Recommended Q&As

October 9, 2012

Recommended Can a dog get a blockage from raw chicken legs?

Can a dog get a blockage from raw legs? Someone I know has fed raw for years and her 10 year old male just got sick and died. Vet said it was a bowel blockage? I started feeding this way and now am concerned.
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October 4, 2012

Recommended Our mixed breed 7 month old dog attacks our coats and shoes when we are out in the yard. He lunges and won’t let go. Please help us.

Please help me! My husband and I have consulted our trainer who has suggested things that just don't work and I have yet to find an answer that really relates to our problem. We have a 7 month old Boxer mix (we think--we adopted him from a shelter at 2 months). He is such a good dog! He has been in obedience classes since he was about 4 months old and does amazing everywhere but in our backyard. Even then the only issue (but a big issue) is that he will attack our coats and shoes when we are ...
93% (14 out of 15)
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October 3, 2012

Recommended My dog is aggressive towards other dogs while at agility class and while walking around the neighborhood. She is never aggressive at obedience & conformation dog shows. What would you recommend?

Hello Cindy, We have a 1 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd who is aggressive when on leash with other dogs in a classroom situation and walking around our neighborhood. She does not show any aggression while on leash walking around at dog shows which deal with conformation and obedience. We have her in an agility class where all the dogs are crated and one dog works at a time on the course. When it is her turn she has recently taken off and runs over to where the other dogs are crated and b...
90% (27 out of 30)
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September 27, 2012

Recommended We have chosen not to get our female spayed. How do you handle a female in heat?

Hi, Can you point me to any articles or eBooks, or give me some advice on how to handle a young female in heat. This is her third heat and we've handled it so far, but we just got turned on to your videos and methods and philosophies and we would like to learn how to handle this right. We have chosen not to have her spayed, as we plan on getting one litter out of her, probably this time next year, when she'll be two and a half years old. Thank you for your time, and thank you for the gr...
88% (14 out of 16)
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September 25, 2012

Recommended Is the "Finishing Work" video used after training all behaviors, ie: basic obedience, heeling, retrieve, send away, etc. Or is it used after training each behavior?

Cindy, Need a quick answer if possible. Is the "Finishing Work" video used after training all behaviors, ie: basic obedience, heeling, retrieve, send away, etc. Or is it used after training each behavior? Thanks, Bob
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September 21, 2012

Recommended I have a 5 month old 2 ½ pound Yorkie. He’s been barking and he won’t stay away from the cat food. Can you recommend an ecollar for him?

Cindy, I have a 5-month-old 2-1/2 lb male Yorkshire Terrier. I attended a local puppy kindergarten 8-week session for obedience training, and am planning on attending additional obedience training sessions with him. Everything with that is going fairly well, but after spending the last 2 months with my puppy, there are a few behaviors he refuses to listen to me concerning, namely barking and staying away from the cat food. I have been very consistent with him in teaching him "no" and even...
100% (8 out of 8)
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September 19, 2012

Recommended My dog recently had surgery and I need to keep her calm until she’s recovered. What can you suggest to keep her energy level down during the healing process?

Hey Cindy, You were very helpful with me previously in the past with my boxers aggression issue. She just had 2 mass cell tumors removed that were cancer. She now has 20 staples in her back as well as stitches above her rear leg. She loves to play as all dogs do. We have historically played with her in the morning, afternoon and night. The stitches and staples will not be removed for another 2 weeks. The vet said to keep her calm, no jumping etc. Any advise on how to keep a dogs energy lev...
75% (3 out of 4)
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September 14, 2012

Recommended I have been working on the retrieve and the send away and now when I throw the dumbbell, my female runs out and touches it (like the send away) and wants to come back for her tug reward without the dumbbell. Any input would be appreciated.

Hi Cindy, I have several Michael Ellis DVDs purchased from Leerburg and really enjoy them. My problem is I have been working on the retrieve and send away (Michael Ellis way)?but recently, when I tell my female to "bring" the dumbell, she thinks all she has to do is go out and touch it (like in the send away) and come back for a tug reward. She was doing good until now. I think I will quit working the send away until she gets the retrieve down better but I am looking for help to solve ...
100% (18 out of 18)
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September 13, 2012

Recommended We have a rescue dog that becomes very anxious & fearful when we are going to put her in a crate, do you have any suggestions?

Hello, My wife and I bought and have watched the basic obedience video, on recommendation from a previous trainer, and absolutely love it. We noticed a number of little problems with our own behavior and have since begun implementing the techniques. I was hoping I could get a little advice on the place command. We have a rescue dog (4 or 5) which we have been crating since she came home. She has always shown strong anxiety while in the crate. She tore her way out of one, and will not...
100% (17 out of 17)
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September 7, 2012

Recommended My one year old female had 12 puppies, 1 was stillborn & 2 more have died. How many puppies usually survive in a litter of this size with a first time mom?

I have a 1 year old female black mouth cur who had 12 pups on 02/20/12, 1 was still born and 2 more have since died. Can you tell me how many normally survive in a litter this large with a first time mom?'
100% (5 out of 5)
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September 4, 2012

Recommended My female was spayed 3 days ago while she was in heat. She also had a hernia repaired and a rabies vaccination at the same time. Is it normal for her chest & stomach to be swollen?

My dog got spayed about 3 days ago. While she was being spayed, the vet said that she was in heat and had to get her hernia repaired. She also got her rabies vaccination. Is it normal for her stomach and chest to be swollen up?
100% (7 out of 7)
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August 31, 2012

Recommended How do you introduce a puppy to a flock of chickens?

Cindy, I have a client who just purchased a super nice male pup from us. They have 25-30 chickens and want to introduce him to the chickens... What would you suggest as the best way to do this? Thanks in advance.
100% (7 out of 7)
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August 17, 2012

Recommended What if you protect yourself from a charging dog and the owner accuses you of animal cruelty?

I am referring to Ed's article, What Would I do if Attacked by a Dog? After you pepper-spray a threatening, loose dog from charging at you and your dog, what if its owner denies his dog was unleashed and accuses you of animal cruelty?
100% (7 out of 7)
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August 15, 2012

Recommended Our female has been fed a raw diet since she was 6 months old with no problems. She is in the early stages of a planned pregnancy and the only vet I have access to advises I should stop raw feeding and switch her to Science Diet puppy food. I don't want to do that, can you help?

Cindy, We have a Standard Poodle who is in the early stages of her first pregnancy. She has been on a raw food diet since she was 6 months old with no problems. We started her on the raw diet because she was having skin issues and goopy, runny eyes and the diet just makes sense. Her skin and eye issues have disappeared and she seems to be very healthy and happy. We live in a very small town so my Vet options are limited. I was told a Vet in town was familiar with the raw diet, but what...
97% (62 out of 64)
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August 9, 2012

Recommended Can you tell me how you set up your training sessions?

Cindy, Can you tell me how you set up your training sessions? For example, do you work on only one exercise at a time? Do you go over learned behaviors and then teach new behaviors? As a trainer, I do the familiar exercises, then the new stuff, then go back to an exercise the dog does really well, so we can end on a positive note. How do you set up your sessions? How long do they run? How many minutes do your sessions run? How frequently? 7 days a week? 5? 3? Thank you for your input.
72% (18 out of 25)
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August 3, 2012

Recommended Are Parvaid or Vibactra Plus only good for sick animals or can I use them as a prevention for pups going to homes and being exposed to all sorts of viruses and potential stress?

Cindy, We have a litter of 14 black and tan bloodhounds that were supplemented with Ed's amazing formula. They look fantastic at 3 weeks old. All sizes of pups are consistent, coats shiny like minks, and puppies are very healthy and content. We ordered Ed's DVD Whelping Puppies and educated ourselves on his excellent level of expert knowledge on newborns. We did not lose one pup. We are extremely grateful for Ed taking his time to put a DVD together with so much amazing information. ...
100% (2 out of 2)
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August 3, 2012

Recommended We have a 4 month old puppy that displays uncontrollable aggression to other dogs. We socialize him at pet stores, horse shows and with kids at every opportunity. I'm concerned because he's going to outweigh me when he's mature and he has already lunged at my friends dog and his teeth nicked me in the thigh when I got in the way.

Hi Cindy, We have a 4-month-old Caucasian Shepherd puppy and he displays uncontrollable dog aggression to unfamiliar dogs. I have read that this breed of dog is very independent and does not have the best recall. Having owned a protection-trained Malinois and a German Shepherd, I am amazed at how intense this puppy can be. He lives with an 8-year-old male German Shepard and a 10-year-old female Border Collie. They all get along although his "puppy play" can be rough. We socialize him at...
90% (18 out of 20)
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July 31, 2012

Recommended My 6 year old dog has a growing issue with barking, can you give me some direction?

Hi Cindy, I have a high energy 6 year old female GS. She?s gone through basic obedience but seems to have a growing issue with barking. My house backs up to a park and she often hears other dogs etc, which spurs the barking. I have heard the best way to control barking is to teach the dog ?when to bark? thus I would assume this works in reverse? If this is the case, can you give me some direction on how to control her barking when told?
87% (27 out of 31)
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July 27, 2012

Recommended My 10 week old puppy has coccidia and is being treated for it. His appetite is OK but he's not interested in treats, should I hold off on training with food right now?

I just got a male 10 week old GSD puppy 3 days ago. He has coccidia and I have started him on the medication the vet recommended. His appetite is decent not voracious. He is lively and healthy. However, I wonder if I should hold off beginning high value rewards for marker training until he finishes the medication? At the moment Zuke's small cookies do not interest him enough.
100% (1 out of 1)
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July 24, 2012

Recommended My rescue dog runs agility for me very well, everywhere EXCEPT for the training center where I train. She will play with me and heel but she won’t do obstacles. She's very sensitive and will act like she's crushed if I use a negative marker. Any advice would be appreciated.

First, let me say all of your videos/articles on engagement have made my life much easier, but I've run into something where I'm stumped, as is everyone at the dog school where I take agility. My 2-year-old Pit runs great for me at home and everywhere, except our dog school, where she will run for everyone but me. When I walk in the main agility ring with her, she stops and looks like I'm about to beat her. I can do my engagement exercises with her and get her engaged and playing with me,...
100% (5 out of 5)
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