendly to people coming and going (comfortable in her fur). She has anxiety attacks. Any suggestions would be great. I had 4 prior shepherds...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 26, 2020

I’ve studied Michael Ellis’s e-collar course and I need guidance on how to pair this with leash pressure. I’m a little confused.

Hi Cindy. I hope this question makes sense. I am looking for a little guidance on how to use what I've learned in Michael Ellis's e-collar course. I think I understand his process of introducing it: verbal command, followed by stim + leash pressure, escape upon compliance. However, I haven't really used leash pressure to teach any of the behaviors ME suggests using leash + e-collar for: foot targets, down, back. We taught those with luring and shaping only. I do use a prong and leash pressure...
100% (5 out of 5)
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October 19, 2020

I have 2 Bichon pups that I am training, what skills do my 6 month old dogs need to learn that will allow me to train with one while the other waits his turn without having to be put in a separate area?

Hello Cindy, I am very grateful for Leerburg Dog Training and its Online University! We currently have two pups (6 month old Bichon Frise). They are allowed backyard playtime together from time to time, but for the most part spend time separately in their own ex-pens, crates, and training sessions. During those outdoor times they are together, I will often mix in engagement with each of them. Sometimes both will be engaged with me or just one until I release them/him. I am wondering what b...
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 12, 2020

I’m working on focused heeling and leash pressure with my Malinois and when I pull back he sits instead of backing up. What can I do to help him understand what I’m asking?

Hello, I’m working my way through Michael Ellis’ focused heeling video and I’ve gotten to the part where I work on leash pressure with my mal. He’s awesome with the forward leash pressure and immediately gives. When I pull straight back to attempt to get him to give backwards he constantly drops into a sit. If I keep applying pressure backwards he drops into a down. What can I do to help him learn what I’m asking? Should I just keep applying steady pressure backwards? I’m using a ...
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 5, 2020

Our 15 week old puppy gets aggressive in the late afternoon and she is now also peeing in the ex-pen and escaping. Can you help us with these issues?

Hi Cindy, We have a GSD puppy, now 15 weeks, got her at 8 weeks. We bought an expen from you, and the video by Ed on raising puppies. We had a previous GSD male who we lost to a brain tumor at age 8 last year. However, we got him at 4 months so did not experience some of the challenges with a younger puppy. 1. She gets quite aggressive late in the afternoon, about 4 pm, and is all over my wife when they go out for potty, etc. she bites, grabs legs with both paws, etc. Dinner is about 5p...
100% (9 out of 9)
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September 28, 2020

Recommended What is the best food for puppy & adult malinois?

Hi Cindi- what is the best food for puppy & adult malinois? Thank you
100% (12 out of 12)
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September 28, 2020

Do you have any advice on teaching a dog to sit straight in front on a recall?

After many months of trying, my 14 lbs terrier mix is not consistently straight on a recall or being called front from heel. Do you have any advice? Thanks!!
100% (4 out of 4)
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September 21, 2020

I have a very protective dog and I want him to turn off his protective behavior when we show him a visitor is welcome. Do you offer any videos on this subject?

Hi Cindy, I have purchased two videos from Leerburg and I am very satisfied with them. I purchased the Power of Training with Food By Michael Ellis and The power of playing Tug By Michael Ellis. Now, I would like to learn if Michael has any videos on how to teach control my dog when I have visitors to my house. My dog is very protective of my house which I like but I want to be able to let him know when someone is welcome and to turn off his protective behavior once the visitor is clearly wel...
100% (16 out of 16)
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September 14, 2020

I’m watching the video Power of Training Dogs with Food and I see Michael luring the dog but I don’t hear him say “sit”. Am I missing something?

Hi. Watching Power of Food. Watching Michael luring to a stand and then sit. I understand the lure and reward, but I don't hear him say sit, just the motions. Am I missing something or not hearing it? Thanks.
100% (6 out of 6)
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September 4, 2020

My son likes to play with our German Shepherd puppy but she’s always biting him. What is appropriate play interaction between a 10 year old boy and a puppy?

I have a 10 year old son who likes to play with our 4month GSD. The issues I’m having is the puppy wants to bite on him. Even with re direction and giving a bully stick or elk antler chew. I think the puppy views my son as a litter mate. She doesn’t really bite on me but I’m the one training and feeding her. She does it more so with my husband who likes to get on the floor with her and roll around. She does it constantly with my son who likes to play tug with her and he tends to move pr...
100% (15 out of 15)
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August 31, 2020

We are dog sitting a young intact female pit bull and she is very playful. When the other dogs don’t want to play and snap at her she attacks them. Do you have any advice?

Hi Cindy, We’re watching a 1yr 4mo intact female pit bull. Shes very playful with other dogs, but when other dogs don’t want to play and snap at her, she attacks them. We purchased your aggressive dogs video, but we don’t see anything that pertains to this type of aggression. I’m trying to keep this brief, so if you would like more information about it, I’m happy to provide. Thank you again for all you do for the community!
100% (19 out of 19)
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August 24, 2020

How do I get my dog to use the doggie door? She’s afraid of it.

I recently installed a doggie door and my german shepherd is afraid of it. I have been using luring to get her to go trough the door only when I'm holding the door up. Any thoughts on how I can get her to start using the door on her own.Thanks
100% (5 out of 5)
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August 17, 2020

I’m trying to teach my dog to respond to backward leash pressure and he always sits and doesn’t back up. Do you have any advice?

I am trying to teach leash pressure and when I put pressure on the leash to guide my dog backwards, he always sits rather than move backward.Advice on how to change that?
100% (9 out of 9)
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August 10, 2020

I’m getting a new puppy and I have a question about teaching the puppy that I own his food. Should I be able to take away food at anytime?

Hello Cindy. In 3 months I'll be getting my 2nd Cane Corso (pup). Recently my 10 year old Cane Corso passed away. I stayed on top of his training from day one with the help of your DVD and online articles and the result was a dream of a dog and companion. My question is about teaching a pup that YOU own the food. I have read you say that you leave your pup alone with their food and once it's down, you do not touch it. So does it all have to do with age? I would have thought you'd want t...
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