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April 19, 2021

What are the best training treats for a puppy?

when training my puppy what are some of the best training treats?
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April 12, 2021

I have 2 questions. Is there a difference between the “leave it” command and the “yuck” command? Also, I was watching your video of teaching Meru to swim and I noticed you offered a reward to have him release his ball instead of giving him a command. Was this because of his age?

Hi Cindy. Thanks for your videos. Exceptional! I have two questions: I'm trying to determine if there is any distinction between a "leave it" command versus a "yuck" command. I've done some cursory research, but there is divergent information from sources that do not adhere to marker-based reward training. I trained my last Shepherd with "leave it" as a universal command to, well, leave it. So, is there a difference? Also, I was watching your video training Maru to swim, and I noticed ...
100% (7 out of 7)
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April 5, 2021

My puppy is 9 weeks and is biting at my legs and barking. I’m concerned that she’s trying to be the boss. Any insight would be appreciated.

My puppy just turned 9 weeks old and she has recently started barking and trying to bite at my legs. I can't decide what it is she's is wanting. It can happen at times when we are doing something she doesn't want to do, like walking away from something she was trying to eat. (which is everything outside). My response is to stand and tell her nope and if she continues I will put her either in her crate or expen. I've also been trying to direct her to playing tug, which she will do some but not...
100% (15 out of 15)
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March 29, 2021

How do I teach my dog how to target the ball when using a ball on a string?

Do you have any training or suggestions to train my dog how to go for the ball and not the rope when using the ball on a rope toy? I have a Rottweiler with a huge toy drive. I would like to use the ball on the rope as a training aid for reward when training him. Right now, he keeps going after the rope and not the ball. I purchased the ball on a rope with the handle at the end from your site. I was hope you can point me in the right direction. Thanks.
67% (2 out of 3)
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March 22, 2021

What is the best way to travel by car with our new puppy? Crate or seat belt attachment?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help, there is so much information I feel like I'm drinking from a fire hydrant. What is the best way to travel with the dog? We have van so a crate would fit just fine in the back of it. I've also seen straps that buckle to the seat belt and clip to the dog's collar but I was kinda of leary about that, maybe when the dog is much older? Also, do you suggest a harness or a collar to start with? I'm leaning towards the slip collar you sell to start.
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 15, 2021

Can you recommend a leash for obedience training?

My local trainer is requesting I get a 6-foot leather leash. What width of a leash do you recommend for a male Shiba Inu? Thank you!
100% (4 out of 4)
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March 8, 2021

When I am luring my dog he licks my hand while trying to get the reward, how can I stop this behavior without diminishing his drive for the work?

First of all, I want to express how thankful and grateful I am with the content that I've purchased. It really improved my game and the bond with my dog. I have a question about luring; my dog keeps licking my hand extensively while luring him (trying to get the reward, or at least taste it, I think). How can I stop this behaviour without damaging the lure work? I would like my dog to just touch my hand with its nose during the lure without licking my hand. Many thanks in advance.
100% (4 out of 4)
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March 1, 2021

My 9 week old Rottweiler puppy’s biting of hands and feet is getting more intense, how should I control this?

I have had my rotty male puppy for 1 week now. He is 9 weeks old. His puppy biting is getting more vigorous and when you try and calm him down he comes back even harder. To me he is showing a lot of prey drive but how do you think I should control this biting. Will most probably do Schutzhund with him. Over the years I have purchased dog tugs, etc from Leerburg which I still have. At night around 6 pm is when he gets out of hand. I redirect which works but then he gets fixated on bare hands a...
100% (6 out of 6)
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February 22, 2021

Do you have any ideas or recipes for affordable, high value treats?

Hey Cindy! I’m sure this question was asked but I don’t know where it is. I’m trying to find a way to make my own dog treats that are high value but affordable. Do you have any ideas on what I could do or a recipe?
75% (3 out of 4)
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February 15, 2021

I have a 4 month old puppy that wants to sniff everything while we are on walks. I try redirecting to me, I mark and reward but he would rather return to sniffing. Could you give me advice on how to get a nice steady walk with him?

Hi Cindy, I have a 4 month Rhodesian Ridgeback (45 lb) who wants to sniff everything on leash walks, on public sidewalks and on my own acreage. I walk him 3x per day (10 min) before meals, in addition to various potty breaks. He eliminates on his own property (not on walks) and I would like walks to be steady. I try to redirect him to me, mark and move, followed by a high value reward. Often times he is not pushing for the reward and prefers his nose to the ground but will otherwise redire...
100% (9 out of 9)
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February 8, 2021

What do I look for in a Malinois puppy for sport?

Hi Cindy, we have spoken before. We are getting a Malinois puppy probably the first part of March. I am interested in ring sports, mainly mondioring. What characteristics should I look for when being first introduced to this or all puppies? Not all dogs are suited for this type of sport, thus my question.
100% (7 out of 7)
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February 1, 2021

I’m getting very frustrated with my 11 week old puppy! He pees in the ex-pen and pulls on the leash so hard he chokes himself. Is he a normal puppy?

Hi Cindy, I don't mean to keep bothering you but I am having some problem with my pup. 1) I use a comfort flex collar and British slip lead at night when I take him to the bathroom. He pulls so hard on the leash that he chokes himself, I can't get him to stop pulling. He's 11 weeks should I use a pinch collar now or wait? This dog is very head strong and determined to go and get whatever wants. 2) I have problems with him peeing in his pen. He's great at night and no issues in the...
100% (5 out of 5)
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January 22, 2021

Is it OK to set up my nose work training area in the same room that my dog stays in when we’re not home?

Cindy, I am watching your video on nose work and am getting ready to start training my dog in it. My dog is a house pet and usually is allowed in all of the rooms in the house. When she is home alone, she is either outside in the kennel or inside a closed room in the basement (when the weather is bad). The issue is that the only room I have where I can set up a training space is that room where we keep her. Will that be a problem if she is in the training area with the drawers all set up bu...
100% (3 out of 3)
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January 18, 2021

Which size ball on a string should I order for my 8 month old Malinois? He isn’t good at gripping the hard rubber ball I have.

Hi, I would like to order a ball on string. Just had a few questions. I saw Michael Ellis's video on ball play and he said the ball should be right in size and squishier for inexperienced dogs so they can get a good grip. I have an 8 month belgian malinois. Which one of your balls on string would you recommend (he isn't good at gripping my hard rubber ball) and which size? Thanks in advance
100% (4 out of 4)
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January 17, 2021

What can I do to help my 6 month old cockapoo be more comfortable on walks and in the park?

Hello! My 6 month old cockapoo is nervous when walking the trails in the park. He also does not like to walk in the neighborhood unless someone else is with us! I have tried to use treats and praise him when he gets to a certain point with no luck! He is VERY smart and loves people and other dogs... no matter the size. He has a big space in the back yard to run and chase the balls and gets plenty of exercise without the walks. What can I do to help him be more comfortable on walks and i...
49% (26 out of 53)
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January 6, 2021

How do I learn more about socializing my puppy with other dogs? I don’t want him to have a bad experience.

I am now working through the Michael Ellis puppy development courses but I would like to know where I can learn more specifically on socialization with other dogs. We are taking our puppy out for walks and a lot of dogs on leashes seem aggressive. He is supposed to meet other dogs but I don’t trust them. Is there a course on how to safely introduce him to other dogs and how to deal with neighbors who want their dogs to say hi to my puppy? I want him to socialize with dogs but I also don’t...
100% (5 out of 5)
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January 4, 2021

I recently acquired a 10 month old dog that will go out for a romp or walk and then pees/poops in her kennel. She has plenty of chances to go outside but seems to think the crate or kennel is the place to go. How do I undo this?

I am rehabbing a 10 month old Mal. She is doing great but after we go for a serious romp in the forest and she returns to her kennel, she pees and poos in it. We are out many times per day so she has plenty of opportunity to potty in the right spot but she seems to think the kennel is THE spot. How do I undo this?
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January 3, 2021

Recommended Our family is waiting for our German Shepherd puppy to come to our home in March - What would you recommend as we start our preparation and plan our training for the dog in the next 12 months?

Hi Cindy, Our family is waiting for our German Shepherd puppy to come to our home in March. We are first time dog owner, and we are serious about properly training our dog. I am amazed by the amount of training material and courses you have made available on your website, but at the same time feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. What would you recommend as we start our preparation and plan our training for the dog in the next 12 months? Looking forward to hearing from you. ...
100% (13 out of 13)
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December 28, 2020

Is there a link with information explaining the best order to watch Michael Ellis videos?

Isn't there a video where Michael Ellis explains the best order for progressing a puppy/dog through his system? I can't seen to find it. Can you send me the link?
100% (4 out of 4)
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December 21, 2020

We’re using the expen with our 8 ½ week old German Shepherd under supervision and he has eliminated right in front of us without asking to go out. It it making him anxious or are we starting this too soon?

We just started putting our our 8 1/2 week GSD in the ex pen under supervision with toys and Kong to work on. Both times he eliminated (pee and poop one of the times) right on front of us and without asking to get out. We had taken him out to potty right before. Also we made the ex pen smaller by folding some of the slats, hoping to avoid this. Is it making him anxious, or is he too young or too small to expect potty success? Not sure why he would go in a fairly small place when he had just b...
100% (5 out of 5)
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