Recommended Q&As

March 15, 2013

Recommended Your newsletter videos don't play well for me, but one of your recent ones did. Is there any way your videos could be done in a YouTube format?

Hi Cindy, Your newsletters are always very informative and helpful. However, I have been unable to play your videos without constant stopping and stuttering until you sent out this video which played perfectly on my computer. I can always play YouTube videos without a problem and other videos sent to me. 1. Could you please send out videos that play like the 'A Good Explanation of IPO'? 2. Could your newsletter video clips be in a YouTube type format? We live in the country in Ontar...
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 13, 2013

Recommended My 14 month old Rottweiler has become obsessed with her crate over the last 2 weeks. I'm considering removing her crate from the house, do you have any ideas?

Hi Cindy, I have a 14 month intact female Rottweiler. She was crate trained, and was relatively neutral in terms of her love of the crate. Suddenly in the last 2 weeks she is obsessed with the crate. There is no food or treat in the crate, and with the bedding removed her behavior is identical. She will spend more than half of the day inside the crate with the door open. She often runs back into it when she is out, with intensity. When she is taken outside her energy is great. Her appetit...
87% (26 out of 30)
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March 7, 2013

Recommended My 10 month old puppy is on a raw diet and kibble but he has a lot of gas and seems constipated. Do you have any ideas?

I have a 10 month old Greyhound puppy who is on a raw diet much to the chagrin of my vet. I have two questions, he has a very hard time having a bowel movement and is very gassy. He gate chicken backs, veggies and some fruit, I also give him flak seed oil as his skin is quite dry. I have been giving him about 2 cups of kibble and has helped with the constipation but I am wondering if that is why he is so gassy. Thank you in advance
100% (11 out of 11)
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March 5, 2013

Recommended Is it a bad idea to teach my 17 week old puppy to play tug or do some Schutzhund protection if I don't plan on working with a helper?

Hello, First, my wife and I wanted to thank you for providing us the information in Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months DVD and Obedience training DVD for setting us up with a wonderfully trained dog for life. The training has been fun and rewarding, so rewarding we are debating on doing more. We have a high drive doberman that just turned 17 weeks old yesterday. I have been interested in protection work and Schutzhund competition but we don't have any good trainers locally. Also, I am not su...
100% (13 out of 13)
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February 28, 2013

Recommended Our 15 pound peekapoo just killed our 4 pound poodle. Do I need to put the peekapoo down?

We have two dogs that have had issues for a long time. I understand the dominance issues from your article but at this point training won't cure. Our 4lb poodle female was killed by our 15lb peekapoo female. What do I now do about the dog that is living and what kind of future issues do I need to be worried about? It was a distinct relationship that these two dogs had but the peekapoo has nipped at people. I understand the dog that died may very well have caused the problem but do I nee...
79% (72 out of 91)
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February 27, 2013

Recommended I've had several people tell me that my 9 week old lab is too young to go for walks. Do you agree?

I have a 9 week old black lab male. I've had him for about 17 days. He's being crate trained and has been doing great. I've had several people tell me he's far too young to take out for walks, and that I should wait until he's at least 12 weeks old. And even then, no more than 15 minutes at a time. Do you agree with this?
77% (53 out of 69)
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February 22, 2013

Recommended Can you give me some tips on how to get my dog to lay down faster?

Hi, Can you give me some advice on how to get a faster 'down'? When I ask my dog to down, he is willing but always goes down really slowly. Do you have any tips to make it a bit snappier? He is a 16 month old Malinois with low/medium drive for the breed. Thanks
92% (11 out of 12)
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February 19, 2013

Recommended When our Rottweiler gets excited if we try to correct him he becomes aggressive, is there a way to prevent him from escalating to aggression?

Hello! I'm new to your Facebook but love it! We have always had dogs and rescued many as well (of course they end up staying with us for the rest of their lives). We've rescued aggressive dogs scheduled for euthanasia however I am now faced with a tricky one that I'm not sure how to correct. Jack is a 1.5 year old rottweiler that was abandoned as a puppy. He is our 5th rottie, therefore we do have some experience with the breed (my favorite). He is the most loving boy however he challen...
100% (46 out of 46)
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February 15, 2013

Recommended Our 11 month old dog is very disobedient, he jumps on us, steals food from the counters and barks all the time. I feel like I need to start over with his training, is this possible?

I have an 11 month old Standard Poodle. We originally got the dog for our 16 year old daughter. As many kids do, she promised to care for and train the dog. We attended a 12 week training course. None of us has been consistent with the training. Other than sitting, downing and waiting he is very disobedient. I.e. barking all the time while outside, jumping up on the counters to steal food, jumping up on us, etc. etc. I feel like I need to take control of this and be the primary trainer. Pleas...
88% (35 out of 40)
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February 13, 2013

Recommended Is the Educator ET300 appropriate for a Dutch Shepherd and a Malinois?

I have a Dutch Shepherd and a Malinois that I train for usar and ring sport. Is the Educator ET300 appropriate for them? The picture of the bichon and the '5 lb and up' makes me a bit nervous that this model may not be the right choice. Can it be effectively used on large dogs? Thank you.
70% (229 out of 325)
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February 8, 2013

Recommended What sleeve would you recommend for a 6 month old Malinois?

Hi, I have a question about which sleeve to order from the Leerburg site. My dog is a 6 month old female Malinois. She is done teething, all adult teeth in. She loves to tug, but I don't think she has a particularly hard bite for a Mal. Which sleeve would you recomend to use for her? Thanks
100% (5 out of 5)
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February 6, 2013

Recommended I have a 17 and a half week old German Shepherd pup. What supplements would you recommend I need to purchase to add to his raw diet?

Hello Ed & Cindy, I have a now 17 and a half week old German Shepherd pup (from working lines) & wish to ask you guys exactly what supplements you would please recommend I need to purchase to add to his raw diet? Many thanks
100% (4 out of 4)
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February 1, 2013

Recommended Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker training) a treat at an odd time without saying YES? In other words, Does she have to hear the word YES come out of my mouth before she receives a treat?

Hi Cindy, I'm training my 12 week old F Malinois using marker training and it's working great. I've purchased the bait bag from you that I have clipped on at all times. I'm doing a ton of engagement with her (eye contact) and she's focusing on me for up to 5 seconds before I say "YES," pause, and reward her with food (hotdogs) or a toy reward. I haven't began incorporating any commands, but that's just around the corner. My question is: Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker traini...
100% (27 out of 27)
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January 31, 2013

Recommended Our 2 year old dog takes items and won't give them back. He brings the item near us and then we can't move because if we do he will become aggressive. Is there anything you can suggest that may help us?

We have a Shorthaired German Pointer, he is 2 years old and we are having a problem when the dog takes something that doesn't belong to him. He generally comes near us or close to us with the object he would have taken and we won't be able to move from there because he tends to get aggressive. We think it could be because he thinks we are going to take the object back from him. Even with other things that he takes, he refuses to give them back. Is there anything you can suggest to help us dea...
87% (41 out of 47)
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January 24, 2013

Recommended Which videos should I order to begin training with my puppy? Also, in regards to training with food and the e-collar, do you do one or the other or can you combine the two?

Hello Cindy, My name is Mark, I have a wife and two girls (9 and 14) and I want to purchase another German Shepherd towards the end of 2013. My last Shepherd was killed some 12 years ago and it was hard to recover from that but it is now time to get a son back in my life. My last Shepherd had some basic command obedience schooling but now I want more training and protection skills for my future boy now that I have a new wife and step children. I want them to understand the rules and role o...
100% (2 out of 2)
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January 22, 2013

Recommended My 13 week old puppy rings a bell to go outside but sometimes he goes to the bathroom in the house. I don't understand why sometimes he rings the bell but not always. When should I expect him to be housebroken?

I have a 13 week puppy, mom was a golden doodle, dad was husky. He sleeps in a crate all night and has been better about being able to hold it from 10pm-7am, sometimes will bark between 2-4 to poop. I put him in his crate a couple of times a day just so he knows it's not a bad place to be. From the beginning we taught him to ring the bell to go out. Sometimes, like tonight he will ring the bell, I take him out, he goes poop. Sometimes he will poop or pee right in front of me, I yell "No! not ...
88% (7 out of 8)
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January 18, 2013

Recommended I'm thinking about a prong collar but I've seen from your videos that they can come apart? What type would you recommend and how would I use it so it doesn't come apart? Why don't you recommend quick release prong collars?

Hi Cindy! Hope all is well. You've given great advice to me in the past regarding raw diet and such, amongst other things, which made a huge difference in my dogs lives. I'm very grateful, thanks for that. So now I have another question, & figured, there would be no other person best to ask but Cindy. It's regarding the prong collars. I don't have sound on my computer so it's hard for me to watch the videos. I have tried everything in existence to stop my dog from pulling on the leash. There ...
100% (14 out of 14)
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January 10, 2013

Recommended Do you have any info on teaching a dog to respect the road and avoid cars?

Hi Ed and Cindy, Do you have any articles or other info on teaching dog to respect road/cars or to avoid cars? As a child, my family lost 2 dogs to road and one other injured. Thanks
100% (17 out of 17)
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January 7, 2013

Recommended My 13 month old GSD has excellent obedience as long as distractions are at a distance. Lately she's been jumping up on people and becoming more aggressive when meeting strange dogs & people. I'm starting 'Level 1' protection work with a trainer, is this a good idea? Do you have any suggestions for me about the jumping and increasing defensiveness?

Hi Ed and Cindy, My question(s) revolve around my 13 month old intact 70 pound GSD (West German) female. Her lineage on both sides for generations is Sch3, including a few World Sieger relatives. She is beautiful dog, very attached to me, and has an EXTREMELY high prey drive. Thank God I work from home and can exercise her vigorously 2-3 times/day utilizing her favorite activity -- fetching a ball. My problem is her distractibility and jumping up with greeting people... lately she is becom...
84% (26 out of 31)
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January 7, 2013

Recommended My dog has a bad hip, can I still play tug with him? Is playing tug hard on the joints?

Cindy, I'm interested in purchasing The Power of Playing Tug to help grow my training with my cattle dog. However, he is 7 years old, had been in an accident with his previous owner, and has a somewhat bad hip. I was wondering if playing tug is hard on the joints? Thank you! Ellen
100% (7 out of 7)
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