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September 22, 2022

Can restrained recalls cause separation anxiety? 

Hello, I have a 7-month-old GSD that I'm going to start training the recall with, I'm wondering if certain methods like restrained recalls can cause issues with separation anxiety? My dog is very well behaved in her crate and doesn't have an fearfulness being restrained by others but, inside the house she will continuously whine if I leave, even if other people are with her. If we're at the park, front yard or other public areas and I calmly walk away she will act out as though we're preformi...
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September 15, 2022

I plan to do Schutzhund with my 13-week-old Malinois. I have been playing with a flirt pole and soft tugs. He will chase but doesn’t have a full grip and then let’s go. Do you have any suggestions? 

My Belgian Malinois puppy is 13 weeks old. I am planning to do Schutzhund with him. I have been playing with him with the flirt pole and soft tug toys to engage him. He will chase the rag but mostly grabs it with front teeth, not a full grip and then lets the toy go. He won't tug on it. And if he does catch it with a full bite he lets it slip out or he wants to lay on the ground and play with it instead of carrying the toy. What would be your suggestion to encourage him to bite with a full mo...
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September 8, 2022

I was told bully sticks are not a good option for puppies, what are your thoughts? 

Hi Cindy, What chews are good for a 3-month german shepherd? She loves bully sticks, but was told not a good option, what are your thoughts?
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September 1, 2022

Do spayed dogs lose their drive for schutzhund? 

Do spayed dogs lose their drive for Schutzhund or other protection sports? 
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August 25, 2022

I’m taking my German Shepherd for a 3-week board and train next week, he is strong and goes nuts when he sees another dog. I haven’t tried using a harness in the past, can you recommend one for him? 

I’m sending my 3 yr old GSD to training at a training facility next week for three weeks. I am told that they use e collars and prong collars which I have no problem w/. Just wondering since I have not tried a harness and I see you have quite an array. Maybe this question is premature but do you have a suggestion from your line of products? He’s super athletic and very strong and goes nuts when he sees another dog on walks. I feel much safer walking w/ him than by myself but to what end? ;)
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August 18, 2022

Is a micro prong the right choice for our 40-pound dog?

Hello, we have a very sweet but dog reactive beagle/basset mix. We are currently in training with a trainer who recommended using a prong to help with walks that were becoming stressful (lots of pulling and barking). I can't believe what a difference the prong makes! Our current prong is a bit large though (it is a Herm Sprenger with clip closure, stainless 1.5 inch width and approx 16.5 inches length). Can you please recommend a more appropriate-sized prong for our beagle/basset? It seems to...
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August 11, 2022

Do you have a DVD or reading for recommended dry foods for German Shepherds? I’d also like tips on raw food.

Do you have a DVD or other reading for some recommended dry foods for puppy to adult German Shepherds and whether to go with grains or grain-free? Also tips for raw foods for puppy to adult, thank you!
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August 4, 2022

How should I clean my 8-week-old puppy after she eats raw food? She gets it all over her body! 

Our 8wk old German shepherd puppy girl just came home from the breeder this afternoon. Question: What to use and how should I clean my 8-wk old puppy after eating raw? She ate well and then sat on it but had raw food all over her body. I'm worried about her being covered in salmonella, e-coli, etc as I have 2 seniors (my parents) who have a low immune system at home.
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July 28, 2022

What kind of whistle do you use for recalls? 

What is a good whistle for recall? For the French Ring?
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July 21, 2022

How should I speak around my puppy? I don’t want to dilute my obedience commands by using some of the cues or his name in conversation. How do you speak to a dog in order to preserve the meaning of commands? 

I need some advice about how I should speak around my 14-week-old Retriever. I am following training methods detailed in courses and videos purchased from your company. My question concerns carelessly using words associated with very important skills in everyday conversation with the puppy. Among them is the word COME. My puppy has learned a very good unrestrained recall. However, both myself and my wife find ourselves saying COME HERE to the puppy for a variety of reasons but not the officia...
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July 14, 2022

Our Border Collie is taking off after vehicles, is an e-collar the route to go? 

Our 3-year-old border collie, who's always high drive, has taken to lurching out after vehicles. It started with rattly trucks with trailers, and not its even noisy vehicles. He can be fully engaged and still reacts. It seems to be the sound and motion. Is an e-collar the route to go? He'll also take off if there is a bouncy ball e.g. basketball or tennis going on too? I don't see how we can engagement train him off this and it's life-threatening for him as he reacts and chases the moving veh...
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June 30, 2022

When feeding raw, how do you hand feed puppies for training? Kibble seems better for this situation. 

I understand the merits of hand-feeding puppies as much as possible to build value on me the handler. When feeding raw, what do you suggest as a means of doing this? I have tried using gloves but there is definitely huge advantages of using kibble in this situation as it’s so convenient. I’m sure you have come across this before and wondered what answer you guys have come to for this.
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June 23, 2022

I want to teach my dog some new behaviors. Do I use continuous rewards for teaching the new behaviors even though I’m at the random reward stage with other cues/behaviors? 

Hello Cindy, I have a year-old German Shepherd. I understand the Continuous, then Variable, then Random Reward System. I have been using the marker training with her. I am finally at the Random Reward System with the Basic Commands sit, down, heel, here, stay, wait, etc... But want to start teaching some new commands like Flip Spin into the heeling position. Do I start over with the continuous reward system with the new commands and keep the Random Reward System for the known command...
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June 17, 2022

Can I use an e-collar to teach the out while playing tug with my dog? 

Can I use an E-collar to teach the out while playing tug? What would be the side effects?
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June 9, 2022

Should I have two different commands for heeling? One command for head up focused heel and another command for casual sustained heeling/ informal loose leash walking? 

Cindy, IS it a good idea to have two different commands for dogs ....... Au Pied ! for heeling in a head up focused eyes position, and Heel for a more relaxed longer lasting heeling of the dog? Thanks.
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May 31, 2022

Our Lab is struggling with reactivity on leash. Can you recommend a DVD for this topic? 

Hi, We need guidance. Our lab is struggling with leash reactivity (due to frustration), and we are trying to set him up for more successful approaches/greetings with other dogs/people. Off-leash he is much better but those off-leash environments are few and far between where we live. Please recommend a DVD or academy that addresses this topic. Thanks.
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May 26, 2022

My 4 ½ month-old Malinois puppy is confident and obedient but he’s afraid of car rides, do you have any tips or advice? 

Hello Cindy! We have a very confident and obedient 4 1/2 month-old Mal puppy that impresses us every day with his progress. Except his fear of car rides. He is willing to follow me anywhere until I open the car door. He slams on the brakes and tries to back up immediately. He has his own crate in the back of my car that he rides in but he will never approach it willingly. Lately, he has been riding up front in the passenger seat which he doesn't resist as much. When he is in the car he is si...
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May 16, 2022

My dog and I walk with a group of people & dogs, all leashed. One of the dogs is extremely reactive and lunges at my dog. How should I handle that?

Hi, my male gsd & I walk with a group of 6-8 people & dogs, all leashed. We agree the dogs will not interact but will walk calmly in new environments. 1 of the dogs is extremely reactive and frequently lunges at my dog & vocalizes threateningly. I try to keep as much space as possible. How should I handle that? Thanks!
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May 12, 2022

Recommended Do you have any videos about training terriers? My terrier puppy has an aversion to his harness and leash

Hi Cindy, are there any videos about training pet terriers?
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May 10, 2022

I’m in a wheelchair and can’t use my arms or legs so I spit treats to my dog and he catches them. If he misses one, he checks out. I’d like to make the reward event more meaningful, do you have any ideas? 

I’m training a German Shepherd. I am a quadriplegic in a wheelchair. I can’t use my arms or legs but I do have a power wheelchair so I can move a little bit. I can’t run from the dog and feed him with my hand. What I do is spit treats to him. It makes for a great eye Contact but after I give him the first treat, he checks out until I call him back for another command. If I spit a treat at him and he catches it then I can give him another one and he doesn’t check out. But once we miss ...
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