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February 3, 2023

I need a muzzle for my 6 month old puppy because she eats plastic bags when we let her run off leash. Which one do you recommend?

Hello Cindy, my 6-months old puppy eats plastic bags when she finds them in the (only) field she can run off-leash. She already swallowed one and we caught her trying on several more occasions. As an alternative to keeping her leashed at all times, since she does need to run some (GSP), the vet recommended a basket muzzle. Which one do you recommend that would prevent her from eating things? Thanks.
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February 2, 2023

How can I redirect a cattle dog puppy from biting pants legs?

Hi Cindy, I have a friend that does not live near me so I am unable to physically help her with her new cattle dog puppy. She is having a problem with him constantly tugging at her pant legs and healing her ankles. She has asked for help. I am a trainer where I live. I’m thinking of redirecting the tug desired to places in each room with an attached tug. Also, a slow feed treat ball for him to chase and to keep his brain occupied. I wanted to get your opinion on my ideas and tugs you...
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January 23, 2023

What do you suggest we tell our vet about us not wanting to spay our female?

Hello Cindy, Our vet explained earlier today that we should have Olga spayed to prevent the likelihood of her contracting uterine or breast cancer. Really? We made a reasoned decision two years ago, before Olga’s first birthday not to have her spayed. What specifically do you suggest we tell him on this serious matter regarding our Olga, her health, and her longevity? Note: This is the third vet we have gone to with Olga over disagreements with a specific conventional veterina...
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January 16, 2023

Help? My Intact Male Doberman is Reactive to His Own Reflection

Hi Cindy, I just got an 11-month-old intact male Doberman from Europe who has strong working drives but is also not very socialized. He arrived a few days ago here in the USA and I was warned that he was very dog aggressive, especially with other males. My big challenge is we have a fairly large house with at least 30 windows and 5 glass sliding doors on one side and when he sees his reflection in the mirror, he goes after it with fury. It could be day or night, even while driving in t...
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January 13, 2023

Our German Shepherd barks and lunges at the windows of our van she sees people, bikes or passing trucks. It makes car rides very challenging, how can we help her?

Hi Cindy, Would you please give me some advice? My 13-month GSD would bark like crazy and lunge at the windows from within our van ride at the passing by trucks, people standing at the crosswalk, people riding bikes! We popped her prong collar and told her “leave it” or “quiet” but she couldn’t stop as we saw her hair on her back standing up. It looks like she’s very panicky and scared. But when we took her out of the van and walked her, she’s totally fine with people, animals, ...
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December 27, 2022

How long does the teething process for puppies take and how can I monitor the situation?

In the puppy bite work class Michael tells us to stop playing tug when they start teething. Today my 17-week-old pup lost a very small baby tooth while we were playing. So, my plan is to stop all rag-and-tug play and work on tracking and obedience. My question is how long will this process be and how can I monitor the situation?
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December 23, 2022

My 18-month-old Golden Retriever lifts his leg and marks inside stores or homes we visit if other dogs have been there. He also does this while walking with no warning. How can I stop this? 

Hello. I have an intact male 18-month-old Golden Retriever. For a few months, I would take him on a long walk on a jogging trail using a 20 ft long line so he could run around and sniff and mark. NOW, I don't allow him on a 20ft line instead I only use a 6 ft line and I take him on "structured" walks and not free roaming walks. He marks inside a store if there were previous dog smells like a pet store. But he does not mark if I take him to dept stores or hobby stores where there are no dog sm...
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December 15, 2022

I need a muzzle for my 6-month-old puppy because she eats plastic bags when we let her run off-leash. Which one do you recommend? 

Hello Cindy, my 6-months old puppy eats plastic bags when she finds them in the (only) field she can run off-leash. She already swallowed one and we caught her trying on several more occasions. As an alternative to keeping her leashed at all times, since she does need to run some (GSP), the vet recommended a basket muzzle. Which one do you recommend that would prevent her from eating things? Thanks.
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December 8, 2022

My 13 year old dog doesn’t seem to want to play tug outdoors anymore, is it too much to expect an older dog to play tug?

I am returning to training an older pet dog that I had stopped training due to work and personal difficulties. He is 13 years old and does not seem to want to play tug outdoors anymore. He will occasionally bring me a tug toy if I leave it on the ground in our room but he built a lot of bad habits playing informal games of tug with my mother while I was away. Is it too much to expect of this older dog that he play tug with me? He acts like he has been beaten when I show him a tug toy but ...
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November 22, 2022

I have taken Michael’s course on playing tug but if I try to play outside of my backyard or garage he shows no interest. Could this be a genetic issue?

Hi Cindy, I have a question regarding tug play. I've taken Michael's course on tug play, but I am having trouble generalizing it as a reward. My dog plays reasonably well and is excited to play tug in the absence of distractions. But if I try and use it as a reward outside of my backyard/my garage(training area) then he shows zero willingness to engage. He will sort of half engage in my front yard, but he won't really bite with commitment... even if I tease him with it. He looks right by m...
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November 22, 2022

My 14 week old puppy is afraid to go for walks and just tries to run back inside, how can I help her get used to being outside? 

Hi there. My 14-week-old pitbull puppy is terrified of going for walks. She is super rambunctious inside, wanting to play and bark and run around with the other dogs, but once we try to go outside she slams on the brakes and tries to go back inside. We tried luring her with treats to help her move forward but she is just fixated on getting back in. How can I help her get used to being outside for play and walks?
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November 15, 2022

I’d like to teach scent detection to my dog for fun, which scent kit is best for us?

Good afternoon. I am about to purchase the Foundation of Sport Detection DVD/online course and am wondering what supporting target scent "kit" you recommend. I see there are CKC kits, AKC kits, UKC kits, NACSW kits et al available. Can you explain the key differences and why I might choose one over the other? I have a Belgian malinois/shepherd cross whom I would like to train for scent detection - at this point just for "fun" and mental stimulation ... for both of us. :)Thanks for any assista...
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November 8, 2022

At what age is it appropriate to start leash pressure training? 

At what age/stage is it appropriate to start leash pressure training?
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November 3, 2022

My puppy lost a baby tooth while we were playing tug so my plan is to stop tug play and focus on tracking and obedience. How long is the teething process and how do I know when it’s OK to resume tugging?

In the puppy bite work class Michael tells us to stop playing tug when they start teething. Today my pup lost a very small baby tooth while we were playing. So, my plan is to stop all rag-and-tug play and work on tracking and obedience. My question is, how long will this process be and how can I monitor the situation?
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October 10, 2022

My 4-month-old puppy is afraid to walk on leash away from our home. How can we build her confidence? 

We are trying to leash train our 4 mo. old miniature schnauzer. I have purchased and viewed your puppy video, which as been very helpful. Our dog really doesn't have a problem walking with the leash, but won't do it because she is afraid of unfamiliar territory beyond her home turf. How can we build her confidence so that she will walk with us?
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October 10, 2022

I’ve done many successfully artificial inseminations using your video. Do you have a video that covers how to use frozen semen? I’m having trouble finding a vet. 

I have done a lot of AI's using your video and have been successful, I'm thinking of having semen flown in from another state but am having trouble finding a vet that can thaw and AI. Do you have a video that instructs how to thaw the semen? I'm happy to AI, I know my dogs heat cycle and don't need all the tests, just knowledge of how to thaw correctly so I don't damage the sperm.
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October 10, 2022

My dog is doing well with all of our obedience at home but when I take him to the park to do everything he has learned it’s like pulling teeth with him. What can I do? 

I have a young  Terrier just over a year old. All the training I’ve done to this point he’s doing well with. When he’s training at home anyway. The training includes basic obedience, including long sit and down. And dumbbell retrieve. I get him out to the park to do everything he’s learned and it’s like pulling teeth with him. He’s just not into it. What can I do? Thank you in advance for your response.
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October 6, 2022

I want to prepare a raw diet for my GSD puppy but I’m not sure how to do it correctly, can you help? 

My gsd came to me on pedigree she is 17 wks now and I put her on hills large breed puppy food but I add cooked chicken, rice, veg, ground sirloin, bone broth etc 1/2 and 1/2 some days Ill add chicken hearts etc. point is I want her to eat raw but I dont know who to follow for nutrient/recipes. I want to prepare raw but not sure how to do it correctly. Thank you
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September 30, 2022

What size prong collar would I need for an adult Rottweiler? 

Pls suggest a pinch collar size for adult Rottweiler
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September 23, 2022

Recommended My female German Shepherd is blowing her coat, how long until it will grow back?

Hi Cindy, my 1st DDR sable GSD: She’s now 16 mo, is undergoing her 3rd heat and seems to be blowing her coat in stages. My earlier 3 working line shepherds were West German & all were b & t with stock coats. This little female has had a very thick undercoat. Now it’s all gone & the outer guard hairs are being shed. Please can you give me some idea of how the coat comes back … how long it takes? She currently looks like a coyote! Thanks so much as always!
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