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July 26, 2021

I’m trying to compare the No Slip Long Line with your regular long lines, is the no slip line all rubber?

Is the No Slip Long Line all rubber or with something added to zigzag? Trying to compare with/against cotton 1” long lines. Thank you
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July 19, 2021

Do you think I can raise a puppy to be able to stay alone during my 8 or 9 hour work day by the time he is 2 years old? Or should I get a dog sitter?

Hello! I love your videos on youtube!! I had 10 years a Briard, now I want to get a doberman. I have 2 more years of university, and I have a lot of time. In 2 years I will have to work mo-fri for 8/9 hours each day. I want to jog or cycle with the dog in the morning before work. After work I want to excersize my dog, mentally/athletically and also do igp(especially in the weekend). Do you think I can get my dog to stay alone for the 8-9 hours per day at an age of 2 years if I train it fro...
100% (2 out of 2)
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July 19, 2021

My working line puppy barked excessively at the receptionist at the vet’s office when she kneeled down to pet her. How should I proceed so we don’t repeat this barking event in the future?

Hello, I have a question regarding a 15-week-old female working line GSD. We are currently working on engagement on a leash, distraction-free. Although there is a slight glimmer of progress, shes got a ways to go concerning behavior on the leash, in public places. Next week she goes into Vet for her puppy shots. The last vet visit two weeks ago didn't go so well. She barked excessively at the receptionist as she kneeled to pet her. (let's see, the comment I got was, " what do your German ...
100% (9 out of 9)
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July 16, 2021

What type of equipment do I need for training a retrieve?

Hello -- I'm interested in the Michael Ellis Training the Retrieve course, can you tell me what type of equipment to buy to complete this video (other than dumbells) and the size of dumbells I should start with (my dog is a 55 pound mutt).
100% (1 out of 1)
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July 13, 2021

Will I confuse my dog if I teach her multiple tricks in the same time frame?

Hey! I am new to Leerburg and loving all the training resources, I am slightly addicted to following along and training. I am wondering how many new things it's okay to teach my girl at the same time in separate training sessions? She is a high drive working GSD and she loves to train as much as I do but I am wondering if I will confuse her if I teach her multiple tricks over the same time frame? Again thank you for all the resources you offer, I wish I could absorb it all at once, so exci...
100% (2 out of 2)
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July 8, 2021

Can you give me some strategies on helping my leash reactive dog? He is confident but wants to play with every dog he sees and gets frustrated.

In the Leash Reactivity video, Tyler talks about frustration as one of the sources of leash aggression, but never mentions how to fix it. The reviews on the paid course say that it is not addressed there either. Can you give me some suggestions on strategies to help a dog that is confident and secure, and just wants to play very badly with every dog he sees? Or point me to any resources?
100% (6 out of 6)
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July 6, 2021

Do you have any videos on how to teach a dog to let go of a toy?

Do you have any videos to teach the "out" or "give" command?
100% (2 out of 2)
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June 28, 2021

My young dog is very excited when I take her out of her crate. She jumps around and mouths my hands when I try to put on her harness or leash. How should I handle this situation?

Hi Cindy, I have an 8month old female Belgian Malinois. When I take her out of her crate to go outside, as I go to put on her harness or lead she jumps around and sometimes mouths my hands. I would like your advice on how to best handle this situation and if I need to put a slip collar on before she gets out of her crate? Thank you in advance :)
100% (6 out of 6)
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June 28, 2021

Our dog is a relentless counter surfer, what can we do to address this?

We are having difficulty getting one of our dogs to stop counter surfing and going through gates which he has now learned how to open. In almost all cases he is doing these behaviors in search of food. We do a pretty good job of keeping food off the counters but this guy is relentless. What sorts of things can we do to address this nuisance behavior? I don't want him to eat something and poison himself. His appetite seems to have no limit. He has already eaten himself sick once when he broke ...
60% (3 out of 5)
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June 21, 2021

I ordered an agitation harness but it will be too big for my puppies. What do you recommend for a GSD or Malinois puppy from 8 weeks until they are large enough for the 2 snap agitation harness?

Hello again Cindy, Included in my order is the 2 snap Agitation Harness. However, it will be too big for my puppies right? (GSD and Malinois). What's the best solution from 8 weeks old till the time I can use the 2 snap harness? The Eezwalker Medium size? Thanks for your help!
100% (1 out of 1)
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June 17, 2021

My puppy is nervous about car rides after getting car sick when I picked him up at 8 weeks old. How can I fix this?

Good Evening, I have a 10-week-old GSD that is a bit nervy with car rides. He has exhibited very solid nerves with most other things, so I am thinking it is because he experienced a traumatic experience when he got severely car sick on the two hour ride home (crated) from when I picked him up at 8-weeks. He will get in the car but it is with slight hesitation and he only starts to relax when he is laying on my someone's lap. I have not tried using a crate again as I felt it would makes ...
100% (4 out of 4)
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June 11, 2021

Is there a lesson plan or flash card system that you know of to help new trainers keep track of dogs they are working with?

Hi Cindy, I am a new trainer looking for some planning/organizing help. I currently have 3 dogs I am training/sitting while owners are on vacation. I am having trouble keeping track in my head where each dog is at in terms of what they have learned, and what I need to teach them next. I have autism so I struggle with planning/memory so I think some sort of flashcard system like quizlet would help cue me if I get stuck training dogs... that's what I've come up with so far. I'm curious if you ...
100% (1 out of 1)
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June 7, 2021

When we take our young GSD to visit family he gets overly whiny and excited and begs for petting. I don’t want to offend my family by asking them to ignore him and he also barks a lot in the car when we stop driving, do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cindy, Hope you are well. Our 11 month German shepherd has been doing great w/Schutzhund and practically every area of life. However, when we go to our family’s houses (my parents/my wife’s parents) he gets really whiney and excited, and kind of begs for petting from them. We don’t like this behavior, and want to discourage it. How can we work on this? We do not let anyone pet him except close family (i.e. parents/siblings), but are considering asking them to stop as well, and ig...
83% (5 out of 6)
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June 4, 2021

When I let my 7 month old Lab off leash to run around he eats things he finds on the ground. Any ideas for how to stop this?

We live by a golf course and I let my 7 month old lab off leash a bit so he can run around. Problem I find is he will catch a ball but then stop and find grass or something else to start eating. Yelling, Yuck or No does nothing to get him to stop. As I approach he'll quickly swallow the stuff. I then say Yuck or No and put him back on lease. Any ideas for me to get him to stop this action??
100% (4 out of 4)
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June 1, 2021

My puppy prefers playing with my adult dog over interacting with me. What can I do?

I’m trying to get my 12-week-old Aussie puppy to focus on me using Michael Ellis’ methods. I want us to have a good relationship. The problem is, she is tepid about me but she ADORES my older Aussie. I started keeping them separate at all times (which is hard) but whenever she’s out of her crate, the puppy goes straight for the big one. And when they are together in person, they are relentless players. The puppy shows ten times the enthusiasm for the old dog and she does for me despite ...
100% (4 out of 4)
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May 25, 2021

Our German Shepherd puppy has learned to push his ex-pen around on our floor, how do we handle this?

Hi Cindy, I have an 8 week old purebred German Shepherd puppy. We've had the puppy for almost a week now and he is pretty OK to spend time playing in his ex-pen when he is inside and not on leash (this is usually after we have been playing outside for a while trying to blow off some steam). Usually for a minute or two when he is first put in the ex-pen he will have a bit of a short tantrum before flopping down and taking a nap or chewing one of his toys. We try to ignore him and not give him...
100% (3 out of 3)
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May 17, 2021

My puppy jumps all over my nephew and scratches him. Please help!

Hello! I love your videos and guidance. I do have a question though. My 14 week old Boston Terrier puppy ONLY jumps on my two year old nephew, and in her excitement, she scratches. It is hard to train her out of this because we see my nephew only every few weeks. I know we don’t use positive punishments, but in the moment she’s jumping, what can I do? I don’t want to put her on a leash and pull the leash and make her leash shy (we rarely use the leash and so she doesn’t have enough po...
100% (6 out of 6)
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May 11, 2021

Recommended How much socialization with other dogs does my adult German Shepherd need?

Hi, how much socialization with other dogs does my almost 5 year old gsd need? He interacts with son's golden daily in short increments and is with me pretty much 24/7.
29% (42 out of 143)
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May 3, 2021

I’m afraid I have ruined my relationship with my dog, can I start over?

Hi Cindy, I would like to purchase some of your training videos for my young GSD. He is quite a handful. I am concerned because I am fearful I may have set him back in training because my trainer here has had me be pretty stern with corrections, even in the beggining phases when he was a puppy. Neither do we train with treats. I notice now that he is older, he no longer wants to "come" and is starting to run from me. Have I RUINED OUR RELATIONSHIP with my training? If I purchase s...
88% (7 out of 8)
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April 26, 2021

How do I introduce my German Shepherd puppy to my 8 pound Yorkipoo? He’s so rough with her.

Hi Cindy, I have a 5 mo. old German shepherd puppy I've had since he was 8 weeks old. I have an 8 lb yorkipoo & a labradoodle. I haven't been able to introduce him to my Yorkipoo because all he wants to do is paw her and mouth her to play and she's too little so we keep them apart. My question is how do I introduce them? He really wants to get to know her but he's too rough. Thank you
100% (1 out of 1)
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